The God of Capitalism


Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey
Valued Senior Member
Worship the god of capitalism!!!



Believe in the TV!!! The TV will never lie to you!!! :D
The TV will never forsake you!!! :D

Trust the TV for everything! Buy the products the TV presents to you! Even if they are meaningless!

Believe in what the TV says for the TV is wise!!! :D

Worship everyday the TV!!!
The TV will set you free!!! :D

With all its marvelous products, It will guide you through your life of consumism. It will make you be dependent on things outside you! It will present you the marvelous cigarrete (which causes lung cancer and can even make you lose a part of your body...) and to the Great alcohol (which kills hundreds of people at the roads and... you can even die of overdose... which people of course don't know, as they are not informed about the problems caused by those products...:rolleyes: )

Worship the Great TV for It will make you wise!!

Everyday with Its news that tells you over and over about the violence and sickness of human kind!!!

The Great TV that has all the marvelous violent horrendous movies which you and your children see!!!

The Great TV which brainwashes you!!!!!!

Sacrifice yourself for the Great TV!!

WORSHIP THE GREAT TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Calvin & Hobbes

I'll be looking around for an online copy of one of my favorite Calvin and Hobbes daily four-framers. Something something something, and then something about Marx saying that religion is the opiate of the masses, and the television smirks to itself and says, "Marx ain't seen nothin' yet."

But Wealth and Dominion are the gods of Capitalism. Television is merely one of its many churches.

Tiassa :cool:
television is a tool of capitalism. "$" is the true god of capitalism, before which all worship and kneel.
I agree with both of you... :)

But my point here is to compare the Religious description of God with the power that the TV have in the lifes of some people... :rolleyes:


It works pretty well... ;)

Originally posted by TruthSeeker
Worship the god of capitalism!!!



Believe in the TV!!! The TV will never lie to you!!! :D
The TV will never forsake you!!! :D

Trust the TV for everything! Buy the products the TV presents to you! Even if they are meaningless!

Believe in what the TV says for the TV is wise!!! :D

Worship everyday the TV!!!
The TV will set you free!!! :D

Do you work for a TV company or something... :D :D
No... I'm just showing how stupid capitalism and consumism are while worshiping something that is always changing, instead of an Immutable Truth... :D:D:D:D

What makes you think your opponents watch tv, Nelson?

I veiw 'Lexx' religiously, and Pat Robertson is good for a laugh. (Get friends together, throw popcorn at him...marvelous fun!). That's it.

Pardon while I slip out to sacrifice a virgin.

You know what the great thing about the tv is? You can....TURN IT OFF!

My first point is that most people are influenced bt the TV.
My second one is to show that the TV control the opinion of evreone.
My third, is to show that the TV is too powerful, so I compare it to a god. ;)

Originally posted by TruthSeeker
second one is to show that the TV control the opinion of evreone.
Certainly not mine. Argument invalid. Sorry.

<i>"But my point here is to compare the Religious description of God with the power that the TV have in the lifes of some people..."</i>

"Influence" is a better choice of words. It IS an open door into your home, an avenue for delivering commercial and social messages. Ah, that hypnotic blue glow. Now that we have the internet, all of us has the opportunity to tinker with eachother on a large scale. Isn't it grand? <img src = "">

The church was once the only source of social management. With the resource to publish so readily available, I predict a fragmentaion (shattering) of most, if not all, institutions. The only thing that will hold us together will be our need for this new-found freedom. It is a brave new world, my friend.
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I meant that everyone that watches it can be influenced as it's pratically the only source of information.
And actually... you seem pretty influenced for me... :bugeye:

Originally posted by TruthSeeker
I meant that everyone that watches it can be influenced
Ahhh.. we've gone from "TV controls the opinion of everyone," to a somewhat more reasonable statement. See what can happen if you exercise a bit of thought before posting?
And actually... you seem pretty influenced for me...
Under the influence, perhaps.


Ahhh.. we've gone from "TV controls the opinion of everyone," to a somewhat more reasonable statement. See what can happen if you exercise a bit of thought before posting?

Yeah, yeah, right...
I've been saying for a long time... I need holidays... :(
Too much streesed... even got a day off from school today... :(

Under the influence, perhaps.

Yes, perhaps...
I don't know you enough to be sure about it...

Originally posted by Xev
Overly influenced by pop culture?
Triggers an unrelated thought, since an issue just arrived:

Pop Culture Press is an outstanding quarterly mag if you want to know what's going on in the music world that is not controlled by "the establishment." I highly recommend it.

<i>"WORSHIP THE TV!!!"</i>

Or it could be that people just like to watch other people who are doing interesting things. Hmm,'s so deep.

You can....TURN IT OFF!
You’ve got to be joking right? There’s an off switch? You mean I’ve been watching this box all these years and I could have been doing something else. Oh man, you’ve just changed my life.


Off switch? When did they invent that? No one tells me anything anymore.:D

Actually I wonder if it doesn't say something about our society in general. Have we become a nation of voyeurs?
Oh man, you’ve just changed my life.

You are welcome. That will be $100,000,000, payable in cash or you can simply give me your credit card numbers.

Hey, I just saved you a bit of humiliation - now you will never pull a 'twinkie defence':

"The TV made me do it!"

Thanks Goofy, that looks quite interesting.