The motherload of woo.

Because you're ignorant?

do you think the big bang created space or was there space that the big bang filled ? How could there not be something beyond the big bang ? Nothingness is so hard to imagine . I can see why the zero is a relatively new invention. It is easy to imagine when you don't have something like an apple , but a complete lack of anything at all anywhere is terribly hard to imagine . You got anything on that ? I know google is my friend . I was hoping by know you might be a little friendly . Have a drink of Me maple water . It is a little sugary.

How could there be?

No it's not. Imagine a horse, nothing BUT a horse. Then take it away. ;)

that is like the apple , there is still space . Take the space away and what do you have . Describe for me would you . If the big bang creates space what is beyond that space . You think there are other big bangs we can't perceive because of a fish bowl effect of our own big bang ?
that is like the apple , there is still space
Not if you imagine the horse without any space. :p

If the big bang creates space what is beyond that space
Excellent question. We don't know. (There's a thread on it somewhere - try searching for "outside the universe")

You think there are other big bangs we can't perceive because of a fish bowl effect of our own big bang ?
And because, by definition, they'd be separate universe.
Not if you imagine the horse without any space. :p

Excellent question. We don't know. (There's a thread on it somewhere - try searching for "outside the universe")

And because, by definition, they'd be separate universe.

We don't know.. fail. If you don't know, then you haven't imagined anything. You have come up with something that doesn't work.
Not if you imagine the horse without any space. :p

Excellent question. We don't know. (There's a thread on it somewhere - try searching for "outside the universe"/

And because, by definition, they'd be separate universe.

What if they bleed into each other like color mixing or individual frequencies of sound does . That could account for some of the missing ? Energy ? I don't know what to call it ?

An exchange ? Or going to , Drawn to ? Don't know ? A speeding up expansion is perplexing also . Are you in on the expanding universe . I tend to think that one is a done deal in comprehension . Although I kind of take it on faith that the people who discovered it know what there talking about.

Imagining is NOT knowing.

Nope, that's your speciality.

Imagining in science should at least be a complete picture. I can imagine a singularity in a vacuum blowing stuff out of it, and expanding.. you add water, and wait for 3 minutes. too simple, too convenient. To low intelligence for 2011. At least I have the full picture, even beyond the limits of the Universe, even beyond the limits of a multiverse.

Imagining is NOT knowing.

Nope, that's your speciality.

Now that is Funny Ha Ha funny . I'm roaring with laughter over that . Yeah I got to agree too . Imagining is not knowing , but imagining the unknown is a contemplation of the unknown . We do it to try and predict the future too . I imagine woo on the thread is going to happen . Do I know that for sure . Pretty sure it might of happened already . I imagine it has . Just a wild guess here
Imagining in science should at least be a complete picture.
Also wrong.
It's not science if all you do is imagine.

At least I have the full picture, even beyond the limits of the Universe, even beyond the limits of a multiverse.
Only in your own imagination. Which is nothing whatsoever to do with reality.
How could they? Each of them would exist separately from the other.

General Note.
This place is always good for a laugh:

Why would there be a barrier between 2 universes ? and if there was shouldn't humans be able to detect a barrier ? It is not like we can look at the back of our heads in a circular universe if we could see that good . Expanding into nothing ? What would the expansion push the other universe out of the way ?
Also wrong.
It's not science if all you do is imagine.

Only in your own imagination. Which is nothing whatsoever to do with reality.

Einstein's brain was dissected, and what they found was a huge area of 3D spacial awareness. Einstein was a genius of imagination. So science does not suffer from a capacity to imagine. The problem with that is, it was passed on to people like you, who have no capacity to imagine, and just parrot fashion what they hear. Einstein today would be taking my route, he was already on the same route as me but was talked out of it. He did manage to hide the Aether in his theory well enough to fool a lot of you though. He just renamed it space time.