The most retarded forum leaders I ever saw

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How did jews know not to buy Pintos? Obviously you jest. Civil war generals used to complain that the jews always seemed to know what was going on before everybody else. Jews have the most sophisticated and stealthiest communications ever known to mankind. They communicate through their global networks of synagogues, public schools, and medias. When we finally uncover the names of those driving the big cars that rammed these Pintos from behind will we discover a trainload of jewish names? I wonder. Why don't you share your infinite wisdom with us and tell us why the insurance companies let that fallacy burn over 900 adults and kids alive for ten years before making safe changes? I noticed you had streered clear of answering that.

1. Anyone can go to a synagogue, it's not secret, you just have to wear the little hat. Why don't you try it and see if they say anything interesting?

2. Because insurance companies only care about profit, same with the auto industry.
Whatever. Did you know that the core of a fake nuclear reactor is filled with toaster-like elements stacked up and designed to bleed-off the excess energy produced by conventional sources? That the energy pours INTO these frauds instead of pouring out? When Chernobyl exploded I believe it was because some idiots directed too much excess energy into this fake reactor and exploded the core containing all those stacked elements that normally dissipate the energy excesses? Did you know that when that happened the nuclear hoaxsters were facing a grave problem in that the public masses might get suspicious if no deaths resulted from so-called radioactive fallout? Can you believe that they actually poisoned the locals and exposed them to very high doses of x-ray energy in the guise of medical prognostics to mimick the radiation poisoning the incredule masses were expecting?

interestingly, my lady's grandmother, who is ukrainian, tells a very different version of this story.
1. Anyone can go to a synagogue, it's not secret, you just have to wear the little hat. Why don't you try it and see if they say anything interesting?

A Moderate has no place in a synagogue. Rabbis are very hateful I am told.

2. Because insurance companies only care about profit, same with the auto industry.

Where is the profit in paying out continuously for totally avoidable death and loss? Insurance is a "rob Peter to pay Paul" scam anyways. They function much the same way as those failed pyramid schemes we always hear about.
I say those insurance companies kept paying out because it was not their money anyways and they knew the Pinto was a jewish ritual murder. A real holocaust where the passengers were trapped and burned alive over a large pool of ignited gasoline. You going to tell me that all the jews in the world could do nothing to stop that after the first series of gruelling deaths, that the powerful jewish lobby could do nothing to stop that? I hope not. The reason it went on so long is precisely because that was what was intended from the start and not a single jew was harmed. The jews way of saying thanks to Henry for exposing their systematic brutality and cruel murders of adults and kids.
interestingly, my lady's grandmother, who is ukrainian, tells a very different version of this story.
So do the families of the rescue helicopter pilots that died...
Did you know that the core of a fake nuclear reactor is filled with toaster-like elements stacked up and designed to bleed-off the excess energy produced by conventional sources?
Did YOU know you're talking bollocks?
1. Anyone can go to a synagogue, it's not secret, you just have to wear the little hat. Why don't you try it and see if they say anything interesting?

There is a beautiful old historical synagogue down the street here. What is the protocol for visiting a synagogue?
interestingly, my lady's grandmother, who is ukrainian, tells a very different version of this story.

Of course she would. That was the idea, keep the simulated effects consistent with the hoaxster's lies. What would her grandmother have said if no so-called radioactive deaths and suffering had been reported? She would have become suspicious, no? How hard could it be to poison the water supplies in a tightly controlled environment like that? How hard is it to get the jew-run media to report anything without investigating? They print news fed to them without investigating all the time. How hard is it to bring in Mossad agents and put a white smock on them and tell them to irradiate the people with x-ray overdoses to induce cancers and death? Piece of cake for those hoaxsters if you ask me. So, of course it was all made to look real otherwise the hoaxsters would stand to lose trillions of dollars if the public did not see what they were expecting to see. It's really rather simple when you think about it. The whole so-called nuclear industry is compartmentalized and subjected to national security protocols and employee bonding and secrecy clauses. The hoaxster's paradise.
The whole so-called nuclear industry is compartmentalized and subjected to national security protocols and employee bonding and secrecy clauses. The hoaxster's paradise.
Once again bollocks. I've had job offers from "the nuclear industry" both civil and military.
So do the families of the rescue helicopter pilots that died...

All those that died had consumed the water and/or had been tended to by so-caled medical professionals that had access to their bloodstreams. Autopsies, when performed, were done under the strictest state controls so, again, the hoaxster's paradise in action. Under the circumstances of Chernobyl anything could be simulated except of course the accident itself which I contend surprised even the hoaxsters. On top of that the whole mess of illusions and mass death was a tidy piece of hoax maintenance that reinforced the fear in the minds of the slumbering masses that don't understand the consequences of having too much surplus energy that must be bled out of the system. Fake nuclear reactors were built to bleed off the excess production of electricity generated by conventional sources so the big jewish utilities can gouge the consumer with impunity claiming energy shortages.
Once again bollocks. I've had job offers from "the nuclear industry" both civil and military.

