The Laws of the "Universe"

But the idea that the universe is a god is fine. But “God”, upper case g and quotes seems somewhat over the top. What does that mean anyway?

Well, to me it sometimes means, for lack of a better term or maybe a generalization. It means something other than what most people believe it to mean.

So the phrase “God” is the universe, means the universe is called God. And that isn’t what is intended, I think. The idea is simply that the universe is really a god.

The Universe is infinate. Usually people associate the word infinity w/ "God". So this mysterious Almighty Power of "God" isn't so mysterious afterall, because "God" is the Universe. For me anyway.

Oh, I understand the concept. I just disagree with the choice/misuse of the words involved.
What is a word without its meaning?

An empty cup of coffee! :D

Why do you valorize the cup and forget the coffee!?!? :confused:

Caffeine... :p


Doughnuts... Huuuummmm...! :p

Excuse me... I'll have a snack... :D

*Originally posted by LIGHTBEING
the speed of light squared is a constant

It is merely assumed to be constant.

*Originally posted by Cris
The two states ‘m’ and ‘e’ are qualitatively different. To conclude that everything is ‘e’ is invalid.

No, it isn't.
So far, physicists have not been able to find anything that can be conclusively stated to be 'm' only.
The history of particle physics shows that all particles so far are not made of mass but of energy.

Your statement is marginally true on a macroscopic scale only, but doesn't apply at all on a subatomic scale.

*Originally posted by Godless
God is only a word, made up to explain the unexplainable.

At least, you're admitting that some things are unexplainable.
Since you're unable to explain God, then God would be unexplainable, rather than nothing.

*Originally posted by Taken
I agree that God is not a manly form with supernatural powers but in fact the Power and Energy of Life itself and thereby the Power that drives and fuels the order we know as "natural order".

He seemed to think he was male, since he made man in his image.
Of course, your "god" that lacks supernatural power hardly seems worth the effort to even theorize such a god.

*Originally posted by Godless
What identity can we give god?

We could give God the identity he gives himself.

"God" is not a "He". Don't you see that by believing "God" is a "He" you then put limits on "God"

Good point... ;)

*Originally posted by Taken
I agree that God is not a manly form with supernatural powers but in fact the Power and Energy of Life itself and thereby the Power that drives and fuels the order we know as "natural order".*

He seemed to think he was male, since he made man in his image.
Of course, your "god" that lacks supernatural power hardly seems worth the effort to even theorize such a god.

I agree with Taken. There are no "supernatural" powers in God. All his omnipotence is natural even for us. We just need to evolute. He created us to be like Him.

As LIGHTBEING said, God can't be He or She otherwise you will have boundaries to God. He is... "neutral". He is everything. What creates the opposites is the "Devil" that is nothing else than

The Bible allways call God He because He is a creative power. Thus, metaphorically speaking, He is a male power. Earth is the female power, She. If we call God He, Father (creative power) we have to call Earth She, Mother (receptive power). This is the true meaning of the commandament: Honor Father and Mother (the fith, isn't it?). This commendament urges us to respect our Father, the heavens, and our Mother, the Earth. Do we do that? Unfortunatelly not...

Earth is receptive of the Heaven's creative seeds. It's how it works. It is the interpretation! And this interpretation agree with the Science and many other... "things"...

We are made by the dust of the stars... ;)

The Essential Laws of the Universe:

By the way...

The Essential Law of the Universe is Equilibrium. And it's followed by Harmony. God, "which" is nothing more than the emmanations of the Creative forces of the Univese, has a neutral emmanation towards the Universe. As it reaches the physical Universe, the emmanations divides into two opposite force (happiness/sadness, light/darkeness, empty/full, etc...).

The Universe has the exact ammount of two opposite forces. This is the Law of the Universal Equilibrium. The interaction between this forces is called Harmony. How it affect us?


The Truth is that WE decide how we will be affected by the Universe's forces. If you believe in something good for you, you will receive something good. But if you believe in something bad, you will receive something bad! This is why the Bible says that the wicked harm themselves with their words!!

We create our Reality according to our beliefs. So, God gives us the power to decide if we will have a good life or not. This is the power of Faith. This is how it works!

Well that's enough... I guess I'll be criticized...
Go ahead... say what you think... :)

This topic brings up some interesting thoughts.

