The good thing about religion...

You have no evidence God does not exist, I have evidence 2 + 2 does not = 5. Terrible analogy. You make assumptions, just as you accuse me of.

it is all perspective . You would not think a 4 is like 13 , but it is , It has similar characteristics in is congruent in and odd ways. :Lets look at 7 and 25 for example . They seem to have nothing in common at first glance . O.K. lets look at there multiples and we can see they have an element of being the same
0,7,14,21,28,35 there is your sample of 7s
0,25,50,75,100,125 there is your sample of 25s

you see how they are the same ? Think reduction math of cranks Dyw

the pattern holds true for all numbers, 23 will follow 5 in the same manner . It don't matter were you go factors of 41 will be the same pattern . So the point is 41 + 52 =93 is not much different than 5+7 =12. Reduction math wise that is . So you got to ask your self ? When you look at 2+2 it can have a lot more to it than just having 4 for the answer. In this way 4 can =31 which you would not think possible in any way other than 2 numbers being added . Lets check 5 and 23 and see if we get the same results 5,10,15 o.k. now 23,46,69 o.k. then . You know what they say about assumptions? Asses on the run way , Or is that turtles down on the run way ? No that was "Asses out of you and me" assume. We learn this shit from making land deals . Cause if you don't check it could mean the ruin of your life financially . Just think if you found out after you buy a piece of property for the sole reason to develop it, then find out after you make the purchase you can't develop it . That can ruin your whole day . Sales people have a habit of leaving you in the lurch like this . Big promises not delivered. Like boasting of killing the Pope if you see him . Empty prattle . We learn in my world if you pull the gun be ready to pull the trigger . This thought can help you decide if you really want to pull it out of your holster in the first place. I wonder if this is why Dyw brings up links on occasions . One thing I gots to say about all de posts I have ever seen by Dyw is . Dyw don't seem to make to many assumptions . That is one of the things that seems to make Dyw unique.
it is all perspective . You would not think a 4 is like 13 , but it is , It has similar characteristics in is congruent in and odd ways. :Lets look at 7 and 25 for example . They seem to have nothing in common at first glance . O.K. lets look at there multiples and we can see they have an element of being the same
0,7,14,21,28,35 there is your sample of 7s
0,25,50,75,100,125 there is your sample of 25s

you see how they are the same ? Think reduction math of cranks Dyw

the pattern holds true for all numbers, 23 will follow 5 in the same manner . It don't matter were you go factors of 41 will be the same pattern . So the point is 41 + 52 =93 is not much different than 5+7 =12. Reduction math wise that is . So you got to ask your self ? When you look at 2+2 it can have a lot more to it than just having 4 for the answer. In this way 4 can =31 which you would not think possible in any way other than 2 numbers being added . Lets check 5 and 23 and see if we get the same results 5,10,15 o.k. now 23,46,69 o.k. then . You know what they say about assumptions? Asses on the run way , Or is that turtles down on the run way ? No that was "Asses out of you and me" assume. We learn this shit from making land deals . Cause if you don't check it could mean the ruin of your life financially . Just think if you found out after you buy a piece of property for the sole reason to develop it, then find out after you make the purchase you can't develop it . That can ruin your whole day . Sales people have a habit of leaving you in the lurch like this . Big promises not delivered. Like boasting of killing the Pope if you see him . Empty prattle . We learn in my world if you pull the gun be ready to pull the trigger . This thought can help you decide if you really want to pull it out of your holster in the first place. I wonder if this is why Dyw brings up links on occasions . One thing I gots to say about all de posts I have ever seen by Dyw is . Dyw don't seem to make to many assumptions . That is one of the things that seems to make Dyw unique.

That part, yes. The rest of this WHAT. THE. FUCK?
@Knowledge --

Never said that you swayed from your beliefs, just that you were making wildly inaccurate accusations and that your posts so far have suffered from a bad case of the internal inconsistencies virus.

