The Moon Landing Was a Fake

Oh, so I see. Something doesn't fit in with your worldview and it's just a hallucination.

No, you don't see.

That is the introduction a straw man argument, not seeing.

All I did was to state some facts, to bait the rats.

How do you explain htese hallucinations being experience by all three crew members and captured on film?

This is possible with a different version of reality itself, as something intrinsically fake and personal.
That's what I meant when I said "flying saucers". I'm pretty sure Aldrin has never believed that what he saw was anything to do with alien species (ie yes UFOs, no little green men). Neither do I believe that he was hallucinating.

Still haven't watched the video. Is this the stuff external to the ship, which was frozen urine, or internal to his eyeballs, which was high energy particle radiation, and which was seen by the others too?

No....."Little Green Men"


"Though you've seen them, please don't tell a soul"
From "Starship Trooper"
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All I did was to state some facts, to bait the rats.

"Bait the rats....:D

I like that one.

Talk to me Sauna, what do you really think.
Have you read my post above, again. It's #53 .....(I edit after the fact sometimes) The reply to Silas part only.
Interesting quote from another astronaut in a speech to the UN [note: he explicitly states that they are UFOs of extraterrestrial origin (i.e., little green men)].
Astronaut Gordon Cooper's Message to the UN

"I believe that these extraterrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet from other planets, which are a little more technically advanced than we are on Earth. I feel that we need to have a top level, coordinated program to scientifically collect and analyze data from all over the Earth concerning any type of encounter, and to determine how best to interfere with these visitors in a friendly fashion.

We may first have to show them that we have learned how to resolve our problems by peaceful means rather than warfare, before we are accepted as fully qualified universal team members. Their acceptance will have tremendous possibilities of advancing our world in all areas. Certainly then it would seem that the U.N. has a vested interest in handling the subject quickly and properly.

I should point out that I am not an experienced UFO professional researcher - I have not as yet had the privilege of flying a UFO nor of meeting the crew of one. However, I do feel that I am somewhat qualified to discuss them, since I have been into the fringes of the vast areas of which they travel. Also, I did have occasion in 1951 to have two days of observation of many flights of them, of different sizes flying in fighter formation, generally from west to east over Europe. They were at a higher altitude than we could reach with our jet fighters....

If the U.N. agrees to pursue this project and lend the credibility to it, perhaps many more well qualified people will agree to step forth and provide help and information."

[Astronaut Gordon Cooper addressing a U.N. panel discussion on UFOs and ETs in New York, in 1985; Panel was chaired by then U.N. Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim.

The above message was given to the U.N. by Astronaut Gordon L. Cooper, one of America's original seven Mercury Astronauts. Cooper orbited the Earth for a record 34 hour, 22 orbit flight in the spacecraft 'Faith 7', in May of 1963. He has been outspoken about the need for an open inquiry into UFOs - based on his own personal experience of sighting UFOs in space and the testimony of other Mercury, Gemini and Apollo Astronauts.
Another quote from another astronaut:
Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14

"I've changed my position in the last two or three years - the last two years to be precise - to suggest that the evidence is strong enough that we really need to have serious open discussion and release of information that it is quite clear the government and other governments do hold, and that this become a part of our official knowledge... Now, whether it's true or not, it deserves to be handled with a serious investigation. There is too much smoke here not to be fire, and so I personally in the last couple of years have come out - I don't know the answers, but I've come out - and I say, this has gone far enough. If it's real, let's get it out in the open; let's break the deadlock that bureaucracy has on this. There is enough evidence pointing in the direction that clearly there is information being withheld. How far we can go with it, I don't know." (Excerpt from his lecture "Science and the Inner Experience" sponsored by the friends of The Institute of Noetic Sciences, New York City, December 4, 1991.)
Interesting quote from another astronaut in a speech to the UN [note: he explicitly states that they are UFOs of extraterrestrial origin (i.e., little green men)].
Astronaut Gordon Cooper's Message to the UN

"I believe that these extraterrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet from other planets, which are a little more technically advanced than we are on Earth. [Astronaut Gordon Cooper addressing a U.N. panel discussion on UFOs and ETs in New York, in 1985; Panel was chaired by then U.N. Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim.]

Cooper orbited the Earth for a record 34 hour, 22 orbit flight in the spacecraft 'Faith 7', in May of 1963

He states I Beleive...

He saw their ships.

