The God of Capitalism

All I can say is if it trips your trigger, go for it. Need a few spare matches and wooden stakes????

You seem to know what buffy is but you wouldn't have seen backburnner. Its like a current afairs show but its a send up. It is VERY funny.
TV is a tool of control, more in socialist countries then capitalist

"But money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver. It will give you the means for the satisfaction of your desires, but it will not provide you with desires. Money is the scourge of the men who attempt to reverse the law of causality--the men who seek to replace the mind by seizing the products of the mind.
Ayn Rand on money

Capital is required in a capitalist country, money is not evil and neither is capitalism.

TV is a method of control more in socialist countries than in capitalist ones.

TV is used as a tool for consumerism. You can always shut it off.

If you leave it on it is just like a sponge that soaks up your attention and gives nothing but wanting in return.

The Goddess of Capitalism is Liberty. The freedom to trade and to accumulate wealth.

TV is just a mechanism, a device. If you don't control your input your input may end up controlling you. In a free country you can have a satellite dish or cable TV but you can't get the signal for free. Most people pay to watch the TV. They buy it and purchase the cable subscription.

Does the TV compel people to purchase it and pay for it's programming?

I don't believe it does.

TV is the opium for the masses of course so are movies and video games. Opium is after all just another form of entertainment. Taken in small medicinal doses opium relieves pain. Abused on a daily basis and it consumes the will and dulls the mind and spirit.

I think that makes it a good comparison to TV.


The Goddess of Capitalism is Liberty. The freedom to trade and to accumulate wealth.



Which freedom are you talking about!?!?!?!?!?!?

Capitalism works when we become slaves of Consumism and of money!!!! It's a slavery society completly focused on meaningless pleasures such as consumism!!!!!

This capitalist society can only work through the slavery of people that are always trying to find a meaning for their lifes outside themselves...

And which freedom is that that millions of people become addicted to drugs, alcohol and cigarretes!??!?!?!?!?


And all the poor people around the planet? What happen with them. Do you know that 1 american consume the same ammount of energy, food and all resources as about 267 people from Bangladesh?? No... Who cares? Americans usually don't...
Where is Bangladesh...?

The only freedom I agree the capitalism gives us is the freedom of speech.

TV is a method of control more in socialist countries than in capitalist ones.

I agree. In moderate and totalitarian forms of government the TV is more used for the purpose of passing the idealism...

But the US does the same thing and you don't even perceive it....
For example, the War on Terrorism. The US pass an image that It's benevolent and want to finish the terrorism in the world but what the real reason is to get the damn oil...

TV and radio were also widely used during other wars and is still used to pass the idea of "America way of living"; "American 'freedom' " and so on... ;)

hatred of money

"Money will always remain an effect and refuse to replace you as the cause. Money is the product of virtue, but it will not give you virtue and it will not redeem your vices. Money will not give you the unearned, neither in matter nor in spirit. Is this the root of your hatred of money?
Ayn Rand (again)

Like any other tool money can and often is abused. A gun will kill an animal for food for the table, but it also can kill another person in cold blood.

Is it the gun that is doing the evil or is it the person who is behind the gun?

Much the same can be said for capitalism. It is a tool like any other social form, but it is not evil in itself. A person can do good with wealth or they can use it to control others and ruin the world. Is it capitalism that is evil or is it the person behind the social structure.

As far as how people in Bangladesh live compared to those in the US. Bangladesh is a tiny island with few resources and way too many people for the amount of resources. As a result they are poor. The US did not populate that country nore did the US determine their form of government or educational system. Those factors have more to do with the fact those people are poor than anything else.

I am not happy with the US as all. I don't think it is the do all and end all by any means. I have dual citizenship in fact. When my new country is above the water I will be moving there. It really will be a capitalist country with no socialist contamination as we have in the US.

I am a Utopian myself, but our Utopia would not be so for those who do not wish to work for what they have or use their minds to better their situation.

As far as how people in Bangladesh live compared to those in the US. Bangladesh is a tiny island with few resources and way too many people for the amount of resources. As a result they are poor. The US did not populate that country nore did the US determine their form of government or educational system. Those factors have more to do with the fact those people are poor than anything else.

