The good thing about religion...

@Knowledge --

Just keep an open mind, and when you meet your maker understand his word goes period.

I would rather go to hell than live under an eternal tyrant.
Being atheist is better than being a blinded Christian, imo.
This opinion would be based on your personal delusion, right?

and when you meet your maker understand his word goes period.
Rife with too many suppositions.

However, when you start to tell others God does not exist you become part of the problem.
Oops, error. Maybe you don't know what "atheism" means.

If you want to be atheist, fine, keep it yourself. If you are Christian fine, but keep it to yourself.
False. This is equivalent to saying "if other people think 2+2=5, keep quiet and let them carry on". (From either perspective).
This opinion would be based on your personal delusion, right?

Rife with too many suppositions.

Oops, error. Maybe you don't know what "atheism" means.

False. This is equivalent to saying "if other people think 2+2=5, keep quiet and let them carry on". (From either perspective).

You have no evidence God does not exist, I have evidence 2 + 2 does not = 5. Terrible analogy. You make assumptions, just as you accuse me of.
@Dywyddyr --

Actually we do have some evidence that certain god/s don't exist in that lack of evidence. If evidence is supposed to be there, like the power of intercessory prayer most monotheists assert, isn't there in the final analysis, then it is evidence that god is absent. Sometimes an absence of evidence is indeed evidence of absence.
@Dywyddyr --

Actually we do have some evidence that certain god/s don't exist in that lack of evidence. If evidence is supposed to be there, like the power of intercessory prayer most monotheists assert, isn't there in the final analysis, then it is evidence that god is absent. Sometimes an absence of evidence is indeed evidence of absence.

You can pray for other people, but not in place of them. Religion IS NOT OF God. There is no evidence of God. If you don't want to believe, FINE, but keep it to yourself.
@Dywyddyr --
Actually we do have some evidence that certain god/s don't exist in that lack of evidence. If evidence is supposed to be there, like the power of intercessory prayer most monotheists assert, isn't there in the final analysis, then it is evidence that god is absent. Sometimes an absence of evidence is indeed evidence of absence.
I agree, but as a general principle...

If you don't want to believe, FINE, but keep it to yourself.
I note you don't stick to your own advice.
And why should we keep it to ourselves?
Other than because YOU say so?

PS it's not a question of not "wanting" to believe. Another error on your part.
I agree, but as a general principle...

I note you don't stick to your own advice.
And why should we keep it to ourselves?
Other than because YOU say so?

PS it's not a question of not "wanting" to believe. Another error on your part.

WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT. I am trying to spread the word of God. I don't care if you believe me. No bad can come from that, except people like you skewing my words to create clashing ideologies on the same topic (the Creator).
WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT. I am trying to spread the word of God.
Yet you're telling everyone else with an opinion (or belief) to keep it themselves. Hypocrisy is great, isn't it?

No bad can come from that
Ooh, blatantly erroneous. If I believe you and take YOUR word then I'm losing out on the chance of finding the genuine religion/ path to god.
I mean, there's no guarantee, and no evidence, that you're any more correct than any other nutter with delusions of correctness, is there?

except people like you skewing my words to create clashing ideologies on the same topic (the Creator).
Skewing your words?
On the contrary, all I'm doing is pointing out the inconsistencies in your (unsupported) declarations.
@Knowledge --

There is no evidence of God.

Then there's no reason for anyone to believe.

If you don't want to believe, FINE, but keep it to yourself.

Ah the old(and it's very old) "you atheists should just bend over and take it quietly like a good little bitch" line.

Yeah, sorry but we've been doing that since the dawn of history, and it didn't work out too well(thousands of religious wars, uncountable religious confrontation, unbelievers and uppity people being burned alive, et cetera, et cetera). You lot have had about ten thousand years with the megaphone, and the reigns of power, I think that it's time you got used to us speaking our minds.

Keep in mind that we're still new to this. This is the first century where we've really had the freedom to speak out about what we believe and what we don't and why we don't accept religious claims without being killed. Hell, in much of the world this still isn't the case, for many atheists it's only the ambiguity of the internet that keeps them safe from harm. Even in the US there are areas where we can't be open about who we aren't. I have personally been run out of a town at gunpoint because I didn't believe, and there are still seven states where it is illegal to hold any public office if you do not believe in one supreme being(so goodbye polytheists as well).

Knowing all of this, do you still think that we should just shut up?

...except people like you skewing my words to create clashing ideologies on the same topic (the Creator).

I've not seen one person deliberately skew your words or twist your meanings. If it has happened it's because you communicated them poorly and then the onus is on you to correct that. I know that all I, and others in this thread, have done is to turn your logic back against you. We altered nothing about your message, just showed you the logical fallacies.
Yet you're telling everyone else with an opinion (or belief) to keep it themselves. Hypocrisy is great, isn't it?

Ooh, blatantly erroneous. If I believe you and take YOUR word then I'm losing out on the chance of finding the genuine religion/ path to god.
I mean, there's no guarantee, and no evidence, that you're any more correct than any other nutter with delusions of correctness, is there?

Skewing your words?
On the contrary, all I'm doing is pointing out the inconsistencies in your (unsupported) declarations.

Im consistent, as are you. Be a good man that is all.
@Knowledge --

Then there's no reason for anyone to believe.

Ah the old(and it's very old) "you atheists should just bend over and take it quietly like a good little bitch" line.

Yeah, sorry but we've been doing that since the dawn of history, and it didn't work out too well(thousands of religious wars, uncountable religious confrontation, unbelievers and uppity people being burned alive, et cetera, et cetera). You lot have had about ten thousand years with the megaphone, and the reigns of power, I think that it's time you got used to us speaking our minds.

Keep in mind that we're still new to this. This is the first century where we've really had the freedom to speak out about what we believe and what we don't and why we don't accept religious claims without being killed. Hell, in much of the world this still isn't the case, for many atheists it's only the ambiguity of the internet that keeps them safe from harm. Even in the US there are areas where we can't be open about who we aren't. I have personally been run out of a town at gunpoint because I didn't believe, and there are still seven states where it is illegal to hold any public office if you do not believe in one supreme being(so goodbye polytheists as well).

Knowing all of this, do you still think that we should just shut up?

I've not seen one person deliberately skew your words or twist your meanings. If it has happened it's because you communicated them poorly and then the onus is on you to correct that. I know that all I, and others in this thread, have done is to turn your logic back against you. We altered nothing about your message, just showed you the logical fallacies.

Im sorry to hear all this. I have not been swayed from my belief, you will have to take my word that I am a very open minded man.

All I say is be a good man.
Im consistent, as are you. Be a good man that is all.
You tell everyone else to keep their opinion/ belief on god to themselves while espousing your own view.
You persistently claim the bible is bullshit while exhorting us to read Revelations to get "the real story".
@Knowledge --

Never said that you swayed from your beliefs, just that you were making wildly inaccurate accusations and that your posts so far have suffered from a bad case of the internal inconsistencies virus.

For example, you stated that it doesn't matter if you're an atheist or not, going so far as to say that being an open minded atheist was a good thing and that so long as you were good that you would get to heaven. Later you said that not believing in god, which is the very definition of atheism, is akin to worshiping satan and that all satanists are inherently evil and bad. These two statements contradict each other as we can see when you boil them down.

Position 1: "You don't need to believe in god, so long as you do good you go to heaven."

Position 2: "Not believing in god is the same as worshiping satan and satanists are inherently evil."

Conclusion: "You must believe in god to do good and get to heaven."

Can you see the contradiction yet?
Sorry about the last post. I was unconsciously combining the interactions of two threads.

Note to self: More coffee is needed.