I understand that energy is neither created nor lost, even though it may be converted from one form to another. The total amount of energy in the universe remains constant. Therefore, our energy has always existed and should continue to exist, in some form or another, even after the death of our current physical being.

Maybe faith in Jesus Christ is like an energy transformer which can control the path, form and function of our energy after our physical death.

I would probably agree with you if I viewed Jesus Christ as a mere 'mortal' human being rather than The human manifestation of The immortal Divinity.

Above all else, sometimes for better and sometimes for worse, I believe it is spiritual energy that ultimately sets human beings apart from all other life. It is our spiritual energy which, I believe, can and will survive.
True, I do believe that Spirituality makes us different. But I would never attribute the belief in Jesus Christ to our Spirit. Being that I don't see Jesus Christ as "God". There are quotes in the Bible that he himself made to inform us he wasn't "God". So, why believe he is?
Originally posted by blonde_cupid:
I understand that energy is neither created nor lost, even though it may be converted from one form to another. The total amount of energy in the universe remains constant. Therefore, our energy has always existed and should continue to exist, in some form or another, even after the death of our current physical being.

That's true... :D
I've been trying to explain this to skeptics for a long time... :(

The constance of the Energy is determined by the Law of Universal Equilibrium... :D

Originally posted by LIGHTBEING:
True, I do believe that Spirituality makes us different. But I would never attribute the belief in Jesus Christ to our Spirit. Being that I don't see Jesus Christ as "God". There are quotes in the Bible that he himself made to inform us he wasn't "God". So, why believe he is?

I agree with LIGHTBEING. Christians usually see Jesus as God Himself. But Jesus is human "like" us. He is just awakened and had a very important mission. In the Bible is said that in our spiritual evolution we will someday be like Him.

In the Bible is clearly said not to worship any other god. When Christians worship Jesus, they are worshiping another god. Of course, we can praise Him because He did something really special for us and He loves us. And whatever we ask to our Father in His name it shall be given to us. But worship Him is not exactly correct. However, worship His Words is perfectly acceptable.

***True, I do believe that Spirituality makes us different. But I would never attribute the belief in Jesus Christ to our Spirit.***

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ, probably the best authenticated historical fact in the history of mankind, physically demonstrated our spiritual potential.
It is merely assumed to be constant.

Much like it is assumed the Bible is true tony?
LIGHTBEING and TruthSeeker,

Maybe it's hard to comprehend that I see the Trinity as three aspects of one God, just as we can be seen as mind, body and spirit.

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ, probably the best authenticated historical fact in the history of mankind, physically demonstrated our spiritual potential.

I believe in His ressurection, but what makes it an authentic historical fact?

Maybe it's hard to comprehend that I see the Trinity as three aspects of one God, just as we can be seen as mind, body and spirit.

I comprehend it just because I see the Trinity in this same way...


It was the Resurrection of Jesus Christ that brought Christianity into existence.

The very first Christians based their faith on what they had seen with their own eyes. Had there been no Resurrection, there would be no New Testament and no Church. That is, the New Testament and the Church were not the cause of their faith. The New Testament and Church resulted from what had been seen.

The Resurrection is authenticated in both biblical and non-biblical historical records.

In the Annals of the Roman Empire, thousands of Christians who dared to testify that they were witnesses of the Resurrection of Christ were put to death.
I agree with LIGHTBEING. Christians usually see Jesus as God Himself. But Jesus is human "like" us. He is just awakened and had a very important mission. In the Bible is said that in our spiritual evolution we will someday be like Him.

You may be the first and the last Christian to ever admit that Jesus wasn't "God". That's amazing!!!!!

In the Bible is clearly said not to worship any other god. When Christians worship Jesus, they are worshiping another god. Of course, we can praise Him because He did something really special for us and He loves us. And whatever we ask to our Father in His name it shall be given to us. But worship Him is not exactly correct. However, worship His Words is perfectly acceptable.

It was the Resurrection of Jesus Christ that brought Christianity into existence

I don't believe Christ's intent was to create a truine Religion. Man merely witnessed a crucifiction, which was common in that day, and exagerated the event into what they wanted to believe, the Resurrection. They believed Jesus was "God" and he clearly stated he wasn't. This formed the beginning of Christianity. Christianity is no more then the Jewish Historical Doctrine mixed with some Politics, Tradition, and Man's Perception. My advise would be to come up with you own conclusion.