To begin, Bangladesh is not an island, is a little country which has its border with India.
Second, the US buy all the resources all around the world to use for itself (or you think the US still have enough resorces to sustain its own 300.000.000 people population...??)

not an island

True enough I was mistaken. I was thinking they are under the water quite often. That was the reason for that mistake. They just get flooded quite a bit.

Obviously you don't think money or talent is an asset. The US has more than enough of that so it is the source of our wealth. Talent and technology brings in money and that is traded for other things we need.

No one is forced to take our money for their goods or services. They shoose to do so. The biggest resource in the US is talent and intelligence. We export and import that more than any other country. The best talent is drawn to the US to make their fortune.

Much of this money goes back to the countries that they came from. Nothing wrong with making money and aquiring wealth. Unless you lack the ability to do it then it can be pretty depressing to see others with everything while you have nothing.

I say model your country after the US in education, freedoms, and social justice, then you will have a country of equal wealth after a time.

Coming from a Canadian this whole line of how bad the rest of the world has it compared to the US rings kind of hollow to me. Canada while being a mostly rich nation is also socialist. that is their only downfall in my opinion.
As usual there are more than enough willing to bash the US. It is rarely this way when their bacon is getting saved. The US has donated countless amounts of food, medical supplies, ect. to the countries that lack. We can not make everyone rich. We can't do that for ourselves. This is more blather about how the US does not meet the standards that some individual thinks it should. As such it has little merit...

Should you come up with a worthy idea contact the state dept. If it has good value I am sure they will be willing to listen...

I say model your country after the US in education, freedoms, and social justice, then you will have a country of equal wealth after a time.

Where people kill each other at school... :bugeye:
Social Justice...??????

After a loooooooong time you mean...

Sorry about the criticism but that's exactly what the government and the richest people want you to think...

I'll give some information about the HUGE gap between poor and rich later...

Coming from a Canadian this whole line of how bad the rest of the world has it compared to the US rings kind of hollow to me. Canada while being a mostly rich nation is also socialist. that is their only downfall in my opinion.

I'm not Canadian...

Besides that, Canada is, if I remember well... a social democracy and is the best country in the world regarding to quality of life. Second place in remaning virgin forests. One of the greatest economy. And socially is far better than the US in wealth distribution... ;)

social democrat is another name for socialist

You notice the school shootings have dropped since the Democrat/Socialists are out of the white house.

Democat is another name for socialist now days so a social democat is simply declaring their roots in Socialism.

Socialism and other forms of Collectivism are the same in essence as Communism. All of which rely on the weaker being brought along by the stronger. The talentless being given the same lot as the talented.

Distribusion of wealth to those who have little or no intelligence, creativity, or talent or strength is a fundamental error in reason. In a socialist or communist nation the truely great are lumped in with the nearly useless elements.

I guess everything will balance out and wealth will be distributed in such a country but will that nation ever achieve greatness?

I guess if you never strive for greatness in your country you might think that those who do are wrong for doing so.

Yes The US has the greatest crime rate and most violence, shootings, but at least it is not the military shooting and beating us for the most part as in other countries. Sure we have some riots mostly caused by anarchists that end up with police shooting and beating the rioters but that is not the rule.

The rule of law does apply to everyone in the US. Sure the rich and powerful are able better to hide their crimes as with any nation but some times they get found out and punished just like the poor.

Education in the US is both the best and the worst in the world. Money buys a better education and a lack of money will buy you a socialist, collectivist, education in a liberalist crime ridden public school. A free public education is still better than no education.

I am not a democrat as you might have guessed. I am closer to a Libertarian. But the Libertarian's are a bit too liberal for me to join the party.

I am guessing the TruthSeeker is a Socialist / Collectivist or Communist. Am I right?

I said Canada since that is what you have in your profile. If I am wrong it is due to this then perhaps you simply live there and are an Expatriot of another country.

It doesn’t look like you have studied any economics at school yet, or if you have then it appears to have been at a very superficial level.

Firstly consumism isn’t a word – try consumerism as I think that is what you mean.

Secondly: Money is not the root of all evil, but a love of money can result in evil. There is nothing wrong with money; it is just a tool.

Thirdly: TV is again not a problem in its own right. It is again just a tool whose value depends on how it is used.

