The Holy Quran

You asked him what?
Gracious to do so? Do what? Preach?

Meaningless rhetoric?
Like posting false assumptions?

You know what you are hilarious. You would make a good slide of hand street person and I mean that in a positive sense. Tell us your take on the Quran? What do you think it means the phrase "Most Gracious"

Meki Beating a dead horse here
by not posting his comment on the verse, he did not preach.
By not commenting he broke the rules.

there is a fine line with chi as to preaching/not preaching,i personally do not think he has crossed that line in this thread (yet)
Chi is constantly crossing that line.

by you saying it is preaching does not make it preaching.
Posting nothing but the text is what makes it preaching.

so you are asking him to preach?
No, I'm asking him to make his posts relevant and ADD comment.

i understand you have a motivation that can be considered constructive, but you do not have any desire to learn how to be constructive, IE you are more interested in posturing than educating
I see. How do you learn? By someone giving you the answer or by working it out for yourself?
By being fed with that answer on that occasion or by learning how to critique your own work and actually think about what you're doing and why?
mi ke gal said:
You mean like a Hare . That kind of rabbit?
Yep. That's pretty common.

Other times it's a silhouette of an old man fishing - the line would extend to the ground.

Sometimes it's a view of a woman sewing, an old fashioned woman from treadle machine days.

I knew someone who could see a crawdad. I couldn't see it.

I think the old guy fishing is the original "man in the moon" - the face is not as clearly present, even when you can see it.
Yep. That's pretty common.

Other times it's a silhouette of an old man fishing - the line would extend to the ground.

Sometimes it's a view of a woman sewing, an old fashioned woman from treadle machine days.

I knew someone who could see a crawdad. I couldn't see it.

I think the old guy fishing is the original "man in the moon" - the face is not as clearly present, even when you can see it.
The year of the Rabbit started yesterday. The guy fishing ! I saw that before but I didn't know that was what it was . I thought it was a guy pointing with a stick at the circonpent " Point in the middle of the circle" like was shown at the beginning of this very thread. Woman sowing makes sense to Me. Like the Amalgamation of life it self . Sowing together the threads of time
Dyslexia , sorry it was Chi's other thread about evolving from rocks that had the circle inside the circle . Not this one. Dyslexia is a curse I wish on no one.
Chi is constantly crossing that line.

hence the 'yet' part..;)

I see. How do you learn? By someone giving you the answer or by working it out for yourself?
By being fed with that answer on that occasion or by learning how to critique your own work and actually think about what you're doing and why?

you have never attended any collages? how do they teach?
do they spoon feed you the answers when you need them?
do they just criticize everyone?
or do they teach.

if you want to teach ppl to be more critical of their subject and think about what they are doing,
then the same applies to you..

<edit> does anyone else noticed,that this thread has been hi-jacked?
hence the 'yet' part..;)

you have never attended any collages? how do they teach?
do they spoon feed you the answers when you need them?
do they just criticize everyone?
or do they teach.

if you want to teach ppl to be more critical of their subject and think about what they are doing,
then the same applies to you..

<edit> does anyone else noticed,that this thread has been hi-jacked?

hence the 'yet' part..;)
The "yet" was passed in the OP.

you have never attended any collages? how do they teach?
do they spoon feed you the answers when you need them?
do they just criticize everyone?
or do they teach.
When you're at school and you get your homework back (or exam results) do you simply get a cross or an explanation of where you went wrong?
The explanation comes when you realise you're wrong and ask for help: not when you blatantly persist in espousing something already said to be incorrect (or goes against what is already known). Especially when your wrong answer is accompanied by zero justification.

if you want to teach ppl to be more critical of their subject and think about what they are doing,
then the same applies to you..
I know what I'm doing. And why.

<edit> does anyone else noticed,that this thread has been hi-jacked?
Don't be silly. That's what threads are for!
I know what I'm doing. And why.
<edit> does anyone else noticed,that this thread has been hi-jacked?
Don't be silly. That's what threads are for!

aren't there rules against hi-jacking with intent?

it is not chi that is corrupting the thread..

because you do not share his beliefs, you have the belief that you are allowed to corrupt a potentially useful thread?
aren't there rules against hi-jacking with intent?
On the other hand there was no intent to hijack.
I simply reported him for preaching and the "hijacking" came about accidentally.

because you do not share his beliefs, you have the belief that you are allowed to corrupt a potentially useful thread?
On the contrary, it's because I accept the rules of the forum that I'm "corrupting" this thread. Chi, however, seems to think he needn't follow those rules.
On the contrary, it's because I accept the rules of the forum that I'm "corrupting" this thread. Chi, however, seems to think he needn't follow those rules.

you have not given chi a chance to make this thread a good thing or not.
go back and read what chi has said, most of it was defending himself from criticism.

hell you did not even give this thread a chance to be respectable, with or without chi.
he has only posted 8 posts so far,this does not speak of one who trying to take over the world..

what are you afraid you will learn something?
your too busy trying to shut the thread down to take it in the spirit it was given.
what are you afraid of?
you have not given chi a chance to make this thread a good thing or not.
Ch's "chance" was in the OP. Which (before editing by him) consisted of nothing but an entire chapter from the Quran and the words "I will be posting more teachings in this thread..."
The OP itself was preaching and not discussion.
The religious zealot kneels on his prayer mat, talking with Allah for the 6th time today. The mission is on; many nonbelievers will die! The bomber purifies himself, ready to enter paradise, sure of a higher place near the Great Allah… The zealot stand up… TachPara (from SciForum) shoots him dead.

TachPara easily entered the new and nearly complete Iranian nuclear facility as its ‘new’ janitor, having replaced the former one exactly by using an improved Botox.

He began replacing the innards of the battery operated flood lights that were for power outages… Soon they contained bombs, all 16 of them, and were near enough to the main pillars to bring down the entire structure from within.
This was the only way, for there were five levels of reinforced steel and concrete above, insuring that what had happened the last time could not happen again via any kind of bunker buster missiles.

TachPara would activate all the timers, then depart this life as best he could. He even wrote a new broadway musical play as he bided his time, then provided rhyme for all of John Milton’s blank verse.

Mid-morning finally arrived. This was it. He sent the signal to the timers and then wheeled his janitor cart towards the elevators. He boarded, along with two important looking officials, and the elevator headed up to the top.
Said one to the other, “Our Supreme Leader has spoken to Allah and has received approval for the destruction of Israel.”

Just about then, they all heard the loud rumbles of the coordinated explosions, then the thunderous collapse of the imploding building as all of its layers pancaked when the support pillars were all blown away.

TachPara suggested that perhaps Jehovah was much displeased with Allah.
Only the elevator stuck out of the dusty rubble, the door opening six stories above the now airy pit. The two officials quickly ran out into the dust and fell though the open air to their deaths, joining all those below that were trapped within.

TachPara was soon rescued and sent by ambulance to a hospital. He decided to go to an airport instead, writing a brand new opera along the way.

Then he went about solving the financial crisis, for he had a few hours to spare.
Surah 1 - Al Fatiha THE OPENING
001.001 In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

001.002 Praise be to God, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds;

001.003 Most Gracious, Most Merciful;

001.004 Master of the Day of Judgment.

001.005 Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we seek.

001.006 Show us the straight way,

001.007 The way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, those whose (portion) is not wrath, and who go not astray.


These are only the first 2 "chapters" of the Holy Quran (one removed due to whining) this thread is for learning and discussing the Quran and it's teachings. you can read the rest of the quranic verses/chapters here.

This link is the source for my post content.

I will be posting more teachings in this thread and helping others understand if they have any problems or simply want to discuss anything about the Quran.


I have some questions:



So what?
you have not given chi a chance to make this thread a good thing or not.
go back and read what chi has said, most of it was defending himself from criticism.

hell you did not even give this thread a chance to be respectable, with or without chi.
he has only posted 8 posts so far,this does not speak of one who trying to take over the world..

what are you afraid you will learn something?
your too busy trying to shut the thread down to take it in the spirit it was given.
what are you afraid of?

You talking about Me? Who told you I was trying to take over the world? Did Jerry tell you? Who spilled the Beans ? Fess Up Who was it? Shoot the cat is out of the bag now . I confess I am a Megalomaniac, You caught Me red handed.
The religious zealot kneels on his prayer mat, talking with Allah for the 6th time today. The mission is on; many nonbelievers will die! The bomber purifies himself, ready to enter paradise, sure of a higher place near the Great Allah… The zealot stand up… TachPara (from SciForum) shoots him dead.

TachPara easily entered the new and nearly complete Iranian nuclear facility as its ‘new’ janitor, having replaced the former one exactly by using an improved Botox.

He began replacing the innards of the battery operated flood lights that were for power outages… Soon they contained bombs, all 16 of them, and were near enough to the main pillars to bring down the entire structure from within.
This was the only way, for there were five levels of reinforced steel and concrete above, insuring that what had happened the last time could not happen again via any kind of bunker buster missiles.

TachPara would activate all the timers, then depart this life as best he could. He even wrote a new broadway musical play as he bided his time, then provided rhyme for all of John Milton’s blank verse.

Mid-morning finally arrived. This was it. He sent the signal to the timers and then wheeled his janitor cart towards the elevators. He boarded, along with two important looking officials, and the elevator headed up to the top.
Said one to the other, “Our Supreme Leader has spoken to Allah and has received approval for the destruction of Israel.”

Just about then, they all heard the loud rumbles of the coordinated explosions, then the thunderous collapse of the imploding building as all of its layers pancaked when the support pillars were all blown away.

TachPara suggested that perhaps Jehovah was much displeased with Allah.
Only the elevator stuck out of the dusty rubble, the door opening six stories above the now airy pit. The two officials quickly ran out into the dust and fell though the open air to their deaths, joining all those below that were trapped within.

TachPara was soon rescued and sent by ambulance to a hospital. He decided to go to an airport instead, writing a brand new opera along the way.

Then he went about solving the financial crisis, for he had a few hours to spare.

Nice story . Super man type story. TachPara , what kind of name is that? Give Me a definition. I know you writers pick names of character for a reason. All good writers do. It sounds Native American and Egyptian at the same time?