The Laws of the "Universe"

Originally posted by blonde_cupid

Therefore, I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven people, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. And whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but whoever speaks against the holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.

Oh I'm soooooooooooooooooooo afraid:D:D:D
Tell me smth new. I have to be afraid of some peoples' immagination and a book tht is the most rewrited and edited of all time????????????????????:D:D
Be serious!

If hell exists - only in the minds of christians
(c) by me ;)

Exactly what I meant. It is thought of and created by humans (mind). How do you know tht through smone was talkin'a holy spirit? maybe the holy spirit is talking right now through me and you can in no damn way prove tht I'm wrong at this. Holy spirit is a product of human immagination. Because when smone had smthing good or valuable to say or was a christian preacher it was comortable to say tht the message was inspired by the holy spirit thus making the message status quo.

If you read the Bible carefully, you will see that the things that we say with the Spirit don't come from our mind. They come from our Hearts, from our Spirits. How do I know with someone is talking in Spirit? Just listen to it and use common sense. If it is highly spiritual it most likely is. There is another way. Get people from many countries together. If someone that doesn't speak Japonese, for example, starts to speak in Japonese and there is a Japonese there, the one that speaks it can tell you with the other is speaking or not... :) If it is, the non-Japonese is talking in Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is certainly NOT talking through you... you are using your mind to write it, don't you? If it is the case, you are not talking n Spirit.

From thine creator, seeker of truth

Hear now my children of my holy world!
I am thine God, the Lord, the Father, the Only one.
I know this world, and thine future and past.
The race of men I created, most perfect of all mine creations. Created in our Godly image, blessed be, you all shall meet me in heaven!
BTW, I wrote this song one day without thinking. the words just appeared from my mind (sorry it is holy spirit for you). Can this be considered godly interferation, because I really was not writting this intaniously(sp).

I'm an ancient God of Rome,
arising through the time.
No chance of survival,
against my own power.

I'm an ancient God of Rome,
you're mortal and I live forever.
My slaves for whole your lifetime,
and longer if I wish to.

I'm an ancient God of Rome,
and no ones gona help you.
You're trapped here forever,
don't try to run away now.

I'm an ancient God of Rome,
living through the chaos.
Watching mortal plane with laughter,
I joy when you have sorrow.
Yes, and then publically burned on a stake by some christians:D:D
I'm glad you liked it!

***Oh I'm soooooooooooooooooooo afraid***

It wasn't meant to scare you. It was in response to your question:

***And WHO exactly stated this. Not Yeshua, not god. The concept of trinity was made up by not-so-early christians to explain why they say they beleive in one god instead of three. Please point me to a historical record tht confirms tht trinity was first mentioned from 0 a.d. till 100 a.d. And about holy spirit?***

Jesus addressed the concept of the trinity and the holy spirit.

Still using your mind...
You can't understand, can you?
Certainly not.

What happened with you, child? Why are you not the same anymore? Did you forget your childhood days? Did you forget the Faith you had? Your simplicity? Your humility? For how long will you ignore your Heart?...

What happened with you, child?
I'm not a child
Why are you not the same anymore?
I have grown up
Did you forget your childhood days?
I remember them really well. I have a good memory
Did you forget the Faith you had?
I had and have faith in nature, in earth, in our universe, I just didn't know the name for it then. I was searching. I still am, but now I'm closer than I was then.
Your simplicity?
I have never been simple, nor liked to be one.
Your humility?
Again, I have never been humble, sometimes confused but not humble. Humility is a weakness.
For how long will you ignore your Heart?...
My hearth is my mind. Both, subconscious and conscious.
I do not follow anything but myself. What I want to be. My goal is clear, but the path to it is not. But I have excluded the wrong ones.
You know nothing of me and yet are talking as you did.
How much do you know of yourself?


Everyone has a child within... it's why I call you child... and it's why the Bible says that only child can enter in the Heavens. Why? Because children are not arrogant, they are humble. They Love. they are simple, etc.

I had and have faith in nature, in earth, in our universe, I just didn't know the name for it then. I was searching. I still am, but now I'm closer than I was then.

I meant childlike Faith. To believe without seeing...
Have you ever had an imaginary friend? That's a great indication of Faith. Why are you searching if it is within you? Perhaps is because you can't feel it anymore... Are you really closer, or farther?

Humility is a weakness.

Neither in Earth, nor in the Heavens.

My hearth is my mind. Both, subconscious and conscious. I do not follow anything but myself. What I want to be. My goal is clear, but the path to it is not. But I have excluded the wrong ones.
You know nothing of me and yet are talking as you did.
How much do you know of yourself?

What do you prefer; being a child or spending your whole day working? If your Heart is your mind, you certainly prefer to work. But what a sad life of those who only work...

How much I know of myself? Almost nothing... but sometimes I remember some thing about myself. I know pretty well my ego, but not very much my Self... :(
But I'm allways working on it. :)

and it's why the Bible says that only child can enter in the Heavens.
Why do you presume tht I want to get into heaven.
I meant childlike Faith. To believe without seeing...
Seeing is one and logical assumption is other. I can presume smth exists without seeing it, if I have enough evidence. Beleiving without any cover data is called stupidity.
Have you ever had an imaginary friend?
never did really. I'm a lone warrior type person.;)
What do you prefer; being a child or spending your whole day working? If your Heart is your mind, you certainly prefer to work. But what a sad life of those who only work...
I work for my pleasure and fun. I work to enchance myself. I learn in school, I train in taekwon-do, I learn computer skills, I learn to enjoy my life.
My life is not sad in any way.
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That's a great indication of Faith. Why are you searching if it is within you?

Who said tht I'm searching outside of myself. I, our planet, our star system, our universe - we are one. I am searching within myself, but my mind is linked not only to my thoughts.

Who said tht I'm searching outside of myself. I, our planet, our star system, our universe - we are one. I am searching within myself, but my mind is linked not only to my thoughts.

I agree with you. And I use the simbol of the child to express it. ;)


This is my Opinion. I believe that God is the total of all matter, energy, and life. I'm not confused at all. This is what I call my Truth, not neccesarily yours.

It's pretty much mine too... ;)

Going back to the original post:

>In either case, the speed of light squared is a constant, and
>conceptually therefore, can be removed from the equation.

You need to retake you math classes. How do you go about removing a constant from the equation? Let's try it:


Well call 10 k, being a constant in these equations.


Then, as you incorrectly assume, remove the constant.


I think your math is off. Your reasoning is warped. I can turn cream into butter... that does not mean cream is butter.