You appear to have something against capitalism but you haven’t offered any alternatives. Capitalism combined with consumerism are currently the most successful and effective economic systems that mankind has so far devised. They are far from perfect but then again mankind is an ever-evolving phenomenon.

Capitalism currently offers the individual citizen the greatest freedom ever devised.

A few definitions –

Economics: 1 : a social science concerned chiefly with description and analysis of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.

Capitalism: an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market.

Consumerism: 2 : the theory that an increasing consumption of goods is economically desirable; also : a preoccupation with and an inclination toward the buying of consumer goods.

Communism: 1 a : a theory advocating elimination of private property b : a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed.

Feudalism: 1 : the system of political organization prevailing in Europe from the 9th to about the 15th centuries having as its basis the relation of lord to vassal with all land held in fee and as chief characteristics homage, the service of tenants under arms and in court, wardship, and forfeiture.

Distribution of resources.

The greatest problem facing any large group of organized humans is how to distribute necessary resources. For example: Food, clothing, shelter, luxuries, etc.

In early times kings and other monarchs decided who would obtain what. This turned into the long lasting feudal systems described above. Communism tried a different variation. But in all these systems the individual citizen did not have much freedom to choose their own path or control their own lives.

Capitalism was a major breakthrough especially when combined with democracy. The combination results in the maximization of the freedom of the individual. Note the two key phrases highlighted under Capitalism above: Private decision, and free market.

Capitalism offers an enormous level of personal freedom never before experienced in the entire history of mankind.

Issues of Consumerism:

Consumerism is the vital engine that drives the modern economy. It is the mechanism that causes wealth to be circulated. The faster the circulation then the greater the efficiency of the system.

E.g. When you spend money, that goes to pay someone’s wages, who can then also spend that money and so on. Control of the money supply, interest rates, inflation, etc, are beyond the scope of this post, but all come into play when controlling the engine, they are among some of the brakes and throttles.

But consumerism is a mechanism that should be encouraged and stimulated whenever possible. However, the definition above describes two definitions. The second shows a preoccupation with buying things that are perhaps superfluous. That is perhaps not a healthy choice but is entirely at the discretion and freedom of the individual.

The Free Market and Sucess.

The free market depends purely on supply and demand. If enough people want something then others can supply those goods. If no one wants to buy what you want to sell then you need to change your ideas. Left to itself the free market is a largely self-controlling mechanism.

Unfortunately when people begin to lose their trust in the system or it is not properly managed then people might choose to stop spending. That can cause a rapid downward spiral to disaster. We see the effect in stock market crashes of which there have been a few. The most well known was the great depression of the 1920s. In effect the engine of consumerism stalled and the result was enormous misery and chaos.

But the free market gives fabulous opportunities to those who want to work hard to achieve their own personal goals. For those who are lazy then failure and misery are the normal outcomes.


Which freedom are you talking about!?!?!?!?!?!?
As explained above – the freedom to do as you wish in a way never before possible.

Capitalism works when we become slaves of Consumism and of money!!!! It's a slavery society completly focused on meaningless pleasures such as consumism!!!!!
Before capitalism the comparison with slavery might have been more relevant but here it shows you do not understand the vital nature of consumerism or the economy in which you live.

This capitalist society can only work through the slavery of people that are always trying to find a meaning for their lifes outside themselves...
No it is a simple system that allows people the complete freedom to choose whatever they wish. If some want to potentially waste their time with apparent futile purchases and pursuits then who are you to judge them? Others with perhaps greater wisdom can work within the system to achieve great individual success in whatever field they choose.

And which freedom is that that millions of people become addicted to drugs, alcohol and cigarretes!??!?!?!?!?
The choice of the individual and an inadequate education system.

And all the poor people around the planet? What happen with them. Do you know that 1 american consume the same ammount of energy, food and all resources as about 267 people from Bangladesh?? No... Who cares? Americans usually don't...
You are erroneously speaking for everyone again. Many of us donate significant portions of our salaries to help in all these areas, what are your contributions at the moment? Don’t blanket judge everyone with your ignorance, it is offensive.

Bangladesh is a fledgling democracy of barely 3 decades and with few natural resources of their own. It is going to take a while for them to mature. But take India that is a vast democracy based on a capitalist system. You should ask why there are so many poor people there. the answer is very simple – the Indian government do not trust their people and have placed massive constraints and controls on their alleged free market system. For example it takes around a year for someone to register and start a new business. Whereas in Hong Kong (probably the most successful free market system in the world), someone can register and start a new business within a day. The issue of India is overwhelming bureaucracy causing significant loss of freedom of the individual.

