The gig is up.

Do you? No

Therefore you are assigning persons roles in a state of delusion woo woo

Can you prove who your biological parents are?

In stead you simply make a claim of belief

How does this prove god's existence?

Did I claim to you that my parents are definitely my parents? You are right. Without proof I can't be sure. Trying to go emotional with your BS is pretty low.

do you know that how and why are two different questions? how is "by what manner or way, or by what means", and why is "what is the cause, reason, or purpose". science answers "how" but it doesn't answer "why", and it never will. it's not supposed to. people use science in the same way they use anything, for bad or for good depending upon the intentions of those using it. it does not however, determine what is bad or good or why. it doesn't assign meaning to anything, so theoretically at least, you're dooming yourself to a meaningless existence, regardless of what you know. though i find it hard to believe you really do that.

Conjectural ideas on infinity are not contigent on God existing.

Thanks for the comedic link. I haven't laughed so much for a long time.

The first video is just biased POV. Using a subjective point of view to frame infinity is BS. Infinity is infinite. Do you really believe that I haven't delved much deeper than this ignoramus theist? LOL. Sciwriter has got to see this.

The second link doesn't work so can't check it out.

do you know that how and why are two different questions? how is "by what manner or way, or by what means", and why is "what is the cause, reason, or purpose". science answers "how" but it doesn't answer "why", and it never will. it's not supposed to. people use science in the same way they use anything, for bad or for good depending upon the intentions of those using it. it does not however, determine what is bad or good or why. it doesn't assign meaning to anything, so theoretically at least, you're dooming yourself to a meaningless existence, regardless of what you know. though i find it hard to believe you really do that.

The OP asks you WHY you believe without proof. This is definitely a WHY that can be answered.

I think we are all built to search for and find truth. Truth exists, even if no one believes it. For example, a thousand years go, did anyone know about black holes in space? No. Because they didn't know, they didn't believe. Because they didn't believe, does that mean they didn't exist? No.

The study of how we "know" something is called epistemology. There are three basic ways in which we humans can "know" something:

1. Direct experience (Examples: touch it, feel it, see it, etc.).

2. Through logic. (Example: Lassie is a dog. All dogs are mortal. Therefore, Lassie is mortal.)

3. Through faith. (Example: My wife loves me. Can I prove that scientifically? No. But I KNOW she loves me, beyond a doubt.)

Science is very limited. It is limited by our ability to grasp it. VERY limiting. Man is not that smart, except, perhaps, when compared to other earthly creatures. Don't be too impressed by us :)

I think we are all built to search for and find truth. Truth exists, even if no one believes it. For example, a thousand years go, did anyone know about black holes in space? No. Because they didn't know, they didn't believe. Because they didn't believe, does that mean they didn't exist? No.

Exactly. They didn't believe. So why do people believe in god then? Why not just wait for the existence of god to be discovered. that makes sense.

When proven the sane man believes.
Before proven the insane man believes.

Your statement doesn't aid your cause at all.

I do not say god doesn't exist. It is possible god could exist. That isn't the point though. Belief in a maybe is delusional, that is the point.
The study of how we "know" something is called epistemology. There are three basic ways in which we humans can "know" something:
1. Direct experience (Examples: touch it, feel it, see it, etc.).
2. Through logic. (Example: Lassie is a dog. All dogs are mortal. Therefore, Lassie is mortal.)
3. Through faith. (Example: My wife loves me. Can I prove that scientifically? No. But I KNOW she loves me, beyond a doubt.)
Faith does not provide knowledge.
In your example you do not know, you believe.
Exactly. They didn't believe. So why do people believe in god then? Why not just wait for the existence of god to be discovered. that makes sense.

When proven the sane man believes.
Before proven the insane man believes.

Your statement doesn't aid your cause at all.

I do not say god doesn't exist. It is possible god could exist. That isn't the point though. Belief in a maybe is delusional, that is the point.
Then you really do not have anything to lose. You cannot desire what you do not know.

But..............what if.................. :wave:
"The heart has reasons that reason cannot know." Blaise Pascal
So what?
You're still operating on belief rather than knowledge.
BTW it sounds much better in the original French:
Le cœur a ses raisons que la raison sais point.
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Exactly. They didn't believe. So why do people believe in god then? Why not just wait for the existence of god to be discovered. that makes sense.

When proven the sane man believes.
Before proven the insane man believes.

Your statement doesn't aid your cause at all.

I do not say god doesn't exist. It is possible god could exist. That isn't the point though. Belief in a maybe is delusional, that is the point.

It is known as belief, and i am not arguing that it should not be, but i think it is more about hope. Some people are even put in positions that their belief, whatever it is, helps them. I dont consider myself to be a Theist but i understand the concept that goes along with it.

Coming up with questions like "who created God" meaning did God have a creator because where was the beginning? etc. etc. is easy to do though.
That said, we all know the negatives about religion but hopefully it would not be as severe as your average psycho cult.

Even just forcing your beliefs on others because most people who find something really good keep it to themselves. Its like, your walking down the street and find $100 most people, if not the overwhelming majority, wouldnt even tell the person next to them let alone give 99 people $1.00 Just as an example, not meant to be examined literally.
Attack the poster, not the content. Typical ineffective point making.

The OP question is clear, and scientific.

There are two kinds of ad hominems / ad personams:

1. vicious attacks on the person,

2. addressing the person because their own qualifications or disqualifications are relevant to the topic that is being discussed.

It is the second kind of ad hominems / ad personams that are being directed here at you.
I meant they are useless for the purposes of reaching any kind of certainty about which religion is the right one. Sure, the more time you spend with a person of faith the more likely you may be to become convinced that there's something to it, but there's something to a lot of things and we don't live long enough to spend the requisite amount of time with representatives of all the worlds many religions in order to determine which something there is more to.

It would all depend on whom in particular one spends time with, wouldn't it?

Surely walking along with someone like Jesus or the Buddha must make for a significantly different experience than walking along with Richard Dawkins or Fred Phelps.
There are two kinds of ad hominems / ad personams:

1. vicious attacks on the person,

2. addressing the person because their own qualifications or disqualifications are relevant to the topic that is being discussed.

It is the second kind of ad hominems / ad personams that are being directed here at you.

I lack no qualifications. Is belief in god a required qualification? That is the main difference between the 2 sides, except you of course Siggy.