The Most Beautiful Woman On Earth!

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Ape eyebrows! Does she drag her knuckles on the ground when she walks?
It's all in the eyes really, but I don't like the way she's been made up.

Sophia Loren, back in the day.


Her skin doesn't look too smooth.. but still..
tyler said:
What can I say? I have a thing for French girls.
I agree with you 100%. French chicks are really really hot. I remember going to Montreal last year with my band for a gig. It was a lot of fun, but what stands out in my memory were the girls. I had never seen so many hot girls in one place in my whole life. It's almost like that's a criterion for living in Montreal (the people at customs measure the girls' waists and busts and filter out the fatties). I'd say a good 50% of the chicks in Montreal are full on beautiful. Compare that to New Hampshire or Massachusetts, where it's more like 6-10%. Anyone else with experience in Montreal find the same thing to be true?
Well I live in Montreal.
When you say 50% of the girls are certifiable beauties...

Around 30% of the girls you run into in the downtown are Quebecers - they are almost all hot. On top of that we have probably the best looking and most diverse campus in Canada.

So yeah, Montreal is a good place to be.
You lucky bastard.:mad:

After our gig that night, we were at a bar. I got really hammered. I had something like 9 beers and a few random shots of hard liquor. I did it all in about 2 and a half hours. So I was drunk. Eventually I walked over to the nearest table and started talking to these chicks, who turned out to be damn ugly broads from New Jersey. Figures. My friend, the singer of my band follows me and we're all talking. They were ugly and obnoxious so I got angry and left. My buddy stayed there, engrossed in conversation with the fuglies. I couldn't believe it.

Once I got outside, I realized how cocked I was. And I started talking to some of the indigenous people. Some were friendly. I was talking to this guy about how I loved Canada and the women. He was like, "ah, yes, I've traveled all over the world, and in no place are the women as good as they are in Montreal." "America is nice too, but the women are a bit too large for me."

I couldn't agree more.
Nah, I'm not French, just a pen name. I'd like to visit Montreal again, but living there right now isn't a viable option. Living would be too expensive I'd imagine. I might consider it later in life, however. Right now I'm just getting my education out of the way so I can start making money.
Paris in the summer is outrageous.

Be prepared to get dirty looks in exchange for your best smile. I s'pose it was the bermuda shorts and backpack :(
My experience in Paris and Rome led to one conclusion...

It doesn't matter what you look like, or how you act really - if you're dressed nice, the hottest women (and there are many) will check you out. If I went for a walk wearing jeans and a tshirt, I got nothing. But if I put on a button up shirt and fine pants and nice shades, I was paid attention.

Oh, and Montreal really isn't expensive. Where do you live now that is cheaper??

As for Paris > Montreal... I'm not so certain of that. The plus to Paris is that it's almost all French women in the downtown outside of touristy areas. In fact, I would pick Quebec City. Paris and Montreal have foreign students and sightseers, so the beauty is watered down. Quebec City is just plain gorgeous French women.
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