The only freedom I agree the capitalism gives us is the freedom of speech.
That is politics and the constitution and has nothing to do with capitalism.

Issues of the TV.

The TV is rapidly losing its ability to influence people in specific areas. With the ever-increasing number of TV channels available no one single channel can expect to hold a controlling influence anymore. In the USA when ABC, NBC, and CBS used to have a controlling influence then maybe there was a case, but these stations are rapidly losing there market share to cable.

In a typical American home cable provides on average 50 channels, and in many cases there are 200+ channels. With such extraordinary choice it remains the responsibility and freedom of the individual to choose what they want to watch. Again who are you to judge what free people should choose to watch?

For those of us who have appropriate wisdom and are capable of exercising discretion then we can choose from a wide variety of news and entertainment and remain fully aware of whether we are being overly influenced or not.

In terms of news then the independence of CNN is well established as a reliable source. SKY News and ITN in the UK and Europe have comparable quality to CNN. And the BBC News remains probably the best in the world. Again it is the wide choice available that allows people to form their own opinions from multiple sources ensuring that no one single institution can dominate what free people consume.


Capitalism, consumerism, TV, offer massive freedom to individuals and on a scale that we have never had before. What people choose to do with that freedom is entirely up to them. And the choices can be superficial and degrading to enlightening and enriching.

Remember: Everyone should be free to do whatever they wish providing such actions do not interfere with the freedom of others.

But the key to all of this is a maximization of freedom.

THe problem with capitalism comes from the amassing of wealth in the private/corporate sector, and the subsequent influence on state policy and resources. The private/corporate sector can pay more, thus resulting in far better quality in that sector than in the state sector. Thus those with the money get better health care, better education, and so on, resulting in class polarisation. In other words, the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer.
Elimination of Poverty

Christ said "The poor will always be with us."

Why do you suppose that was? Perhaps he understood the very nature of humans. The fact that some times things go wrong and people do not recover.

I happen to agree with Christ in this instance, the poor will always indeed be with us. You can take a man out of poverty, but only he can take his mind out of poverty and be able to keep his wealth.

It is the mind of a man not his lot in life that make him a poor man. This is why people or companies can inherit money but can still go broke. If they lack the creativity and drive to achieve wealth they will not be able to keep that wealth.

How many people have come to America with nothing and become rich? The answer is that it happens every day.

The only places that this does not happen are in protected monopolies that have special insider status. These companies are rich beyond belief only because they are so close to the government they are not allowed to fail and are never competed against effectively.

I am speaking of course of the Defense, Energy, Transportation, and Banking monopoly companies and institutions. These are closely tied with government hand outs for contracts and are so powerful they make up blocks of wealth that are obscene

They are an aberration. I hope to see them loose their monopoly special protected positions. This would balance out the US greatly in my opinion. Capitalism and a free market economy will work best when their is no special insider treatment of certain companies.

Once this is done Capitalism will be a lot more productive and pure. It might not happen in the US first.

Libertarian ideals are directed to a more pure form of Capitalism and Free Trade. It has not been applied in a large scale. I think it would work and the US would turn around for the better if it was widely applied. Study the Libertarian's method of government. If applied it would create a finer form of Capitalism and result in much greater freedom.

Capitalism has simply been de-railed by monopolies with close government ties it has not failed it simply must be redirected and reformed. The monopolies must be broken in order to re-grow and re-form correctly.

It should start with power I think. Power should be made so cheap and clean it promotes life and aids everyone.

Crude Oil should only be used only for plastics and chemicals that are in it. Not burned in distilled forms. Energy should be obtained from other cleaner sources. Zeropoint or Subatomic for instance.

Electric Power should be generated in every neighborhood or home or every building and a central grid system phased out of central control. The production of power should be distributed out to the point where that infrastructure can not be attacked or destroyed because it is too spread out. Central power stations should be phased out completely. This would distribute the energy production down to the most efficient possible systems. Micro power is able to produce much greater efficiency.

Macro power is for control. It is inefficient and is propped up artificially to maintain central control. This is dangerous.

