The good thing about religion...

Actually we do have some evidence that certain god/s don't exist in that lack of evidence.
Have you asked them??

I did a ritual to Hecate on Her sacred day (November 30).
Within a month someone dumped a black dog in my neighborhood that would only come to me and no other the time...he's mellowed.

Black dogs are sacred to Hecate. I should have mentioned to her we had enough four-legged boarders here during the rite :facepalm:

Anybody want a nice doggie?:eek:

People have killed in the name of god, for their beliefs.

People have killed in the name of God, okay.
Explain how you conclude that: a) these people actually believed in God, and
b) that that belief was the reason for their actions.

Theism is the belief in god, therefore those who believe in god and kill in the name of that god are killing for their theism.

What is belief in God?
Is it one size fits all, or are there as many levels as there are people?
You claim you believed in God at one time. What is the evidence of your belief?

Oh you know that I will.

I know that you think you will.

me said:
If they killed in the name of God, that doesn't prove they were theists.

Yeah, it kind of does.

Only ''kind of does' now, eh!'? :D

People kill in the name of god because of what they believe about god, lacking a belief in god precludes one from that activity unless someone is using it to hide a murder, in which case they're not killing for god.

You're missing my point.
How do you determine that someone believes in God?
Is ''belief in God'' based on verbal affirmation, for example?

While not all theisms create murderous rage in their adherents, it is undeniable that it is easier to kill others when you believe that a god(or the god) wants you to.

Not judging by the action of the blood-thirsty athiests of the 20th century.
Tell me, apart from the fact that murder is ''against the law'', can you explain what was wrong with the actions of these mass murderers?

me said:
For all we know they may have been atheists killing in the name of God.

Really? Quit being so deliberately obtuse.

Why not? If atheists can pose as theists in Christian forums to gain information from the enemy (as they see it), they can
invoke the notion of God to perform acts. That's not a very big step to take.

It, like all estimates of those killed, is an estimate. You may wish to put it at tens of millions rather than hundreds, but that's doubtful considering how long theists have been putting each other(and those unfortunate atheists) to the sword.

My position is, I don't know. But it seems YOU know.
And I want to know how you know, so some credible info, not only on the number you arrive at, but the claim that ''belief in God'' was at the heart of all those murders.

We've had more than ten thousand years of near constant religious warfare, even today that are over a dozen armed conflicts which are explicitly religious in nature.

I'm afraid you need to be more explicit with your claims, so we can go through them, otherwise you're just trying to score with hearsay.

Well Well well

1. Yes christianity gives you hope. Is a very simple Religion, you just believe in Christ and he is God and he came to save you from your sins. Now is not only that, christianity is a way of life. When Christ save you from your sins, save you from yourself, we humans are bad, real bad, the bible states so is no one good no one. Now we have people in this forum bringing things up that Christians did centuries ago. the Crusades and the Inquisition were children of the Catholic Church not of a Christian Religion, I am not excusing what the Catholic did, have to deal with with a very different world, Muslim attacking them, viking attacking them etc etc, SO History is cause and effect matter. And Christianity is here to stay. If you compare this Religion with others is a very superior Religion, you just have to believe in Christ and Christ is God. Other Religion are a mess, Hindu you have to worship hundred of gods, even their evil one Kali you have to worship him to keep him happy. Muslims they follow hundred of Holy men and you even have to kill yourself to go to heaven and don't forget to be a real good muslim you have to go to Mecca. That cost thousand of dollars. What about Christianity? is free. you even can get a free bible. Now English is only one of my languages. so if you dont understand something let me know.
But yes Christ give you freedom, give you hope, give you happiness, Christ when things are not right give you guidance, Christ is the only god dying for you . And he doesn't want for you to die for him. Christ is what a real god should be a Powerful being protecting his creature. Now you believe in whatever. And even that Christ forgive.
1. Yes christianity gives you hope. Is a very simple Religion, you just believe in Christ and he is God and he came to save you from your sins. Now is not only that, christianity is a way of life. When Christ save you from your sins, save you from yourself, we humans are bad, real bad, the bible states so is no one good no one. Now we have people in this forum bringing things up that Christians did centuries ago. the Crusades and the Inquisition were children of the Catholic Church not of a Christian Religion, I am not excusing what the Catholic did, have to deal with with a very different world, Muslim attacking them, viking attacking them etc etc, SO History is cause and effect matter. And Christianity is here to stay. If you compare this Religion with others is a very superior Religion, you just have to believe in Christ and Christ is God. Other Religion are a mess, Hindu you have to worship hundred of gods, even their evil one Kali you have to worship him to keep him happy. Muslims they follow hundred of Holy men and you even have to kill yourself to go to heaven and don't forget to be a real good muslim you have to go to Mecca. That cost thousand of dollars. What about Christianity? is free. you even can get a free bible. Now English is only one of my languages. so if you dont understand something let me know.
But yes Christ give you freedom, give you hope, give you happiness, Christ when things are not right give you guidance, Christ is the only god dying for you . And he doesn't want for you to die for him. Christ is what a real god should be a Powerful being protecting his creature. Now you believe in whatever. And even that Christ forgive.

