The most sought after knowledge in the world - “proof of G-d”!

Hi Anita..
I just read your last post. So please, if you would, can you tell me how you have "proof" that God exists? I'm an Atheist, but, I do have an open mind. All I have ever hoped for, is PROOF that a God exists. IF you can show proof, you are a true sage, if NOT, you are just a fraud. I await your response.

hi gremmie. just for the record, i think that proof has to come from god himself. i just don't know how someone else's testimony, or ideas, or a book, would prove to you god's existence. but if you were to experience god yourself, which is possible, you would know beyond the shadow of a doubt, even if you didn't understand all there is to understand, in a book, or in someone else's testimony. you'd have your own.
Well hell, now I'm totally bummed out. I was kinda hoping she had proof that God existed. Then I would know that Santa, the Easter Bunny, and Tooth Fairy were true too. Oh well, maybe next time.... NOT.:bugeye: this a show of sincerity? :bugeye:
She doesn't have proof. At all.
See my post #5, and check the referenced admission by Anita:

She's simply dressed up (in false "science" and ridiculous claims) the old "God exists because the bible says so, and we know the bible's true because god wrote it" argument.

I've always loved that. "God" exists, because the bible says so... the "Babble" is true, because God wrote it. Geez, I think I need a shower now. I felt dirty even reading what I wrote. You would think in these modern times, the whole idea of the "Almighty God" would have faded away.. Kinda like Howdy Doodee. lol Man, I feel old now.
I dunno who Howdy Doodee is, but please confirm that Yogi Bear is real.
Otherwise I don't know what I'd do... this a show of sincerity? :bugeye:

OK, sincerity?, well probably not. OK, not. LOL. I just get tired of people that claim to have all the answers, when clearly, they DON'T. I'm just another speck of sand on the shore, trying to figure out why I am only a speck. And why there is even a shore.
I dunno who Howdy Doodee is, but please confirm that Yogi Bear is real.
Otherwise I don't know what I'd do...

OK, well Howdee Doodee, was just a puppet on an old TV show, here in America. ca.1950's However, Yogi Bear, is just beyond real. Just ask BooBoo, or Ranger Smith.:cool:
Hello Adstar, thank you for your opinion. However let me make clear that it is not my intention to make money here. I am strictly here to discuss some of the things in my book. Actually, if you want to know the truth, I am not making money on my book. I have put more in so far than I’ve gotten back yet. My objective is simply to get the good word out, it is what first inspired me to write a book. :)

I believe what I had discovered should be shared with all, and not just being limited to my book.

Did you have any questions about my little book demo?

Well in any event, I'm glad I was able to share. :)

Well the little bit of information that you provided in the snippet was not enough. I guess that’s part of the sales tactic. Give them a little bit but nothing solid and then wait for those with wealth to purchase supposedly free information given to you by God. Pity the poor hey but i guess you belong to that cargo cult religion that many in the USA have embraced, that believes that the word of God is a means to material gain.

If your rich then that means you have been blessed and therefore you must be more righteous and a better person in the eyes of God and if your poor then you must be a really evil person, because God has withheld blessings from you. I can see why the rich elites of the USA would love such a twisted doctrine. Especially the ones who invest lots of money in places like china where workers are oppressed to the max and they are paid a pittance and work like slaves to help make their exploiters even richer.

James 5
1 Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! 2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. 3 Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up treasure in the last days. 4 Indeed the wages of the laborers who mowed your fields, which you kept back by fraud, cry out; and the cries of the reapers have reached the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth. 5 You have lived on the earth in pleasure and luxury; you have fattened your hearts as in a day of slaughter. 6 You have condemned, you have murdered the just; he does not resist you.

I bet that scripture is never brought out in the cargo cult churches.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
OK, sincerity?, well probably not. OK, not. LOL. I just get tired of people that claim to have all the answers, when clearly, they DON'T. I'm just another speck of sand on the shore, trying to figure out why I am only a speck. And why there is even a shore.

that's a good attitude to have i think. were you being sincere when you said this though?

I'm an Atheist, but, I do have an open mind. All I have ever hoped for, is PROOF that a God exists.
Guys there is proof that there is God ...

Look at the sunrise ...who made that
What about moon ...
what is wrong about killing in the name of God .. God wants us to to live better life that is why he made us profit from war ..

Please do not make fun of Santa ... he is the one who will be bringing me iPad this xmas..

And I am sorry Yogi bear is just a fictional character ..we have proof of that .. sorry to break it down to you ..
Guys there is proof that there is God ...
Look at the sunrise ...who made that
Um, that was me. Sorry.

What about moon ...
That was an afterthought. I had bits left over from doing the Sunrise thing.

what is wrong about killing in the name of God .. God wants us to to live better life that is why he made us profit from war ..
Yup. Or a prophet of war.

Please do not make fun of Santa ... he is the one who will be bringing me iPad this xmas..
Santa is a wuss.

And I am sorry Yogi bear is just a fictional character ..we have proof of that .. sorry to break it down to you ..
Illuminati pawn! There is no such proof.
And then again we've got that weird guy (Hi Swivel!) with a couple of science-fiction books he's written (and from what I've read they are pretty good [but then again he did have a spot-on technical reviewer before going to print ;)]) that he manages to accidentally mention now and again. (But he was a poster before he was published any way, so we tolerate him :D).

There's a slight difference between Swivel's Scifi and Anita's "book". Swivel knows that he can construct whatever he wants with his imagination and it's covered as it's listed as Science Fiction, Anita on the other hand is attempting to palm her reasoning as Science Fact... :/

As a comparison to a spammer, Swivel wouldn't be classed a spammer otherwise he'd be saying that his novels make your appendage bigger. (Hurm... mass marketing ploy, write a book called V1AGRA because "It will keep you up all night"... mind you it will probably be blacklisted because of it's naming, (Notice "1" is used to undermine the legal suits because of trademark infringement)
But Swivel told me if I bought his book it would make me more attractive to women. And cats.
Now as to my proof for G-d as per my book demo here:

What I have proved beyond a doubt is that the Hebrew Letters (the ones that G-d gave Moses on Mount Sinai, and the ones that comprise our modern day Bible) have an “INTELEGENT DESIGN TO THEM” since I’ve clearly explained, demonstrated, and proven that they correspond to natures law of unit growth (which was clearly explained in my book demo).

Now if you think this isn’t something significant, than you have to come up with an explanation for why there is “ORDER” in them??? Albert Einstein had quoted one of the most notorious sayings in relation to the field of Quantum Mechanics when he said: G-d does not play dice with the universe… He was correct you know! Logically speaking, THERE CANNOT BE ACCIDENTS IN A UNIVERSE WHICH HAS AN “ORGANIZING INTELLIGENCE”.

That deduces to G-d, since we can now link His Word (the Hebrew letters) to creation! :)
I would sooner have you hate me for telling you the truth than adore me for telling you lies. :)
Two errors:
1) I don't hate you.
2) You aren't telling the truth. As has been shown. And as you have admitted.