The nature of God


I'll join your cult after I join the Ancient Order of Procrastinators, which I intend to do just as soon as they get around to organising it.

Thanks Tiassa and Tony! You've both provided hilarious depictions of God.

I think I'm going to have to apply for tax exempt status here.

Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?

Good question. Why do people believe in God?

Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.

Oh cool!

Job 5:17-18, KJV:
Behold, happy is the man whom God correcteth: therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty. For he maketh sore, and bindeth up: he woundeth, and his hands make whole.

That'd be the subject of a different cult, though.

Really, we should have a "Sciforums create-a-cult construction kit".

*Xev remembers that there's already a create-a-cult kit around:


Actually, man created God in Alex Trebek's image.
Aha! Finally I have a sense of direction regarding The Big Story! Thanks, Xev!
The Nature of God is to punish me for things ive never done before! If God loves me so much then why is he going to send me to hell for all eternity?

Heres how I see it in my mind:

God: Ah good to see you. Let's start your trial.

Me: Uh okay, is it going to be a fair trial with a jury and everything?

God: Nope Im judge and jury. And since Im all knowing I already know that your not going to get into heaven, youve wasted your life trying to please me. Ahhahahahaha. Go to hell.

Job 5:17-18, KJV:
Behold, happy is the man whom God correcteth: therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty. For he maketh sore, and bindeth up: he woundeth, and his hands make whole.

Job is considered the most corrupt literature in the Bible, well just to let people know. Just as many other literatures in the Bible that consist of many authors.

People who take the Bible seriously, I believe, are only seeing God through other's interpretations.

Me: Uh okay, is it going to be a fair trial with a jury and everything?

What is fair? A jury and a trial is our "human" justice system of fair. Some may say we can't even relate it God with our human thoughts. But still, there is no heaven, there is no hell as I see it.
Gods Canadian!? So thats why the worlds so messed up!:D

What is fair? A jury and a trial is our "human" justice system of fair. Some may say we can't even relate it God with our human thoughts. But still, there is no heaven, there is no hell as I see it

Fair would be to let me know that Im going to get a fair trial to get into heaven. Heaven better have alcohol in it to.
Re: Replies...

Originally posted by Ekimklaw
You wrote: "I find God's judgment lacking in this case." and "God winds up being responsible for evil.", etc.

So, you're not an atheist then?

For me, considerations of God are hypothetical… so no. I would have thought you'd realize this. Even if God existed, since no one can "know" everything about God, pretty much all considerations of God would be hypothetical.

Technically, I have not been able to find a label that fits my beliefs well. In some aspects I am an atheist, an agnostic, and a pantheist. I find that the weak atheist position comes closest, however, because no matter how I cut it I cannot find a convincing argument towards God as a cognitive being. The label of atheist usually gives others the quickest and clearest understanding of my thoughts on the matter.

Just a little clarification

Proverbs 3
... do not despise the LORD's discipline
and do not resent his rebuke,
12 because the LORD disciplines those he loves,
as a father the son he delights in.

1 Corinthians 1
25For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength.
26Brothers, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. 27But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. 28He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things--and the things that are not--to nullify the things that are, 29so that no one may boast before him.

Even if God existed, since no one can "know" everything about God, pretty much all considerations of God would be hypothetical.

Since no one can know everything about you, does that make any knowledge of you hypothetical? And for that matter, how well do you know yourself?
*Originally posted by Xev
Good question. Why do people believe in God?

You're the one imagining a vain thing.
You appear to be planning a career in the psycho realm, and you think we're funny?

*Originally posted by CounslerCoffee
If God loves me so much then why is he going to send me to hell for all eternity?

He isn't going to do that.
You'll be ashes.

And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts.
(Malachi 4:3, KJV).

The "burning" in hell for all eternity was made up by the Catholics.

*Me: NOOOOOOO!!!!!*

Have you thought of checking out a good lawyer?
The best is named Jesus.
Have you thought of checking out a good lawyer?
The best is named Jesus.

Don't know whether or not you realize this but a lawyer is a blood sucking, no good, lying weasel. So I guess this makes perfect sense. Jesus is a liar and a weasel.

Okay let me rephrase my question: If God loves me so much then why is he going to turn me into ashes for all eternity? That's sadistic if you ask me.
You're the one imagining a vain thing.

No. I'm NOT imagining God.


Okay let me rephrase my question: If God loves me so much then why is he going to turn me into ashes for all eternity? That's sadistic if you ask me.

And step on you! Wow! You'd think an omnipotent, omniscient, all-powerful Being would have better things to do than stomp all over people and torture them!
And step on you! Wow! You'd think an omnipotent, omniscient, all-powerful Being would have better things to do than stomp all over people and torture them

And dont forget how much god loves me. And I thought satan was a bad guy.

P.S. Dont forget kids, when it rains thats God pissing on you.
P.S. Dont forget kids, when it rains thats God pissing on you.

2 Kings 18:27
But Rabshakeh said unto them, Hath my master sent me to thy master, and to thee, to speak these words? hath he not sent me to the men which sit on the wall, that they may eat their own dung, and drink their own piss with you?

More wholesomeness in the Bible!
See atheist read the bible to.

Samuel 24:6
So the Lord sent a plague upon Israel from the morning till the appointed tme. From Dan to Beersheba seventy thousand men of the people died.

God just loves to kill.

P.S. That is a direct quotation, go check if you dont believe me.
See atheist read the bible to.

Of course! It's delightfully perverse!

Luke 12:47
And that slave, which knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall
be beaten with many stripes.

*Xev giggles happily*