You are lost brother. You were made perfect, as was I, and as was Dwydyr, but you see it is the corrupted man the infects us all, im talking to you crocked media empires. Im talking to you music industry. Hollywood whats up. Oil companies yappp. Your United States "government." You have been deceived by your church. Let me let you in on a secret Christianity=Muslim=Buddhist=Hinduism. Its all the same picture painted with different colors and alternate strokes, all by multiple artist. Take the bible line by line, one line is less true than the other. Christ gives you non of these things, you find these for yourself. You will be judged the same as your atheist brother.
You were made perfect

but you see it is the corrupted man the infects us all, im talking to you crocked media empires. Im talking to you music industry. Hollywood whats up. Oil companies yappp. Your United States "government." You have been deceived by your church.

Take the bible line by line, one line is less true than the other.
Selectiveness again?

Christ gives you non of these things, you find these for yourself.
And back to "Take my word for it".

You will be judged the same as your atheist brother.
Also wrong.
Religion is a human universal that is positive insofar as people feel a sense of security and stability with having meaning in their lives. Still, it doesn't really work to generalize about religion's effect on people because the effects of religion can differ per religion, per interpretation, and per individual. Eliminating a certain religion or interpretation from the life of one individual could have positive effects while doing the same for another will have negative effects. Substituting one interpretation for another may have positive effects for one person, while another person my benefit more from changing from their parents' religion to a new one. The only religion that has truly negative effects, imo, is secularism when it substitutes non-religious forms of dogma for religion. I only say that because I think that rejecting religion while practicing religious-type beliefs in other ways leads to less responsible stewardship of one's spirituality and behavior. This is not to say that all religious people are actively responsible stewards in this way, but at least they are aware of their faith/beliefs, whereas people who see themselves as secular and therefore non-religious often think that they are simply neutral when they're not in practice.
Religion is a human universal that is positive insofar as people feel a sense of security and stability with having meaning in their lives. Still, it doesn't really work to generalize about religion's effect on people because the effects of religion can differ per religion, per interpretation, and per individual. Eliminating a certain religion or interpretation from the life of one individual could have positive effects while doing the same for another will have negative effects. Substituting one interpretation for another may have positive effects for one person, while another person my benefit more from changing from their parents' religion to a new one. The only religion that has truly negative effects, imo, is secularism when it substitutes non-religious forms of dogma for religion. I only say that because I think that rejecting religion while practicing religious-type beliefs in other ways leads to less responsible stewardship of one's spirituality and behavior. This is not to say that all religious people are actively responsible stewards in this way, but at least they are aware of their faith/beliefs, whereas people who see themselves as secular and therefore non-religious often think that they are simply neutral when they're not in practice.

I will be who I want to be. Be happy my will is that of Gods.
well well

Hollywood and the government of the USA are not Christian or based on Christianity, my church has no idols or paintings, I think Catholics are the only Christian you know, and they do a lot of things that the bible do not approve, that's why we are call protestants because we protested against the Church or Rome. Any book you read line by line and to analyze that line just doing that take the line out of the whole contest of the book. Many people criticize the bible but they never read the whole book. In other forum we were talking about the garbage published recently and we discussed Harry Potter, well before talking about the book I first read the book of Harry Potter (first one)cover to cover, before I share my opinion ( an I can say Harry potter is garbage) But what really amazes me is how people give their opinion about the bible like an authority and they never even read the book, and how they confuse Buddha's teaching with Christ's teaching and Vishnu is the same than Allah!!! I read the Koran ( Quoran) and the Torah and believe me I come back to the bible as a complete and "living" book when I called it a living book is because I can apply the book knowledge to my life and I will be happier, healthier and a lot more wise. Now I need to read the Vedas to know more about the Hindus. My Hindus friends read the book, but a lot of hem haven't, but they encourage me to read it, which I will. As a matter of fact one of the HUGE difference between the Bible and other Religions is, the bible call for us to pray for our enemies.But I tell you: "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you", Mathew 5:44 Very difficult to do, believe me very difficult only God can teach us to think this way, Only God...