The most sought after knowledge in the world - “proof of G-d”!

ultimately (in the end), some will appreciate it as heralding the
most important central (and highest) secret knowledge that directly links us to G-d andthe universe BY WAY OF A “PRIMORDIAL LANGUAGE” that has intentionally guised itself and eluded us so that the material aspect of all life should not have its existence nullified.

Your intent in revealing this is the destruction of the world, then.

I applaud your effort.

Let the "nullification" commence !
The most sought after knowledge in the world - “proof of G-d”!
Once more you resort to lies.
As you admitted here the proof is not, in fact, proof. You made an a priori assumption and proceeded from there to arrive at the conclusion.
Which just, incidentally, happens to be your initial, flawed, assumption.
This thread is nothing more lying spam - the promotion of your own ridiculous book.
Once again I cannot believe that the moderators on this forum allow this type of talk on the forum. Not only talk, but respect towards other posters.

The most sought after knowledge in the world - “proof of G-d”!


I can't believe they allow this kind of spam on the board. This is a science forum, not your personal proselytizing grounds... If I was a Mod, I'd ban your ass for this so fast your head would spin! Take it elsewhere.

@Spidergoat - You rock! Lolz!!!
To anyone who has not come across anita before, she is in fact a liberal atheist under deep cover - while her rambling nonsense may at first glance seem like the product of a derranged fundie psyche, it is in fact parody of the highest order - she is going out of her way to show us how stupid fundies are by regurgitating the tired old logical falacies, twisted facts, and plain old made-up shit and condensing it into a book for us.

reading her nonsense through the lens of parody, rather than taking it at face value, it actually stops being desperately tragic and becomes pretty funny - and the fact that she may have fleeced a few gullible fundies into parting with their cash to buy this book is just fucking hilarious.

Kudos Anita!
I didn't realize people were allowed to advertise products for sale in here. Isn't that spamming? I'm new, so only asking.
I didn't realize people were allowed to advertise products for sale in here. Isn't that spamming? I'm new, so only asking.
They aren't, strictly speaking, and Anita's thread is merely a continuation of the thread she linked to in the OP. EDIT: in the second post, sorry, not the OP.
Of course, there's a slight difference between posting merely to promote a sale (spamming) and posting that you have a book for sale and then discussing it (as per the link).
And then again we've got that weird guy (Hi Swivel!) with a couple of science-fiction books he's written (and from what I've read they are pretty good [but then again he did have a spot-on technical reviewer before going to print ;)]) that he manages to accidentally mention now and again. (But he was a poster before he was published any way, so we tolerate him :D).
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Thanks for clearing that up for me Dywyddyr, I appreciate it. Thanks for your time.
Wish ya had an easier name to remember too. Had to write it down to respond. LOL
Did you intentionaly make it w/o vowels? Unless ya want to say the Y's are vowels. Anyway, many thanks,
Oh, btw.. I have to say, I find it strange you're a moderator, and you moderated yourself. I don't mean anything by that, no disrespect meant. Kinda cool really.
see ya 'round.
Wish ya had an easier name to remember too. Had to write it down to respond. LOL
Did you intentionaly make it w/o vowels?
I usually get referred to as "D" or "Dyw". (I'd rather Dyw than D, otherwise I'd think people were just mistyping a smiley).

Oh, btw.. I have to say, I find it strange you're a moderator, and you moderated yourself. I don't mean anything by that, no disrespect meant. Kinda cool really.
The edit you mean?
I realised I'd made an error, and posted the correction for reference. I made it red so it would stand out.
And I use blue for moderator comments. :D (Because it annoys GeoffP).
That's too funny. Kinda like pissing off a bro or sis, just because ya can. (And it's fun also ) Question though.. How doe's one go about becoming a "Mod"? Not that I could be one anytime too soon. But, just curious.
( Sorry for being so annoying, just trying to get my "sealegs" under me. ) Yes, I am a veteran of the Navy.:)
Thanks again.
The most sought after knowledge in the world - “proof of G-d”!

I am the author, if you have any questions please ask away. :)

Author, Anita Meyer

Interesting read. But i note the information is not free. Your selling it.

If this information is inspired and God has revealed it to you then seeking gain from it is to me very wrong.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Interesting read. But i note the information is not free. Your selling it.

If this information is inspired and God has revealed it to you then seeking gain from it is to me very wrong.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Hello Adstar, thank you for your opinion. However let me make clear that it is not my intention to make money here. I am strictly here to discuss some of the things in my book. Actually, if you want to know the truth, I am not making money on my book. I have put more in so far than I’ve gotten back yet. My objective is simply to get the good word out, it is what first inspired me to write a book. :)

I believe what I had discovered should be shared with all, and not just being limited to my book.

Did you have any questions about my little book demo?

Well in any event, I'm glad I was able to share. :)
Hi Anita..
I just read your last post. So please, if you would, can you tell me how you have "proof" that God exists? I'm an Atheist, but, I do have an open mind. All I have ever hoped for, is PROOF that a God exists. IF you can show proof, you are a true sage, if NOT, you are just a fraud. I await your response.
It has something to do with the Hebrew letters having shapes like mathematically defined forms.
Hi Anita..
I just read your last post. So please, if you would, can you tell me how you have "proof" that God exists? I'm an Atheist, but, I do have an open mind. All I have ever hoped for, is PROOF that a God exists. IF you can show proof, you are a true sage, if NOT, you are just a fraud. I await your response.
She doesn't have proof. At all.
See my post #5, and check the referenced admission by Anita:
Anita said:
Yes, it is circular argument.
She's simply dressed up (in false "science" and ridiculous claims) the old "God exists because the bible says so, and we know the bible's true because god wrote it" argument.
Well hell, now I'm totally bummed out. I was kinda hoping she had proof that God existed. Then I would know that Santa, the Easter Bunny, and Tooth Fairy were true too. Oh well, maybe next time.... NOT.:bugeye: