The Holy Quran

The same place it says not to excerpt -

we have it on the universal word of several former Islamic missionaries on this forum, all of whom agree that only the Arabic version is the real, perfect Quran as dictated by the angel.

You should stop bowing to the oppression and bigotry of this forum, with its English-only bias that forces you to break your religious conduct. Being forced to present English corruptions of the perfect Book as "quotations" is an affront to your faith. Resist. Maintain your purity and cleanliness in the sight of Allah.
You can not see Allah. Maybe Chi can . Maybe it is you who brakes conduct. Not knowing how to be a conduit . You are so smart tell Me something about the mans Face in the Moon.
Reported for preaching.

i would not be so quick to find offense with this thread dyw..

there is a lack of knowledge considering the quran, (less so than the bible)

to be scientificly responsible in any disscussion involving a book, one must study the book. (the phrase 'have you even read that book?' has entered into several discussions on this board)

as long as chi understands that it is just a study and not an opportunity to hammer his beliefs into others (IE argueing 'this means that' without consideration to other opinions)

i for one am interested in what is in the quran, not for any desire to change religions but to be more informed as to what the quran actually says.
(rather than relying on an opinion from someone else)

Absolutely if you went about your "analysis" in the same way.

Posting anything verbatim without comment or, indeed, "analysis" is a no-no. Posting huge swathes of religious books without comment on its (supposed) meaning, relevance or anything else is preaching, pure and simple.

You have to set up a premise and then discus. So far I see complaining . So why not read what he highlighted and then discuss, dispute or give a descriptive view . It won't hurt you , You can even ridicule if you have a bases to do so. I know you are one of the people that believe the myth you have free will and you are the center of every thing. You should like the script then . You can put your self in the position of "Most Gracious" as you read , but then you don't seem to know what that even means
i would not be so quick to find offense with this thread dyw..

there is a lack of knowledge considering the quran, (less so than the bible)

to be scientificly responsible in any disscussion involving a book, one must study the book. (the phrase 'have you even read that book?' has entered into several discussions on this board)

as long as chi understands that it is just a study and not an opportunity to hammer his beliefs into others (IE argueing 'this means that' without consideration to other opinions)

i for one am interested in what is in the quran, not for any desire to change religions but to be more informed as to what the quran actually says.
(rather than relying on an opinion from someone else)

You get a big Golden STAR my love. "The Quran as Literature" blam
Surah 1 - Al Fatiha THE OPENING
001.001 In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

001.002 Praise be to God, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds;

001.003 Most Gracious, Most Merciful;

001.004 Master of the Day of Judgment.

001.005 Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we seek.

001.006 Show us the straight way,

001.007 The way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, those whose (portion) is not wrath, and who go not astray.

seems pretty straight introduction prayer,

the last line could be read a few diffent ways and needs to be elaborated on..
explain 'those whose (portion) is not wrath', (i think it is saying those who don't focus on their anger)
i would not be so quick to find offense with this thread dyw..
there is a lack of knowledge considering the quran, (less so than the bible)
to be scientificly responsible in any disscussion involving a book, one must study the book. (the phrase 'have you even read that book?' has entered into several discussions on this board)
Then why doesn't Chi start the thread asking if anyone wants to discuss the Quran rather than merely swathes of it with no comment?
Since anyone looking at the thread has, of necessity, access to the same version (i.e. they can look at a link) then there is absolutely no need whatsoever to simply post chunks without comment.

as long as chi understands that it is just a study and not an opportunity to hammer his beliefs into others (IE argueing 'this means that' without consideration to other opinions)
He hasn't even done that much: all he did was post the first (entire) chapter with no comment, no analysis, no... anything. Pointlessly.

i for one am interested in what is in the quran, not for any desire to change religions but to be more informed as to what the quran actually says.
(rather than relying on an opinion from someone else)
No problem there: so why can't the discussion pick one piece at a time and talk about it, as opposed to wholesale cut and paste sans comment?

You have to set up a premise and then discus.
Correct. Which was not done.

So far I see complaining . So why not read what he highlighted and then discuss, dispute or give a descriptive view
Discuss? What? Chi couldn't be bothered to do so. If I simply wanted to read the Quran I'd read my copy and not waste on-line bandwidth.

I know you are one of the people that believe the myth you have free will
Then you don't know what you're talking about. I suggest you either stop making assumptions or, at the very least, stop voicing them.

and you are the center of every thing.
Yet another assumption.
001.001 In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

001.002 Praise be to God, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds;

001.003 Most Gracious, Most Merciful;

001.004 Master of the Day of Judgment.

001.005 Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we seek.

001.006 Show us the straight way,

001.007 The way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, those whose (portion) is not wrath, and who go not astray.

Way to hedge your bets. Are you a sustainer of the world, or the one that destroys it? If a massive meteor were found to be heading straight for Earth, would it invalidate the "sustainer" claim?
No I posted Merely 2 Chapters to give the reader an idea of what the quran is and for an example of a verse somebody could quote for discussion.

If you had some point that you wanted to make, then perhaps you should tell us what that point was.

My point is that the text you quoted isn't a "teaching", it's a prayer.

Posting a prayer without any further discussion or analysis suggests that you intended it to be a prayer. That might not be preaching exactly, but it's pretty close.

You're kind of maneuvering yourself to become Sciforums' Muslim prayer leader, its self-appointed imam, aren't you?
Then why doesn't Chi start the thread asking if anyone wants to discuss the Quran
that is assumed..if you don't want to discuss it..stay out of the thread..

rather than merely swathes of it with no comment?
that is the crux..if he were to post his comments on it how quickly would you 'go off' and say he was preaching his opinion?
by not putting his comment first, he opens it up to others comments first.
it is my opinion as it stands that is the best way not to put forth any indoctrination into the study

Since anyone looking at the thread has, of necessity, access to the same version (i.e. they can look at a link) then there is absolutely no need whatsoever to simply post chunks without comment.
again study without disscussion with others is irresponsible science..
the post was getting us on the same page so to speak, i am sure if someone brought a verse to discuss on their own, there would be no hard feelings.

He hasn't even done that much: all he did was post the first (entire) chapter with no comment, no analysis, no... anything. Pointlessly.
see above comment

No problem there: so why can't the discussion pick one piece at a time and talk about it, as opposed to wholesale cut and paste sans comment?
um he is..

Discuss? What? Chi couldn't be bothered to do so. If I simply wanted to read the Quran I'd read my copy and not waste on-line bandwidth.
so why are you posting here?
you are not interested in increasing you knowledge dyw, you are only interested in posturing. making yourself feel better cause you can point at others and say 'your wrong'

when are you gonna contribute something constructive?
seems pretty straight introduction prayer,

the last line could be read a few diffent ways and needs to be elaborated on..
explain 'those whose (portion) is not wrath', (i think it is saying those who don't focus on their anger)

It is my opinion that anger comes from fear. You take some anger management classes ? You seem to have your 2 hands under control . Amalgamation

Consider Love and unconditional love . The 2 forces of humanity. Does the Quran say anything about that? Could "Those whose is not wrath" be a reference to the same thought? Where as love with conditions brings on suspicious feelings of revenge
that is assumed..if you don't want to discuss it..stay out of the thread..
Hmm, let someone who has already been banned for preaching continue to do so? SciForums is made up of all of us. If I want Sci to remain the sort of site I wish to frequent don't I have a duty to "do my bit"?

it is my opinion as it stands that is the best way not to put forth any indoctrination into the study
His post breaks the rules. It's that simple.

um he is..
No he isn't. He has given no comment.

so why are you posting here?
you are not interested in increasing you knowledge dyw, you are only interested in posturing. making yourself feel better cause you can point at others and say 'your wrong'
Oh Squirrel, I expected better from you. Do you think I'm not? Do you really think that's why I'm here? Do you actually believe that's what I'm doing?
Meh, never mind. It appears to be my lot in life to be constantly misinterpreted. Maybe, just maybe, it says something about the abilities of those who read me. :p

when are you gonna contribute something constructive?
Thread is trolling. I recommend closure.

