The Moon Landing Was a Fake


The new: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter

Is what brought the news of water on Mars...the technology on the craft is amazing.
Can you look at the surface of the moon with a telescope or not?

I'm starting to wonder why we have not been shown more pictures of what the moon is like. Landing on the moon is a HUGE achievement. I've never really thought about it before. Where the fuck are all the pictures of what could arguably be biggest achievement of mankind. I've seen more pictures of peoples vacation to amish country than I have of the moon. There are mountains on the moon, there may even be ice on the moon but we have pictures of nothing. Am I the only one that thinks that's strange? Pure speculation, but if there are legitimate anomalies in the pictures we are shown of the moon landings (and I tend to think there are, but the counter-arguments are also pretty convincing) couldn't it be that its not that the landing was fake, its just that the pictures are fake (i.e., the world is not being shown what is really there).

plenty of pictures
grover said:
Can you look at the surface of the moon with a telescope or not?
Sure you can see the surface of the Moon. What you can't see is stuff that is essentially no bigger than a large car, which is the largest that any man-made thing was that got left behind.
grover said:
I've never really thought about it before. Where the fuck are all the pictures of what could arguably be biggest achievement of mankind.
Reason One: A certain lack of cameramen. Two men were on the moon at a time, and they were quite busy. It's amazing how many pictures there are, in fact.

One reason you may keep seeing the same 10-20 pictures is because those are the pictures that the Hoax believers have found apparent 'anomalies' in!

like space agency doesnt have tech and resources to get there now.
Erm, but they don't. If they had a fleet of 20 shuttles, plus an assortment of other non-reusable rockets for manned flight, plus a completed space station capable of assembling launching large spacecraft on deep space missions, then just maybe. As it is, the Shuttle is pretty much stuck in the design configuration completed around 1975, and unlike any other kind of transportation you can think of, they haven't even been building its replacement during the decades that the current vehicle has been in use. They haven't even started now, when the Shuttle's retirement has been fixed in a way that actually imperils the completion of the ISS!

To get to the moon Werhner Von Braun built the Saturn V, the most powerful rocket in human history. The few left (and they're only left over because of Apollo's cancellation) are antique museum pieces, and it would take a huge effort to recreate their power and reliability (not one of them failed, something else that's unique to the Saturn V).

Resources are the one thing that Nasa absolutely does not have unlimited amounts of. That's why all manned spaceflight stops for two to two and a half years when one of them crashes.

Could someone explain to me why it is that picture makes it look like all the landings were in one large maria?
Saturn V, the most powerful rocket in human history.

You are wrong about it being the most powerfull rocket in human history. Soviet N1 rocket is what I speak of. Yes it exploded, but that is because of the tank leak...

You are wrong about it being the most powerfull rocket in human history. Soviet N1 rocket is what I speak of. Yes it exploded, but that is because of the tank leak...

Wrong I'm afraid, the Soviet 'Energia' holds the record for the most powerful rocket ever produced.

Saturn5's still hold the record for being the most powerful rockets to go into service, as the Energia rockets only flew a couple of test missions, which were at least successful, compared to the four failures on the N1's. You don't get recognition for failure.