How did jews know not to buy Pintos? Obviously you jest. Civil war generals used to complain that the jews always seemed to know what was going on before everybody else. Jews have the most sophisticated and stealthiest communications ever known to mankind. They communicate through their global networks of synagogues, public schools, and medias. When we finally uncover the names of those driving the big cars that rammed these Pintos from behind will we discover a trainload of jewish names? I wonder. Why don't you share your infinite wisdom with us and tell us why the insurance companies let that fallacy burn over 900 adults and kids alive for ten years before making safe changes? I noticed you had streered clear of answering that.
1. Anyone can go to a synagogue, it's not secret, you just have to wear the little hat. Why don't you try it and see if they say anything interesting?
2. Because insurance companies only care about profit, same with the auto industry.