The God of Capitalism


The Great TV which brainwashes you!!!!!!
You're right, those damn religious channels, they should be made illegal.


Actually I wonder if it doesn't say something about our society in general. Have we become a nation of voyeurs?


You're right, those damn religious channels, they should be made illegal.

I have never seen a Religious channel...

The worst show on TV is "Big brother". Don't know if its in the US but im pritty sure we got it from the UK. What rubbish. why would i want to waist my time waching a show where people just fuck or sleep. I would much rather watch fantsy where i can pretend that good always wins or scifi. I have been spending the time my family watches TV here, much more interesting.
Now Cris, you simply have to get a bunch of athiests together and play 'Bong Robertson'.....:D

Yes, the game proves to be a wee bit masochistic, but it's fun!
True enough, Nelson. Pat Robertson comes on at 11 pm here, channel 53....

He looks like a troll when he prays. Or an elf. I swear, that man DOES NOT LOOK HUMAN! :eek:

And he has horrid taste in ties. Presumably, they think that only the 'homosexuals' pay attention to thier clothing.....

Don't get me started on the women!

It is at once scary, enraging and bloody hilarious!
Sorry Xev but i still say it can't be worse than big brother. Nothing is worse than that show.
Say what?!

Actually, first off, I would like to offer my gratitude to Goofyfish who has tracked down the mysterious Calvin & Hobbes cartoon to which I referred, which can be found here. Muchas gracias, Señor Fish.

Now then ... Say what?!
There are no Religious channel...
At least one I know...
Again, I say, Say what?!

I know of at least two religious networks, the Trinity Broadcasting Network, which describes itself as the world's largest Christian television network, and Three Angels Broadcasting Network. In the modern day, both are available through various American cable-television packages, but anyone who remembers the days of ultra-high frequency (UHF) television might have been able to dial into the grainy presentations which made the hostesses' makeup look that much better for lack of detail.

The stuff you see on those networks is ... amazing.

Let's see, I learned once from Christian performer Carman that God is uniform and identical for all people, and that there is no diverse method of communication from God to the individual. I learned from the "New PTL" hostess that God invented makeup for the good Christian women, that they could be more beautiful :bugeye: (this woman made Tammy Faye Bakker look almost attractive). I learned from someone--can't recall the name--that the world is hollow and inside the center of the Earth is where Satan comes, and that global warming is, in fact, Satan trying to melt the ice caps in order to destroy us all. And anyone who watches The Daily Show often enough to catch the occasional "God Talk" spot knows that religious insanity breeds on these networks. Televangelism is a multibillion-dollar growth industry in the United States that raises itself on a platform of fear and bigotry. I learned from Dave Roever that children should not be taught to think for themselves, but rather to conform to the word of the Lord without question, and also learned that, for him, one of the most beautiful things he's ever seen is a circle of teenagers hollering and chanting insults at Satan while throwing books, magazines, and records onto a bonfire at summer camp while counselors stood around with boxes upon boxes of published material to feed their Nazi-like frenzy.

Call your cable company, Nelson. If you don't have TBN or 3ABN, you ought to. In fact, and though I'm quite sure it was a bogus justification, when I was in Oregon and Congress passed the Cable Television Act of sometime in the 1990's, we lost an entertainment station so that we could carry both TBN and 3ABN, and the cable company offered the excuse that they were required by law, in the name of diversity, to carry them both. And is it any wonder Portland ended up with scatological-TV on its community access station? I never understood what upset people about that. First off, as has been pointed out, one can always turn it off, and furthermore, there's nothing but shite on television anyway, these days.

So if you don't have access to religious television stations, stand up and demand your right to shite-quality broadcasting 24/7. :D

thanx much,
Tiassa :cool:
The cable I have here has less than 200 channels...
No Religious channels here...
Lucky you

Seriously, Nelson, consider yourself lucky.

Without jest.

Without sarcasm.

Truly, you're a lucky, lucky soul.

Christian broadcasting is responsible for turning religion into politics, leads the charge to make superstition into scientific fact, and generally advocates defining equality as "Christian legal supremacy".

You're in Canada, eh? Well, it would seem on this count, my neighbors to the north have an advantage over the rest of us.

But if it means that much to you, call your cable company and ask them what you need to do to get TBN, 3ABN, or some other religious network.

Tiassa :cool:
Television in Melbourne:

4 commerciual channels: 10, 9, 7, and SBS.

SBS - Special broadcasting Service - plays primarily foreign television, most of it in languages other than English. Very good for the news, to get perspectives from many nations. SBS also only plays advertisements between each programme, rather than every few minutes throughout each programme.

ABC, or channel 2, the Australian Boradcasting Corporation, government/public owned. They can't afford to buy any really groovy TV shows, but they do have one good point: No responsibility to sponsors. Thus people working on ABC can do things like storm the stage at television awards and complaing that the winners only get their trophies because they drank Pepsi in an episode, or whatever. The ABC news service is about the best single-source TV news service in Australia. I still prefer watching SBS news mostly. Luckily SBS nightly news is on right after ABC.

Cable and satellite TV. We can get them both here, dozens of channels, but it costs a fortune and it's crap. We can for, example, get a channel which is all cartoons. Yay. Some old cartoons are groovy. But I know people who sit there and watch it all day. Pathetic. Last time I bothered checking, cable TV in my old neighbourhood would cost AU$35/month for a basic package of 12 channels.

I brought my TV and video with me to university, but I can't get any channels (no aerial), and I haven't reprogrammed my VCR yet. So i the past two months I've only watched about three hours of television. Kinda sucks, since I keep missing Buffy. :p
Know what you mean Adam

I only wach buffy and back burner and work keep calling me in when there on:D
Excuse me... but this thread is to discuss how the capitalism use the TV to influence the lifes of people... ;)

Can discuss about Comedy programs too, tough... :D:D:D

Unfortunately, television replaced radio as the majority entertainment of the family/individual in homes. While I have a tv, it is hooked up to neither an antenna, dish, nor cable input. Occasionally I watch a movie through dvd or vcr. Mostly I like music. Most of what passes for entertainment on tv is junk. The rash of sitcoms that hit the air were a real turn off for me. Just like soaps. It amazed me years back as coworkers would watch the soaps while taking their lunch break. I once saw a "king Kong" rip off where the gorilla dropped a gal from the heights of a multistoried building. It took her 7 days to hit the ground. And another where there was this shark circling a rowboat in a fresh water lake during the "Jaws" craze. I mean come on, where is the entertainment in that? Most of the other shows offered up for your viewing pleasure on the pay for views are constant replays of what you have been watching for the last week or two. Why pay for such junk? It's your money, vote for what you believe in...

I have!

You take that back this second. Buffy is the best show EVER and Backburner is SO FUNNY
And do you pay monthly rates for these two shows?????

Notice that the sarcasm went right on by....
Hell NO buffy is on chanel 7 which is free to air and backburner is on the ABC which is Gov\public owned