The motherload of woo.

Why would there be a barrier between 2 universes ?
There isn't a barrier. They exist separately. Think of "different dimensions" (in the science-fiction sense).

What would the expansion push the other universe out of the way ?
They can't contact each other. In any way, so there's no question of "pushing".
There isn't a barrier. They exist separately. Think of "different dimensions" (in the science-fiction sense).

They can't contact each other. In any way, so there's no question of "pushing".

Here comes the woooooo

Keep going, this thread could be funny, and linked to.
There isn't a barrier. They exist separately. Think of "different dimensions" (in the science-fiction sense).

They can't contact each other. In any way, so there's no question of "pushing".

yeah don't explain the emptiness of nothing beyond the big bang . Different dimensions like scifi I can imagine . I watch and read scifi so the image has been put in my imagination pretty good . Good woo woo . Love it !! Woo is entertaining for me . Liked the link too . The crank link . Beyond our expanding space in time . I can't grasp emptiness or nothingness . I can imagine stepped up bases to account for muliti universe . That I can imagine . I can imagine adjacent universes like our own that make up the stepped up bases . Like countries are to the world , or atoms are to matter
There isn't a barrier. They exist separately. Think of "different dimensions" (in the science-fiction sense).

They can't contact each other. In any way, so there's no question of "pushing".

When thinking of science it helps to think of science fiction.. :rolleyes:

Yes, you are certainly not posting woo. :D
And a failure to grasp the picture.

Wrong again.

Lots of people on this site just say wrong. You really like the easy route. The other Universe for your information are beyond the boundaries of this universe, not inside it. That would be like trying to put infinite streams down an optic cable, and then being able to move through it at the same time, and not even register any energy from it. About time you noticed the bubbles out there pushing apart.. pushing apart... not sci-fi. I can push a ball in real life.. not sci-fi. Galaxies push apart.. not sci-fi, and Galaxies have bubbles around them... not sci-fi.

I can't imagine your sci-fi version, because it is science FICTION.
The other Universe for your information are beyond the boundaries of this universe, not inside it.
There's no evidence that there actually is another universe, so your claim is specious.

That would be like trying to put infinite streams down an optic cable, and then being able to move through it at the same time, and not even register any energy from it.

About time you noticed the bubbles out there pushing apart.. pushing apart... not sci-fi. I can push a ball in real life.. not sci-fi. Galaxies push apart.. not sci-fi, and Galaxies have bubbles around them... not sci-fi.

I can't imagine your sci-fi version, because it is science FICTION.
And your version isn't even that: it's a fantasy. With no support.
There's no evidence that there actually is another universe, so your claim is specious.


And your version isn't even that: it's a fantasy. With no support.

Well you have just killed support as a rule that means anything then, because if your theory is supported then it just means that science can deliver whatever it likes. Of course I know the stupid maths version.. maths is fantasy.
There is the missing energy though . I don't know how to say it . I see it a lot on science programs about astronomy. The matter don't account for every thing
There is the missing energy though . I don't know how to say it . I see it a lot on science programs about astronomy. The matter don't account for every thing

They have a void, a vacuum, of course there's missing energy if you put a vacuum where there is matter. Maybe they will put the multiverse there next. they add so much invisible stuff, and then every other post they say "Don't add pixies!"
There isn't a barrier. They exist separately. Think of "different dimensions" (in the science-fiction sense).

They can't contact each other. In any way, so there's no question of "pushing".

there is no barrier which is why no contact can be made :D
Well you have just killed support as a rule that means anything then, because if your theory is supported then it just means that science can deliver whatever it likes.
Oops, wrong again.
I didn't say it's a theory.

Of course I know the stupid maths version.. maths is fantasy.
Um, no you don't (you've previously admitted that). And no, maths isn't a fantasy.
I think math is a human construct to organize existing phenomena that occurs in nature . Some of its probability may not occur , Yet there also are probabilities that they can be forced to occur by manipulation . I like to use it when I build . Fucking amazes Me big time cause a shit load of the laws of math are fucking spot on reality . Supplementary angles blew my fucking mind in field operations . I knew right then at a tender age there was more than meets the eye
I brought the cranks up as an example of those who use the terms UFO and Flying Saucer interchangeably, nothing more. If that's what you're reacting to then I suggest you work on your reading comprehension.

and now we have an entire thread devoted to cranks


nothing to work on kiddo
i can smell you csiop fanatics from a mile away

i like to thank god, my loving family, sciforums, for turning me on to this piece of info. it is the most wooified incident i've ever laid eyes on and is a goldmine for laughs and the occasional fart

James Randi - a Conjurer Attempts to Debunk Research on Animals

The January 2000 issue of Dog World magazine included an article on a possible sixth sense in dogs, which discussed some of my research. In this article Randi was quoted as saying that in relation to canine ESP, "We at the JREF [James Randi Educational Foundation] have tested these claims. They fail." No details were given of these tests.

I emailed James Randi to ask for details of this JREF research. He did not reply. He ignored a second request for information too.

I then asked members of the JREF Scientific Advisory Board to help me find out more about this claim. They did indeed help by advising Randi to reply. In an email sent on Februaury 6, 2000 he told me that the tests he referred to were not done at the JREF, but took place "years ago" and were "informal". They involved two dogs belonging to a friend of his that he observed over a two-week period. All records had been lost. He wrote: "I overstated my case for doubting the reality of dog ESP based on the small amount of data I obtained. It was rash and improper of me to do so."

Randi also claimed to have debunked one of my experiments with the dog Jaytee, a part of which was shown on television. Jaytee went to the window to wait for his owner when she set off to come home, but did not do so before she set off. In Dog World, Randi stated: "Viewing the entire tape, we see that the dog responded to every car that drove by, and to every person who walked by." This is simply not true, and Randi now admits that he has never seen the tape.

poor frakking fanboys
look at your god lie and deceive