The most narrow minded ignorant thing you've heard a religious person say?


Registered Senior Member
Just wondering if anyone has heard a whopper?

Since I started leaning towards believing the earth is closer to 4.67 billion years old rather then 6000 years, I have had a fair few Christians tell me I'm wrong. Not one of them has ever looked into the age of the earth themselves, but somehow they've got this 100% correct idea of how everything is. It really frustrates me that someone who is ignorant of what you are talking about can tell you that you are wrong. I know as a Christian myself that I've done the same in the past, but I'm really starting to think it's best to just keep your mouth shut until you know the person you are talking to, or know what they believe.

I think the main problem is that Christians read Christian books and never actually read the text of the beliefs the actual other people have. Since reading books on science from a non-Christian perspective things have made a heck of a lot more sense, and although I still don't believe everything scientific theory says, I think there is a lot of truth in it that isn't showed in say Christian books that attempt to explain away the age of the earth etc...

Anyway, what experiences have people on this site had?
Without Doubt

The most narrow minded ignorant thing you've heard a religious person say?

Would have to be the statement made by a Secular Humanist claiming all of the problems on earth can be attributed to Christianity.
one of the most disappointing christianity-related evenings in my life occurred december 2007, where my friend's parents were christian evangelists in germany. we went to visit them.

my friend's mom said to this group of newly christian guys and girls (probably around 24 yrs old) that... everywhere that christianity has gone, countries have thrived. so basically it went like... first there was england, where there was christianity, and then they thrived... and now we have the united states, which is thriving because of christianity, and now that christianity is going to china, china is beginning to thrive (she is chinese). it's like dude, what about all the other countries that have thrived / failed?! but whatever.

then there was a story about a jewish girl during the holocaust who prayed and prayed to her god (coincidentally, not exactly a christian god) and made it out alive. and she took it to say... well, look! when one believes in god, one always makes it out OK. like... what about all the other people who believed and perished?!!

then my friend's dad talked about how he wants to talk to a muslim guy they know about why he believes in his god because he thinks that the muslim guy doesn’t really know WHY he believes, and that most muslims are like that. i think that’s ignorant. muslims have just as much a right to believe as christians do, the belief is just as rational or irrational.

this was just one extremely disappointing evening. and not to single out christianity, either, as it is not the only religion that has ignorant people. these are just the examples i know off the top of my head.
i've heard so many...but the one that always stands out above and beyond the rest is...

"God hates fags"

Because of my wife I agreed to get married in a Catholic church just to please my future inlaws. I don't believe in religion so it didn't bother me to do this because it was just ceremony anyway. For my parents it wouldn't have mattered if I got married on a garbage scow by its captain.

So I had to talk to the priest before the big day. They wanted me to agree to sign a piece of paper promising to raise my kids Catholic to which I agreed because to me the paper meant nothing. Then I had to answer some questions, one of which was to what religion I followed. I knew I wasn't catholic and I had been baptized a protestant according to a paper my mother gave me. But this priest wanted to know my denomination.
I remembered my mother took me to a Presbyterian church once when I was small so I answered the question by declaring I was Presbyterian. The priest said that I couldn't be. I said why not? His answer still bothers me to this day...He told me I couldn't be Presbyterian because they hated Catholics.:shrug: I said to him that he must be kidding and facetiously stated that I hated my wife so much that I wanted to marry her. He had no sense of humor and declined to marry us. Eventually I had to find another priest. The funny thing about this whole thing was that a week before I got hitched, the priest who originally walked away from marrying us was excommunicated for dinking a choirgirl.
I don't hate homosexuals, I hate homosexuality.

This can also be substituted by:

I don't hate theists, I hate theism, which would make it the stupidest thing said by a religious atheist.
I don't hate theists, I hate theism, which would make it the stupidest thing said by a religious atheist.

You have some sort of problem differentiating between these two stances I take it??
It was on this forum... I think the thread was something about other universes outside of our own, and someone replied saying "I don't think so because it doesn't mention it in the Bible".

I was stunned.
That anyone who says they hate the concept but loves the individual who practices it must believe in Jesus H Christ.

How is it that you come to this position?

Hating an ideology and not hating an adherent is not mutually exclusive.
It was on this forum... I think the thread was something about other universes outside of our own, and someone replied saying "I don't think so because it doesn't mention it in the Bible".

I was stunned.


Rather, I would say that it was that person who was stunned.