The gig is up.

I don't think personal testimonies are useless

I meant they are useless for the purposes of reaching any kind of certainty about which religion is the right one. Sure, the more time you spend with a person of faith the more likely you may be to become convinced that there's something to it, but there's something to a lot of things and we don't live long enough to spend the requisite amount of time with representatives of all the worlds many religions in order to determine which something there is more to.
I don't like the lack of proof within the answer.

For a question to truly be answered the answerer must address its context. All you lot do is whine and moan about how you can't answer it.

you want physical proof of god and you're asking ME for it. you want to talk about illogical? :confused:
my mind is not all that exists. god exists. you exist. that's not bs. you're wrong.

Prove it. Prove something. Prove ANYTHING.

I have already stated that I respect your right to believe. Just do not tell me I am wrong. You can't substantiate this claim, and you can't substantiate your belief in god.
Prove it. Prove something. Prove ANYTHING.

I have already stated that I respect your right to believe. Just do not tell me I am wrong. You can't substantiate this claim, and you can't substantiate your belief in god.

the evidence is me. it's my life. just because you don't recognize it, doesn't mean it isn't there. it's just a matter of perception based on experience, and neither our experience nor our perceptions will ever be the same.

you confine your perception according to what you're willing to believe. that's obvious. not that our perceptions aren't confined enough, just based on our physical makeup and conditioning. how do you figure that confining your perception even further is a good or logical idea?

science doesn't have perfect knowledge. why limit yourself?
the evidence is me. it's my life. just because you don't recognize it, doesn't mean it isn't there. it's just a matter of perception based on experience, and neither our experience nor our perceptions will ever be the same.

you confine your perception according to what you're willing to believe. that's obvious. not that our perceptions aren't confined enough, just based on our physical makeup and conditioning. how do you figure that confining your perception even further is a good or logical idea?

science doesn't have perfect knowledge. why limit yourself?

Science doesn't curb my imagination. It curbs my belief. As it should be.
Science doesn't curb my imagination. It curbs my belief. As it should be.

as it should be is an arbitrary assertion and i said "perception". what you are willing to believe curbs your perception. if you are only willing to believe what is confirmed by a source of imperfect knowledge (which is the very basis of science) then you are intentionally missing out on what is not yet, and may never be, confirmed by this imperfect source. imo, you're screwing yourself.
as it should be is an arbitrary assertion and i said "perception". what you are willing to believe curbs your perception. if you are only willing to believe what is confirmed by a source of imperfect knowledge (which is the very basis of science) then you are intentionally missing out on what is not yet, and may never be, confirmed by this imperfect source. imo, you're screwing yourself.

My perception can be altered during conjecture. An altered POV for the reasons of imaginative exploration. LOL.
Can one prove whether one's parent is ones biological parent? Yes.

not without dna testing you can't. so if dna testing were unavailable, does that mean you wouldn't believe in parents?

and the definition of a parent doesn't have to be biologically based either. it's more about a role and a relationship than dna really.