He's not sure what they are.........he's guessing at this point.

They have interstellar ability, and interdimensional ability which are probably close to the same thing.

Ancient rulers of this realm ......

The powers that be, allowed by God.
Some aren't ready or even supposed to see this, I should say no more.

Interfering with the natural balance of the contest.

Read the lyrics to "Starship Trooper" from Yes.....
Remember it's done with "Circumlocution" for this very reason.
If you don't should look it up.

Sister Bluebird flying high above,
Shine your wings forward to the sun.
Hide the myst'ries of life on your way.
Though you've seen them, please don't say a word.
What you don't know, I have never heard.

Starship Trooper, go sailing on by,
Catch my soul, catch the very light.
Hide the moment from my eager eye.
Though you've seen them, please don't tell a soul.
What you can't see, can't be very whole.

Speak to me of summer, long winters longer than time can remember,
The setting up of other roads, to travel on in old accustomed ways.
I still remember the talks by the water, the proud sons and daughter that,
Knew the knowledge of the land, that spoke to me in sweet accustomed ways.

Mother life, hold firmly on to me.
Catch my knowledge higher than the day.
Lose as much as only you can show.
Though you've seen them, please don't say a word.
What I don't know, I have never shared.

Loneliness is a pow'r that we possess to give or take away forever.
All I know can be shown by your acceptance of the facts there shown before you.
Take what I say in a diff'rent way and it's easy to say
that this is all confusion.
As I see a new day in me, I can also show it you and you may follow.
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He's stating what he saw...which is flying vehicles technological advanced of what we on earth have. This isn't just some flake off the street...

Also, I've noticed people on this board zero in on the use of the word believe as if that automatically means that someone is just purely speculating. If that's what he meant to say he would have said it; "I speculate that" or "I guess." The use of the word believe is just him stating what he takes to be true on what he has observed....and since he isn't just some flake off the street maybe we should stop for a moment to absorb what this highy trained person's observations and conclusions are.
Astronaut Gordon Cooper's Message to the UN

"I believe that these extraterrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet from other planets, which are a little more technically advanced than we are on Earth.
the question here is what led him to believe the aliens were a little more advanced than us?

also nothing is stated as fact except questioning and doubt.
Well, it does according to the highly trained pilot and astronaut who actually saw the phenomenon.

What do you think it means?
Well, it does according to the highly trained pilot and astronaut who actually saw the phenomenon.

What do you think it means?
i honestly feel that it could have been experimental and/or research aircrft.

what was the response of the UN to gordon cooper?
Well, anything is possible.

Back to the moon. Does anyone think its strange that we don't have more photographs from the moon. The US went all the way to the moon but I've personal only ever seen the same 10 or so photographs. There are interesting formations on the moon yet we have no photographs. You would think there would be a coffee table book with picture after picture, but as far as I can tell there are not many publicly available pictures. Odd, isn't it?

Here is a link:
Someone should get it together to write the script for the film of the fake, with Mel Gibson in the lead role plus Oliver Stone to direct, and then the fake will be real.
Don't feed the "rat's" Sauna.

"Furthermore, those who are in the possession of this truth should not share it with all kinds of people, if they do not wish to wash (as the saying goes) the head of a jackass, or if they do not wish to see what pigs are doing with pearls, and [if they do not wish] to collect such fruits of their study and labor, which is usually produced by brazen and silly ignorance, together with presumptuous impoliteness which is its perennial and faithful companion"

I'll be roundabout.

If you do not take the good which is near,
How will you get that which is far away?
To deprecate your own, seems to me glaring folly,
And so is to praise what is in the hand of another.
You are like the one who gave up on himself
While searching in vain for his own likeness;
You are that hound that gave to the river from his mouth
The piece which was longed for by his own shadow.

Leave alone the shadow and embrace the truth,
Do not exchange the present for the future.
Though I do not despair of better days to come,
To live more happily and more securely
I enjoy the present and hope about the future,
Procuring thereby twice as much sweetness.

You have the power to speak a whole world into existance if you knew.
What kind of place would that be.

Be careful what you wish for.

"The Journey is the Reward"
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Christmas is coming.
On the way to the store, if the kids see the list.....

It may ruin the suprise.
The landings on the moon were real and what's more, the us government is going back to the moon and build a post there and will have a manned space station built there by 2021, so knock off the stupid mess about the landing being faked.