Transportation will follow energy since the way that they obtain power would be different they will generate new business as a result.

Defense is a tough nut to crack. These industries are so large and protected and shadowy by nature they are the most dangerous beasts on the Earth. Perhaps this will take a fundamental change in the nature of man to obtain a change.

Banking is another one. This industry has so much power it is another beast. Who can do war with the beast? They are at present unassailable. They are highly protected and can make or break any politician they want.

I don't pretend to have all the answers, but I have ask a lot of questions and have some ideas for some answers. There are some Dragons that are so big and have such power you better not piss them off till you are ready for a fight to the death.

I for one am not at that point by a long shot. I would love to hear some good ideas on just how to restructure the US and slay our beasts that threaten to devour us.

I just want to see mankind achieve solar system level of growth so no one nation or power can control or dominate us all.
I'm not sure a discussion of social and economic theories should begin with a quote from a fairy tale...
Hi beta,

Nice post.

And welcome to sciforums BTW.


I'm not sure a discussion of social and economic theories should begin with a quote from a fairy tale...
There are some truths in some religions, since all religions extensively plagiarize the ideas of others.

Captialism and Liberty

• Capital is required in a capitalist country, money is not evil and neither is capitalism.

• The Goddess of Capitalism is Liberty. The freedom to trade and to accumulate wealth.
Yes, but when we look at what is most important to Capitalism ... it's evil. Money is an abstract representation of other things; that is, three dollars is an abstract representation that can be applied to a loaf of good bread in Seattle.

But if the freedom to trade and accumulate wealth is the foremost liberty of Capitalism ... well, that's pretty stupid to be honest.

I would think that the foremost liberty of anything should be liberty of conscience and the pursuit of happiness.

To elevate wealth to the highest calling is to make it so important that your own pursuit of money outweighs others' pursuits of other things.

One wonders where on Earth you are, Betavoltaic. I live in a country that is obsessed with money. In fact, I can go to the store and buy something, and then they will mail me all sorts of unnecessary stuff. Of course, I'm paying for it in the jacked-up prices that I'd rather not pay so that someone else can harass me in the hopes of getting me to pay out even more so that they can, among other things, interrupt my own pursuits even more.

Think of it that way: you are a consumer. All that junk mail? All that labor spent on marketing and merchandising? All the effort spent to make the product that much more attractive (yet that much less functional) in the hope that style and representation of wealth is all you seek? A product that is made to fail so that you must buy another?

Think of it this way: a truly perfect invention would run a company bankrupt--nobody would ever have to buy another one. In Capitalism, though, the perfect product is a necessary product designed to fail so that you must buy another one.

Or you could just look at it from the fact that in the modern American economy (despite its not being capitalist) it is one's patriotic duty to constantly operate from a position of indebtedness. In addition, then, to the capital spent on the product is the capital spent on interest.

Capitalism is an addiction.

However, I would say that television is the Church of Capitalism, and not the God. The God of Capitalism is Greed, and its seal is currency.

thanx much,
Tiassa :cool:
Money is a product of virtue

You work for money and save your money then your money works for you. It is your work and effort accumulated. It is your reward for acting in your best interest. It is a tool of equitable trade and nothing more.

Money does not care who has it and does not care if you loose it to someone else. Most people that have trouble with money have not learned what it really is or what it really can do.

Money only exists because we choose to accept it in trade for our work or our efforts and creativity. If you don't want to live in a world with money join a commune in the woods if you can find one and give them all of your money and they will give you a room and some work and you can be happy without all that terrible money bothering you.

Either run your world or it will run you. Control your money or be controlled by money. Learn to use the tools of capitalism and you will be an effective capitalist.

I for one am not just an consumer. I am a creator and a builder. A thinker and an artist. People pay for my mental efforts because they are valuable to them. People come to me for answers because they know I have had them in the past and likely have more they need. this makes me valuable and I am given money for these things.

In a socialist nation I would still have the same requests for my time and energy but I would not be given or allowed to keep the wealth I am due for these things. In a capitalist nation I am regarded for my cleverness, intelligence, or creativity and I can become wealthy which gives me more freedom to create and think and build.

I am speaking of fundamentals of thought and ways of thinking and acting.

