The most retarded forum leaders I ever saw

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Why don't you crawl back under that rock which you crawled out of and spew your neo Nazi Bullshit there.

When did the NAZIS expose fake atom bombs and fake commercially-viable nuclear energy and fake depleted uranium? I can't recall one single instance so what are you comparing me to them for? I never said the jews should be deported to camps nor have I advocated violence against them except in clear cases of self-defense which has nothing to do with hatred. I am not German and I am not a White supremacist Aryan or nonsense like that. Your analogy is moratally flawed chum.
Hmmm... let's see:

The cluster-hoaxes I expose are raking in big bucks for those impostors. Trillions of illicit cash. I believe they will and have murdered massively to keep those hoaxes alive in the public psyche.

Jews raking in trillions of dollars, and (shock horror!) murdering people!

Just because the judicial system (or what's left of it) is under jewish control does not make it more legal even if the practice is widespread on the web.

Jews control the legal system.

Kidnapping kids from non-jewish families is also illegal yet the jewish run courts allow it and encourage it.

Jews kidnap non-Jewish kids!

Putting poisons in the food supplies is illegal yet jewish processed foods manufacturers indulge in this deadly practice as a matter of routine endorced by the jewish impostors running the FDA and the jewish doctors profitting from the resulting illness.

Jews poison the food supplies!
Jews run the FDA!
Jewish doctors cause illnesses in order to rake in the trillions!

Forcing people to buy jew-run auto insurance by law is illegal yet many jurisdictions will remove a driver's mobility rights for failure to produce proof of insurance.

Jews force people to take out unnecessary insurance!

First injury to my person was being abandoned to a jew-run public school for 12 years where I sat there and was fed bullshit tribal lies and wasted precious time I could have been learning things of value.

Jews run the public school system!

100% run and owned by jews I say. Only jews would censor things they don't agree with.

Jews control the media!

Do you know where these servers are located, is this a Brit board?

Jews run sciforums from a secret location in Britain!

The jews are international gangsters united in their will to do unto others as they would loathe others do unto them.

International Jewish conspiracy! Gansters! Look out!

What good is studying hard when the lessons taught are mostly tribal BS?

All knowledge is controlled by the Jews! Better to stay ignorant, and keep your children from learning stuff, too!

Jews get the good jobs because jews run the industries where most non-jews are exploited and treated like crap.

Jews control all industry!

Most jews I talk to have the smarts of a can of beans.

And yet, they still control everything. I guess everybody else must be even more stupid to let them get away with it.

You tell a jew that his tribal affiliates faked dinosaur bones with plaster and the help of the other jews in formal academia and they say you are nuts.

Jews fake the fossil record!

You tell a jew that the film in the camera they say they took pictures on the moon with melts at 140 degrees but they don't care if the sunny side of the moon is 260 degrees.

Jews faked the moon landing!

You tell jews that energy efficiency has incurred embarrassingly high energy surplusses they are bleeding into fake nuclear reactors and they can't do the math.

All nuclear reactors are fakes, made by the Jews!


Nutty as a fruitcake.
Jews put Nazis in my ice cream.

There is a beautiful old historical synagogue down the street here. What is the protocol for visiting a synagogue?

I think you just walk in, women have to sit in the women's section. I've only been in one once for a wedding.
It was not negligent to buy a Ford Pinto at the time. It's not like every Pinto blew up, and it's not like every non-Pinto didn't.

The Pintos did not blow up, the gas tank would rupture upon impact and the fuel would spill underneath and catch fire. Of course not all Pintos caught fire but enough of them did to make one wonder if some were not enjoying the spectacle. Where are the jewish memorials to all those hundreds of jews that died in those holocausts-on-wheels? I can't recall seeing one. All I hear are rabbis saying this and that about how every life of a jew is worth a thousand Palestinian lives yet not a peep for hundreds of Pinto related deaths. Could that be because there were no jews among those 900 people and kids burned alive in them? Show me another production automobile that burned it's occupants alive in the worst way so many time in a ten year period without arousing a media uproar.

He wasn't jewish, and he wasn't bigoted like you.

Where is your evidence that he was not jewish? Because you said so? I am not a bigot. I am interested in seeing the historica records reflect the truth, is that considered hatred where you come from? What makes you think I would want to visit a synagogue after reading your posts? If I want to hear BS I can just sit here and wait for your posts, Senor.
When did the NAZIS expose fake atom bombs and fake commercially-viable nuclear energy and fake depleted uranium? I can't recall one single instance so what are you comparing me to them for? I never said the jews should be deported to camps nor have I advocated violence against them except in clear cases of self-defense which has nothing to do with hatred. I am not German and I am not a White supremacist Aryan or nonsense like that. Your analogy is moratally flawed chum.

No, you're a god damned anti semitic nut case on a rant.
Hmmm... let's see:

Jews raking in trillions of dollars, and (shock horror!) murdering people!

Jews control the legal system.

Jews kidnap non-Jewish kids!

Jews poison the food supplies!
Jews run the FDA!
Jewish doctors cause illnesses in order to rake in the trillions!

Jews force people to take out unnecessary insurance!

Jews run the public school system!

Jews control the media!

Jews run sciforums from a secret location in Britain!

International Jewish conspiracy! Gansters! Look out!

All knowledge is controlled by the Jews! Better to stay ignorant, and keep your children from learning stuff, too!

Jews control all industry!

Jews fake the fossil record!

Jews faked the moon landing!

All nuclear reactors are fakes, made by the Jews!


Best truth I have read thus far in this thread. You want to discuss each on a case-by-case basis? I can demonstrate each one if you like.
In grade school Lee came face to face with ethnic intolerance. He was looked down on because he was Italian. He also had two Jewish friends that were treated even worse than he was.
That implies that Lee wasn't Jewish.

Jews don't erect monuments for the victims of the Pinto, because the Jewish people had nothing to do with it. Some individuals who happened to be Jewish might have been involved with the company, but so were other ethnicities. You are *******.
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I am interested in seeing the historica records reflect the truth, is that considered hatred where you come from? What makes you think I would want to visit a synagogue after reading your posts? If I want to hear BS I can just sit here and wait for your posts, Senor.

You are only interested in seeing historical records reflecting the truth as you wish it to be. And in light of your little speeches on here, yes you are considered hateful and a bigot.

You would not want to visit a synagogue because you might be confronted by real truths, thereby being forced to recognise that you are indeed a nutbag and a bigotted one at that.
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