The motherload of woo.

Einstein's brain was dissected, and what they found was a huge area of 3D spacial awareness.
Oh dear, you're talking bollocks again. Link please.
And explain this:
Pincho Paxton said:
Einstein had the lesser 3D spacial awareness, but the higher maths capacity.

Einstein was a genius of imagination. So science does not suffer from a capacity to imagine.
No, but you apparently suffer from an inability to read.
One more time:
Dywyddyr said:
It's not science if all you do is imagine.

people like you, who have no capacity to imagine, and just parrot fashion what they hear.
Stupid, and false, assumption.

Einstein today would be taking my route
Also wrong. Einstein backed his imagination up. With evidence and mathematics.

He did manage to hide the Aether in his theory well enough to fool a lot of you though. He just renamed it space time.
And wrong again.
You don't know how to understand. It's as simple as that. Before you can understand something, you need to know how. You are an errand boy who somehow (possibly father) got into a scientific world. This went to your head, and now you feel that you can correct a genius. No you can't. You can feed my cat if you want. I'll trust you with the metal dishes, just keep away from the china plates.

And whatever that second quote is.. because you can't even link very well, I just wrote it back to front. It doesn't take much intelligence to realise that.. maybe a frog spawn could help you figure it out.
You don't know how to understand. It's as simple as that. Before you can understand something, you need to know how. You are an errand boy who somehow (possibly father) got into a scientific world. This went to your head, and now you feel that you can correct a genius. No you can't. You can feed my cat if you want. I'll trust you with the metal dishes, just keep away from the china plates.

Dyw is an engineer I think . An inventor non the less . That fast track walk way at the airport ? I think that was one of Dyw inventions . Anyway Dyw is very brilliant . Likes to point out fallacy too . Most people have to go back and re read Dyw posts before they get it. Typically it is the other persons pride that makes them feel the way you do about Dyw . I seen it time and time again . I seen many people eat black chickens too
Dyw is an engineer I think . An inventor non the less . That fast track walk way at the airport ? I think that was one of Dyw inventions . Anyway Dyw is very brilliant . Likes to point out fallacy too . Most people have to go back and re read Dyw posts before they get it. Typically it is the other persons pride that makes them feel the way you do about Dyw . I seen it time and time again . I seen many people eat black chickens too

So he's lazy too. No wonder he spends all his time wasting his life on here.
@Pincho --

This went to your head, and now you feel that you can correct a genius. No you can't. You can feed my cat if you want. I'll trust you with the metal dishes, just keep away from the china plates.

Insults. Really? Is that the best you can do Pincho? You do realize that insults are the last resort of the weak mind right?
@Pincho --

Insults. Really? Is that the best you can do Pincho? You do realize that insults are the last resort of the weak mind right?

That was a compliment. I figured that he was capable of feeding my cat. That means he is capable of movement, and a bit of logical box, and wrapper opening. A compliment for a parrot who just repeats what science says. The Big Band was proposed about 1927, and Einstein didn't like it at first. Proposed by a professor of physics.. not so bad, and mathematician.... and this is the problem. The reason that Einstein was against it was because he didn't think that the Universe was expanding, and this creates a situation for science to grab hold of. if the Universe is expanding... we can adopt the Big Bang... nooooooooooo. That is a fork road, and there are alternatives. You expand the universe locally... per Galaxy. You don't rewind the Universe back to a single point, you rewind maths back to a single formula, and you rewind evolution back to a simple physics. Then you drag all of the mathematicians into a room, and put all of the designers into another room, and keep them apart. It would be amazing to see what Einstein could have become without maths. just passing his ideas into another room.
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You don't know how to understand.

Before you can understand something, you need to know how.
But you do neither.

You are an errand boy who somehow (possibly father) got into a scientific world.

and now you feel that you can correct a genius.
Also wrong. Specifically: you aren't a genius. Far from it.

And whatever that second quote is.. because you can't even link very well, I just wrote it back to front. It doesn't take much intelligence to realise that.. maybe a frog spawn could help you figure it out.
The link works.
And I'm still waiting for a link to support your assertion.

This is your main problem:

But you do neither.


Also wrong. Specifically: you aren't a genius. Far from it.

The link works.
And I'm still waiting for a link to support your assertion.

This is your main problem:

It's not a problem, even the comic strip shows that maths, and physics don't work together. Look at the actual physics in the comic, a parrot fashioned portrayal of comic characters, and a poor joke. It proves my point.

But you do neither.


Also wrong. Specifically: you aren't a genius. Far from it.

The link works.
And I'm still waiting for a link to support your assertion.

This is your main problem:

It's not a problem, even the comic strip shows that maths, and physics don't work together. Look at the actual physics in the comic, a parrot fashioned portrayal of comic characters, little tiny hands, little tiny ears, a tie that breaks the law of gravity, stupid looking little heads, and a poor joke. It proves my point.
It's not a problem, even the comic strip shows that maths, and physics don't work together.
Another ridiculously false claim.

Look at the actual physics in the comic, a parrot fashioned portrayal of comic characters, little tiny hands, little tiny ears, a tie that breaks the law of gravity, stupid looking little heads, and a poor joke. It proves my point.
Nope, but your comments highlight the disjoint between you and reality.
Another ridiculously false claim.

Nope, but your comments highlight the disjoint between you and reality.

I told you.. wrong doesn't work. Try to skip the part of your brain that leads to wrong. It has had too much air time. Sometimes you sit talking to people who's wiring just leads to wrong all of the time, it isn't very functional.
What is woo?

do you think the big bang created space or was there space that the big bang filled ? How could there not be something beyond the big bang ? Nothingness is so hard to imagine . I can see why the zero is a relatively new invention. It is easy to imagine when you don't have something like an apple , but a complete lack of anything at all anywhere is terribly hard to imagine . You got anything on that ? I know google is my friend . I was hoping by know you might be a little friendly . Have a drink of Me maple water . It is a little sugary.

I bet the aliens are trying to find the very thing that would be able to couple with any matter. :p

I agree there is most likely a world that holds the body our universe consists of.
Wait. Did Pincho really just say that math and physics don't work together?!?

Pincho, what drugs are you on and where can I get some? Physics is applied mathematics, how does that mean that physics and math don't work together?
Wait. Did Pincho really just say that math and physics don't work together?!?

Pincho, what drugs are you on and where can I get some? Physics is applied mathematics, how does that mean that physics and math don't work together?

Physics is the study of nature, and movement. I mean, c'mon it's in the title.