The joys of life without God

lightgigantic said:
Don't fret - I will accept your forfeit
surely it would not be a forfeit for geeser, but a glorious pleasure.
lightgigantic said:
And it is touching that the credit is mine for thinning the chaff here
infamy and moronity, are two things, you should not be proud of.
take heed in whats being said LG.

yes Shaitan it is a pleasure, I dont have him on ignore as thats just infantile, I just tend not to even bother to look anymore, at his inane and irrational replies.
the one you replied to Shaitan is a case in point, is it not.

Because LG they don't even know, they are resisting! ;) They can't remember if they ate, when it's time to eat, or if they are even hungry!.

Hence Alztheimer's got no sense of "I" I=identity they don't even know who the hell they are! :rolleyes:

What you seem to be avoiding however is how a person can experience bewilderment or confusion with out a sense of "I" - like for instance a chair doesn't experience these things because it has no sense of "I"
geeser said:
take heed in whats being said LG.

yes Shaitan it is a pleasure, I dont have him on ignore as thats just infantile, I just tend not to even bother to look anymore, at his inane and irrational replies.
the one you replied to Shaitan is a case in point, is it not.

Frankly I wish you guys would get off the platform of personal insult - its understandable if you feel inclined to inject a bit of your sarcasm into your posts but all your replies amount to in terms of logic are "You are wrong because you disagree with me" - kind of raises the question what are your needs interests and concerns in lurking around on religious forums when you might expect to encounter persons possessed of different understandings to your vehemently atheistic standards
LG Alzthemer's is not confusion or bewilderment! What you don't understand, is that these people can look into a mirror and not RECONGNISE THEMSELVES!!!!

Hence a sense of I is identity, once they don't know who the hell they are, there's no sense of "I" Now just get over it!!!!

Scientists also have found other brain changes in people with AD. Nerve cells die in areas of the brain that are vital to memory and other mental abilities, and connections between nerve cells are disrupted. There also are lower levels of some of the chemicals in the brain that carry messages back and forth between nerve cells. AD may impair thinking and memory by disrupting these messages.

Hence LG Alztheimer's is not a psychological problem, it's physical.
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In vedic literature the self is called "atma" - atma can mean one's body (I have black hair etc), more subtley it is one's mind (I don't like strawberry ice cream etc) but ultimately it designates the soul because it is the conscious perception of self (regardless of how functional or dysfunctional one's body or mind may be) which enables one to even begin to exhibit anything in regards to their gross or subtle self (body or mind) - in other words there is more to the notion of self, even according to just mundane psychology, than the time place and circumstances under which one appears to take birth (in other words we operate out of a system of selfhood beyond mere designations of gender, country of birth age etc etc, even though these images of self appear dominant in contemporary materialistic culture it still remains "I think therefore I am"
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- entertaining - perhaps what goes to his credit is that he re-presented the views one can commonly encounter amongst atheists in a rhyming meter .... but not much in the way of establishing argument - more like emmotional opinion
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I guess the distinction between this one and the previous one is that he is not even offering the pretense of anything but entertainment - such entertaining things also exist in theism such as

but if you want to actually examine something more in line with the intelligent presentation of info try

(actually I just made a seperate thread for the last one - origins of mankind)
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Why is this more applicable to theism than atheism? I'm sure atheists are well aware of how short life is.

Does this suggest that theists don't have a 'game over', or merely wishfully think they don't?

Hmm, I don't have time to watch all of that, but Charlton Heston!? Hopefully you get some thought out replies to this on your other thread.
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Why is this more applicable to theism than atheism? I'm sure atheists are well aware of how short life is.
The joke is how meaningless it is though

Does this suggest that theists don't have a 'game over', or merely wishfully think they do?
Depends on your world view I guess

Hmm, I don't have time to watch all of that, but Charlton Heston!? Hopefully you get some thought out replies to this on your other thread.
Actually the merit of its presentation doesn't rest on him - he is merely the narrator - after all its a mainstream documentary
Actually this would have been a better opportunity to apply the hackneyed FSM. :rolleyes:

In otherwords wouldn't the proposal to teach a myriad of languages be an indirect means to undermine the existing language? (and also cause a decline in the effective use of language)
Isn't this indicative of an agenda?

Wouldn't such a mode of religious education render the actual performance of religious activities extinct? Wouldn't it be just another way of suggesting the popular atheistic doctrine that god is a subjective phenomena of no importance?

I'll give you a counter example. South Korea's education system puts more importance on English and Chinese characters than Korean. But meet any Korean today, and they still know Korean perfectly fluently. I am one of those.

If every kid is taught about religions objectively, it can enhance their understanding of their own religion, how it has historically impacted other religions and other peoples. REligion should only be taught in school as objective and only if it is inclusive all major world religions. Intelligent design is not science; it should not be taught in science class. a "Higher power" is involved in intelligent design and that already makes it non-science. What would be better to teach is instead, the different parts of the evolutionary theory and evolutionary evidence that has its fallings. That would explore more of evolution and get the students to think critically of evolution as well as creationism. Learning all sides, learning the evidence for and the evidence against all thigns is the true way to knowledge.
Anyone who doesn't believe in a god is pretty conceited. And probably loves himself too much to love anything besides. A little like Starlin.

Anyone who believes in God is pretty conceited. And probably himself too much to actually believe that some invisible being would care enough to listen to prayers and form His will over others. A little like Hitler.

The joke is how meaningless it is though

Meaningless? Maybe. I read an article by an atheist once and he said that people constantly tell him his outlook is bleek because he doesn't believe in God or an afterlife, and he says "Yes, but I look forward to a good lunch this afternoon." :D

Depends on your world view I guess

Not at all. You get no afterlife no matter how much you want it.
Anyone who believes in God is pretty conceited. And probably himself too much to actually believe that some invisible being would care enough to listen to prayers and form His will over others. A little like Hitler.

responding to a purely emmotional response with another purely emmotional response is purely emmotional

Meaningless? Maybe. I read an article by an atheist once and he said that people constantly tell him his outlook is bleek because he doesn't believe in God or an afterlife, and he says "Yes, but I look forward to a good lunch this afternoon." :D
hence "meaningless"

Not at all. You get no afterlife no matter how much you want it.
And that's not your world view?