The gig is up.

You guys have no narrative.

You are seeing complicated up at this level, then ignoring the ever downward simplicity and placing the ultimate complexity sitting there. A tall tale narrative based on wishes. We've already seen nothing becoming something.
I guess when people roll their eyes and abruptly break off conversations with you, you think its because they are not as smart as you, huh?


it helps..
I guess when people roll their eyes and abruptly break off conversations with you, you think its because they are not as smart as you, huh?

I figure that it is unrefutable; if not, they would do it straight off in lieu of continued avoidance tactics which presumably takes up much more time.
I guess when people roll their eyes and abruptly break off conversations with you, you think its because they are not as smart as you, huh?

I figure that it is unrefutable; if not, they would do it straight off in lieu of continued avoidance tactics which presumably takes up much more time.

Translation for dumbass: I think what you say is irrefutable (sarcastic flavour); OR would they not avoid me straight away instead of having to go through the bother of escaping the conversation, as talking to me and averting eyes etc. etc. takes more/is a waste of time? (sarcastic flavour throughout).

LG, you did suggest that 'people' do this to him i.e. anyone he knows, like friends etc.

SO, why are they his friends etc. if they would have this attitude?

Do you get his point? It is condensed, I give you. Maybe you are too dense to decompress this?