So, I've worked at Montreal Engineering building them. How does that prove that they are real? Just because they want you to babysit their simulators for a big salary? That only proves that the fake industry is housing lots of people that are unaware what the fake reactors really do. Have you taken a few moments to find an explanation why the energy efficiency of the last 30 years has somehow translated into an increased demand for electricity? Are you aware that most big energy consuming countries are experiencing the lowest birthrates ever? Do you know what happens when energy excesses pile up and are not disposed of?
Do you know what happens when energy excesses pile up and are not disposed of?
Let me guess, the Earth explodes and the jews then rule the... uh.. oh... space. :rolleyes:
p.s. You all are really enjoying this troll, aren't you? A rhetorical question.
So, I've worked at Montreal Engineering building them. How does that prove that they are real? Just because they want you to babysit their simulators for a big salary?
Err no. I was going to be designing the reactors or the bombs... slightly different from building something (and not understanding what I'm building as was your case).
Err no. I was going to be designing the reactors or the bombs... slightly different from building something (and not understanding what I'm building as was your case).

If you had you would be under national security protocols and not allowed to discuss it here in these forums. Anyways, you did not, so, happy to talk to you, what else is new chum?

Now, when the fake reactor is ready, a team of highly specialized confidence men and women enter the premises first before any other employees or personnel are permitted access then they boot the simulator software and assure that all is secure and well concealed. Although it is a fake nuclear reactor it still performs the critical task of bleeding incredible amounts of excess energy arriving from conventional sources through the distribution grid. The energy pouring into the fake reactors powers the motors that drive the turbines that cool the core and that is the steam you see coming out of the huge stacks. No so-called radioactivity just plain water and steam.

Same thing with the fake nuclear navy. The battery powered subs are recharged secretly underwater plugged into cables that lead to the distribution grids on shore. These subs are no doubt also fitted with Sterling Cycle engines that operate very well underwater. Same thing for the so-called nuclear driven surface skimmer vessels. Depleted Uranuim is another fine hoax too. The jews have used that lie to scapegoat all forms of assaults on innocent people.
Let me guess, the Earth explodes and the jews then rule the... uh.. oh... space. :rolleyes:

Nope. The equipment will explode and catch fire and damage on a great scale. Take a look at any windmill generation plant and you will find a dryer-like heating element bleeding the ecesses produced there if all batteries are fully charged. Now imagine the massive amounts of excess energy the big utils need to bleed off and tell me where that energy is going if not in the fake nuclear industries and to run huge x-ray machines that dope materials with x-ray energy to simulate radiactivity of a nuclear kind?
If you had you would be under national security protocols and not allowed to discuss it here in these forums.
Actually smart arse I have no idea what a national security protocol is. I have, however, signed the official secrets act (twice for some strange reason). And I haven't discussed anything other than that I'd been offered the job - no detail to get me locked up. Understand?
Now, when the fake reactor is ready, a team of highly specialized confidence men and women enter the premises first before any other employees or personnel are permitted access then they boot the simulator software and assure that all is secure and well concealed. Although it is a fake nuclear reactor it still performs the critical task of bleeding incredible amounts of excess energy arriving from conventional sources through the distribution grid. The energy pouring into the fake reactors powers the motors that drive the turbines that cool the core and that is the steam you see coming out of the huge stacks. No so-called radioactivity just plain water and steam.
Same thing with the fake nuclear navy. The battery powered subs are recharged secretly underwater plugged into cables that lead to the distribution grids on shore. These subs are no doubt also fitted with Sterling Cycle engines that operate very well underwater. Same thing for the so-called nuclear driven surface skimmer vessels.
Utter bollocks.
Depleted Uranuim is another fine hoax too. The jews have used that lie to scapegoat all forms of assaults on innocent people.
Unadulterated bollocks.

PS, it's spelt uranium, not uranuim.
You should work for Holywood.

While at LF we had plenty of Hollywood people there and not a single one has ever come close to using my debunks to make a science fiction movie or show with a similar theme. It is too truthful for them to even play around with for science fiction. That is what I love about these atom bomb hoax debunks, the jews will never steal them, lol.
Actually smart arse I have no idea what a national security protocol is.

And you say you were going to work maing so-called atom bombs, lol. Are you joking?

I have, however, signed the official secrets act (twice for some strange reason). And I haven't discussed anything other than that I'd been offered the job - no detail to get me locked up. Understand?

Of course I understand. That is what I have been saying all along. Even if you see some damning thing you are not allowed to talk about it. The hoaxster's paradise in other words. You get your cash and you shut the fuck up. Simple eh. Lots of cash so you won't get any ideas.


Utter bollocks.

Unadulterated bollocks.

Is that a word for the BS you have been feeding me? I am not familiar with that expression. Never heard it before you said it.

PS, it's spelt uranium, not uranuim.

Grammar Nazi.
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