not yet..but it can easily be a trolling thread,
so far chi is attempting a serious disscusion, its the other users who are making it a bad thing..(i did say 'so far', cannot address any future motivations)

come on ppl..this is an opportunity to understand what the quran has in it, and how the extremist can take it out of context (like no christian has ever done that to the bible..:rolleyes:)

it is my opinion in order to fight the extremist we must communicate with them on their own terms, the quran is that communication median, to dismiss the quran and not study it,(not saying you have to believe in it) is to rely on your own uninformed/uneducated opinion, how scientific is that?

grow up and get your science on!
Then why doesn't Chi start the thread asking if anyone wants to discuss the Quran rather than merely swathes of it with no comment?
Since anyone looking at the thread has, of necessity, access to the same version (i.e. they can look at a link) then there is absolutely no need whatsoever to simply post chunks without comment.

He hasn't even done that much: all he did was post the first (entire) chapter with no comment, no analysis, no... anything. Pointlessly.

No problem there: so why can't the discussion pick one piece at a time and talk about it, as opposed to wholesale cut and paste sans comment?

Correct. Which was not done.

Discuss? What? Chi couldn't be bothered to do so. If I simply wanted to read the Quran I'd read my copy and not waste on-line bandwidth.

Then you don't know what you're talking about. I suggest you either stop making assumptions or, at the very least, stop voicing them.

Yet another assumption.

I asked him too several days ago. I am dyslexic and he has been "Most Gracious" to do so for he could read my lack of cognizant skills by the way I post on threads. Go some place else then and don"t bother us with your meaningless rhetoric . Go read your copy , or do something nice for your girl friend if you have one
I asked him too several days ago. I am dyslexic and he has been "Most Gracious" to do so
You asked him what?
Gracious to do so? Do what? Preach?

Go some place else then and don"t bother us with your meaningless rhetoric
Meaningless rhetoric?
Like posting false assumptions?
Me-Ki-Gal said:
I know you are one of the people that believe the myth you have free will
Me-Ki-Gal said:
and you are the center of every thing.
Hmm, let someone who has already been banned for preaching continue to do so? SciForums is made up of all of us. If I want Sci to remain the sort of site I wish to frequent don't I have a duty to "do my bit"?
by not posting his comment on the verse, he did not preach.
there is a fine line with chi as to preaching/not preaching,i personally do not think he has crossed that line in this thread (yet)

His post breaks the rules. It's that simple.
by you saying it is preaching does not make it preaching.

No he isn't. He has given no comment.
so you are asking him to preach?

Oh Squirrel, I expected better from you. Do you think I'm not? Do you really think that's why I'm here? Do you actually believe that's what I'm doing?
i understand you have a motivation that can be considered constructive, but you do not have any desire to learn how to be constructive, IE you are more interested in posturing than educating, (IE 'your wrong' as opposed to 1+1=2)
Meh, never mind. It appears to be my lot in life to be constantly misinterpreted. Maybe, just maybe, it says something about the abilities of those who read me. :p
how bout there such a thing as a class to learn how to criticize constructively?
If you had some point that you wanted to make, then perhaps you should tell us what that point was.

My point is that the text you quoted isn't a "teaching", it's a prayer.

Posting a prayer without any further discussion or analysis suggests that you intended it to be a prayer. That might not be preaching exactly, but it's pretty close.

You're kind of maneuvering yourself to become Sciforums' Muslim prayer leader, its self-appointed imam, aren't you?
Maybe the Mahdi apportioned it to him. I can tell you he didn't appoint him self. It came from another place . Will someone answer my question? Is the phrase Most Gracious meant to be an Attribute or a name of God ? Who knows ? Tell Me or I will beat you with a bad word.
Chi's brain wires have so often fired together that they have grooved him into a total robot who must still preach, even just a day after having had to go away for such.