The Moon Landing Was a Fake

The landings on the moon were real and what's more, the us government is going back to the moon and build a post there and will have a manned space station built there by 2021, so knock off the stupid mess about the landing being faked.

the reality saddens me. Americans have been on moon and now they are coming there in the same crap technology as 50 years before...this is outrageous! whats more...the plan to get there is somehow prolonged to the year space agency doesnt have tech and resources to get there now. And how long does the tountreched Lockheed Martin planning to design pre-cromagnon vehicle with a spectacular name "Orion"?

Burt Rutan of ScaledComposites...was right, the space agency now has lost its power and will to accomplish anything.
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Absolutely...The Orion project.

Same technology...why?

Do you want to know?

I dont know...but I dont believe in all the "black Unconventional Aerodynamic development" simply because I have seen so many publication struggling to overcome the many problems air and space vehicle will face theoretically... of course its nice to dream that the military, the pride of the human race so to speak, has got a UFO like VTOL stored up its sleeve and is riding them vehicles to other universes...but I just dont feel like any of this is true. It really feels like humans are what they are, the VTOL's designed by Langley NASA center...never got off the CAD model stages...the Area-51 technology was a weather balloon yet people want to see aliens there no matter what...
.the Area-51 technology was a weather balloon yet people want to see aliens there no matter what...

Another sponge-bob headed monkey's uncle.
I'm joking of course.

I laboriously stated it isn't aliens......technically that is....(you don't want to go there right now)
And you turn around mis-quote me and talk about weather balloons.....

I'm starting to agree they should wipe this thing off, and start again.

I give you the answers on a silver plater and the pigs put the pearl in their snout.
But I have to humbly admit "there but by the grace of God go I...
What I have seen I was given, it is nothing for me to brag about, so I'm sorry son.

It really feels like humans are what they are..

I wasn't going to go there but you're so close....

I'm throwing one more pearl.....don't put this one in your nose.

What are humans anyway...vessels, hosts for souls.
Can you see the fine line here.
I said they weren't aliens...technically, that is.
The hosts may be from here.
But there ares so many worlds out there the only way they aren't from there is a blockade in place.
Or is that yet to come?
I get turned around ...I hate quantum physics.

Morpheus said "You can't be told what the matrix is"
You have to see it for your self.

Those Wachowski brothers were inspired by God.
I am serious.....the first part of the movie is Solid Gold.

I hope some of you get that chance, I really see the real show.
The one the movie is just a pale allegory of by comparison.

The plan, the's sublime.
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well thats like saying computers are plastic boxes with light in them...

You've got dummy terminals that recieve their data from the mainframe, right?

No more pearls for you, son.
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Can you look at the surface of the moon with a telescope or not?

I'm starting to wonder why we have not been shown more pictures of what the moon is like. Landing on the moon is a HUGE achievement. I've never really thought about it before. Where the fuck are all the pictures of what could arguably be biggest achievement of mankind. I've seen more pictures of peoples vacation to amish country than I have of the moon. There are mountains on the moon, there may even be ice on the moon but we have pictures of nothing. Am I the only one that thinks that's strange? Pure speculation, but if there are legitimate anomalies in the pictures we are shown of the moon landings (and I tend to think there are, but the counter-arguments are also pretty convincing) couldn't it be that its not that the landing was fake, its just that the pictures are fake (i.e., the world is not being shown what is really there).
Can you look at the surface of the moon with a telescope or not?

Yeah I have looked at moves so fast, I am trying to focus on the crater...but it just moves away to the right...of course with my lenses...but than I sold that telescope...Yes you can see the moon.
Then my question is why aren't there more publicly available photographs. Or are they available and there really is nothing to see?
Then my question is why aren't there more publicly available photographs. Or are they available and there really is nothing to see?

the problem here is that you are interested in Moon. But small as it may actually large. It had different sectors with common names...astronomers spend hours taking photos of a particular sector. just typing in "moon photos" in google or some other search engine will not cut have to look for Mare Imbrium...

Here is a topographical cheese map of the Moon