For example, you stated that it doesn't matter if you're an atheist or not, going so far as to say that being an open minded atheist was a good thing and that so long as you were good that you would get to heaven. Later you said that not believing in god, which is the very definition of atheism, is akin to worshiping satan and that all satanists are inherently evil and bad. These two statements contradict each other as we can see when you boil them down.

Position 1: "You don't need to believe in god, so long as you do good you go to heaven."

Position 2: "Not believing in god is the same as worshiping satan and satanists are inherently evil."

Conclusion: "You must believe in god to do good and get to heaven."

Can you see the contradiction yet?

Im sorry I lost you. Being atheist does not equal satanist, just as being christian does not equal being a saint. However, atheism is a tool of the devil. Do not fret, you will be judged on your deeds more so than your beliefs.

If I have made more contradictions I would love to hear them immediately.
I already highlighted one of them, however I made the mistake of drawing them from different threads(that's what I get posting while going through coffee withdrawal).
I already highlighted one of them, however I made the mistake of drawing them from different threads(that's what I get posting while going through coffee withdrawal).

Tell me what it was. If you find more feel free to quote them in this forum.
I already highlighted the biggest one I saw.

You said that being an open minded atheist was fine, good in fact. You then went on to state that not believing in god, the very definition of atheism mind, was the same as worshiping the devil. You then went on to say that worshiping the devil was inherently evil.

So what you said was that it was fine to not believe in god, but that not believing in god was worshiping the devil and that worshiping the devil is inherently evil. How is that not a contradiction? Perhaps that was not what you intended to say, but that is what you said.
You tell everyone else to keep their opinion/ belief on god to themselves while espousing your own view.
You persistently claim the bible is bullshit while exhorting us to read Revelations to get "the real story".

Because my claims are pure. The bible is not Revelation.
I already highlighted the biggest one I saw.

You said that being an open minded atheist was fine, good in fact. You then went on to state that not believing in god, the very definition of atheism mind, was the same as worshiping the devil. You then went on to say that worshiping the devil was inherently evil.

So what you said was that it was fine to not believe in god, but that not believing in god was worshiping the devil and that worshiping the devil is inherently evil. How is that not a contradiction? Perhaps that was not what you intended to say, but that is what you said.

I adressed this. Atheism does not = satanism, just as Christianity does not = sainthood. However, atheism is a tool of the devil.
Because my claims are pure.
According to you. No evidence of this though.

The bible is not Revelation.
I see, so where would we find this "Revelation" so we can read it?
The only one I know of is part of the bible. You know, the book you claimed is bullshit. Is this another example of selectivity on your part?

However, atheism is a tool of the devil.
So you say. But you're wrong.
WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT. I am trying to spread the word of God. I don't care if you believe me. No bad can come from that, except people like you skewing my words to create clashing ideologies on the same topic (the Creator).

Politics is great, isn't it?
ok I see how the bible came together. Its a group of stories, and prophecies... and it is in still large part debauchery.
Actually it's common nonsense when you have a bunch of people running about stating that mutually exclusive revelations are common sense.

No, figuring out what is real and what is false is common sense to only some I guess.
No, figuring out what is real and what is false is common sense to only some I guess.

Honestly, how can you not realize that your personal testimony is completely and utterly unimpressive? People like you are everywhere. You all use similar (and always subjective) arguments in some futile effort to generate some sort of air of legitimacy, but you are doomed to failure from the very start due to circumstances that are painfully obvious to almost everyone else.

No rational person can take you seriously, and that's never going to change.
No, figuring out what is real and what is false is common sense to only some I guess.
But a delusion that they can do so on their own is, unfortunately, quite commonplace.
Which is what's happening in your case.
Religion is the excuse for belief where no belief exists.

College Professor stood on his chair & said, "If GOD really exists, knock me off this chair" Nothing happened & the class was quiet. He said, "See! now I'll give it a few more minutes". A Military Vet stood up, punched him in the face, knocking him out, then sat back down. As the Professor came to, he looked at his student & asked, "Why did you do that?" Veteran answered, "GOD was busy protecting my buddies fighting for your right to say & do stupid stuff, so HE SENT ME!