I have not said the US has all the answers and is the perfect country. Far from it. I just think we should recognize what works and expound on it and find what does not and change it so that it does.
I agree with Adam...
The poor get poorer and the rich get richer...


I am guessing the TruthSeeker is a Socialist / Collectivist or Communist. Am I right?

No, I have my own system that is pretty much different then those...

Btw... Canada NEVER had any war in Its schools...


Firstly consumism isn’t a word – try consumerism as I think that is what you mean

Ok... English lessons... :D:D

Secondly: Money is not the root of all evil, but a love of money can result in evil. There is nothing wrong with money; it is just a tool.

I agree with tiassa...

Thirdly: TV is again not a problem in its own right. It is again just a tool whose value depends on how it is used.
Yeah, yeah... I know... that's what I'm talking about here... the way capitalism uses the TV...

You appear to have something against capitalism but you haven’t offered any alternatives. Capitalism combined with consumerism are currently the most successful and effective economic systems that mankind has so far devised. They are far from perfect but then again mankind is an ever-evolving phenomenon.

That's true...
But I'm developing new ideas...
You know... I'm not satisfied with about 20% of the world population rich and 80% poor and mostly in sub-human conditions...

Before capitalism the comparison with slavery might have been more relevant but here it shows you do not understand the vital nature of consumerism or the economy in which you live.

I understand better then you think. I agree with most of your definitions but what I'm trying to point out here is that the pursue of something external to an individual create a dependence and further hurt...

Most people in the system is more interested in HAVE then to BE or even to LIVE. There are people that just live to work. It's sad... and I don't like...

No it is a simple system that allows people the complete freedom to choose whatever they wish. If some want to potentially waste their time with apparent futile purchases and pursuits then who are you to judge them? Others with perhaps greater wisdom can work within the system to achieve great individual success in whatever field they choose.

Can you let your children do whatever they want? No, you, unfortunatly, have to discipline them. You can't also let everyone with absolutly no discipline in LIFE. A sage must teach and advise people while they are still children.

How to discipline?
Education would be a great investment to work with people's choice. We should, for example, learn Philosophy at school instead of a bunch of things that you won't even use in your life...

Education should be focused in more basic things instead of all those useless things (for most people, of course...).

Imagination is the key for evolution. It should also be focused at school.

The choice of the individual and an inadequate education system.

Good to see that you know you have an inadequate educational system...

You are erroneously speaking for everyone again. Many of us donate significant portions of our salaries to help in all these areas, what are your contributions at the moment? Don’t blanket judge everyone with your ignorance, it is offensive.

Yes... and there are many organizations to help them too...
But what creates poverty is the system. You can't deny this fact. In capitalism, you have a low percentage of the population that is extremely rich and a hight percentage that is always poor. You always have that.

Then you will say:
We have a low percentage of poor people here in the US but in India (or whatever third world country...) has lots. THEY don't know how to use capitalism for the well-being of everyone.

Let me tell you...
Remember what I've told you up there? That in capitalism there is allways a few rich and a bunch poor?

Do you know where the poor people of the US is?

I tell you...

All around the world.

Just to see what I'm telling you here...

There are about 300.000.000 people in US. Let's say (hypothetically...) that 90% is rich...

But there are people in China. And let's say... 20% is rich...

You see...? The poor people that you don't see and should be in the US is spread all over the third world... That's how it works...

Capitalism, consumerism, TV, offer massive freedom to individuals and on a scale that we have never had before. What people choose to do with that freedom is entirely up to them. And the choices can be superficial and degrading to enlightening and enriching.

In my system there's three main things: Love, Wisdom and Freedom. One maximaze the other. Is an interdependent system which doesn't even need money (in the long run. In the beginning, a period of transition must be held... of course you can stop money so fast... the system would collapse...)

I agree with tiassa. :)

Capitalism is an addiction.


However, I would say that television is the Church of Capitalism, and not the God. The God of Capitalism is Greed, and its seal is currency.



I have not said the US has all the answers and is the perfect country. Far from it. I just think we should recognize what works and expound on it and find what does not and change it so that it does.

Sure! Let's get our ideas here... :)

Last edited:

In capitalism how much is due to producers producing what people want and how much is due to producers producing what they want people to buy?

Or IOW who is in control, the consumer or the producer?
