The gig is up.

The God who never was could not have paid the astronomical electric bill for the gigantic light that’s supposed to be so clear and bright… but is naught but a blacked out night of wishes of the blind trying to lead the right.
The God who never was could not have paid the astronomical electric bill for the gigantic light that’s supposed to be so clear and bright… but is naught but a blacked out night of wishes of the blind trying to lead the right.

The atheist caveman in his world of truth, built a world in which everything had its use and then claimed all this leads to nothing since life's a complicated ruse
The atheist caveman in his world of truth, built a world in which everything had its use and then claimed all this leads to nothing since life's a complicated ruse

The theist was absolutely astounded and surprised to note that our current complexity and its constituents took nearly 14 billion years of physical processes along with slow and mindless evolution to form him, this long yardstick sticking in his throat and gagging his comprehension so much that he had nothing of proof or even relevance to say about his own ‘God did it’ notion of invisible goings-on behind every scene.
Nay, young feller-me-lad. God is not invisible.

Actually, he brushes up quite well, when you manage to get the ol' fella out and about.
He's just a bit shy, really.
Nay, young feller-me-lad. God is not invisible.

Actually, he brushes up quite well, when you manage to get the ol' fella out and about.
He's just a bit shy, really.

Is that ol' fella as old as one could ever be?

Does He have any earliest memory?
The theist was absolutely astounded and surprised to note that our current complexity and its constituents took nearly 14 billion years of physical processes along with slow and mindless evolution to form him, this long yardstick sticking in his throat and gagging his comprehension so much that he had nothing of proof or even relevance to say about his own ‘God did it’ notion of invisible goings-on behind every scene.
Actually I would be surprised if ideas on time frames that drive ideas of evolution would remain unchanged for 60 years ....
Actually I would be surprised if ideas on time frames that drive ideas of evolution would remain unchanged for 60 years ....

The fossils match the junk DNA of current creatures which also matches their changes in the womb as embryos. Triple closure. Evolution is fact. Its methods are ever under study. No immutability. The 'divinely inspired' Bible got it wrong.
The fossils match the junk DNA of current creatures which also matches their changes in the womb as embryos. Triple closure. Evolution is fact. Its methods are ever under study. No immutability. The 'divinely inspired' Bible got it wrong.
I never said evolution wasn't a fact.

I said that I would b e surprised if ideas on the time frames it appears in would be constant for 60 years.
I wish you would remember that everytime you try to dress it up as a meta-narrative ....

The meta of existence was easy and simple, as expected, and not of some humongous complication. Details of that and all else are coming right along, leaving all of the God notions in the dust, at even less than square one, as square negative infinity.
This thread has the MOST pathetic display of theistic dodging I have ever seen so far. In debates between atheist and theist, the theist here really are dodging most of the points deliberately.

Dodging happens because they deliberately skip the relevant points with great frequency. Usually they latch onto some side or incidental comment or point made and argue that, rather than the main issue that was being raised.

That is Intellectual dishonesty.

This tends to be why the points pile up so fast, because they avoid them again and again while new ones are piling up. However the atheist ALWAYS win ALWAYS!!! Why? Because of evidence, logic, common sense, and honesty. Something that theists sadly lack.
mustafhakofi said:
This thread has the MOST pathetic display of theistic dodging I have ever seen so far. In debates between atheist and theist, the theist here really are dodging most of the points deliberately.
That's nice, but can you stop avoiding the issue and tell everyone what your proof of God's existence is? Or your proof of God's nonexistence?

If you don't have one, why are you complaining about other people "dodging" the points? Isn't that supposed to be the point of this thread? Let's see it.

The atheists haven't won anything, except in their own minds. You probably haven't noticed, being distracted by your own line of thought, that the atheists have dodged plenty of direct questions. Why is it that you've "noticed" theists dodging, but you haven't noticed that atheists are too?

You aren't biased are you? You haven't already decided the answer, before you even looked at all this? I think you have, old son. I think what you've just had to say is more or less meaningless, like the supposed topic of this thread is.
That's nice, but can you stop avoiding the issue and tell everyone what your proof of God's existence is? Or your proof of God's nonexistence?
Lmao, it is nonsensical to try to proof a negative, the burden is yours.
And thanks, an excellent way of proving my point.
mustafhakofi said:
Lmao, it is nonsensical to try to proof a negative, the burden is yours.
No, the burden is not mine. I have no burden, thanks.

If it is nonsensical to try to "proof" a negative, why claim that God doesn't exist, and if you're an atheist, you can prove it? Why even say it?

Actually the burden is on those who claim that anyone who believes in God has to prove that God exists, then concludes that because no proof is forthcoming, that God doesn't exist. That is way intellectually dishonest.

Yes, way.
No, the burden is not mine. I have no burden, thanks.
I'm sorry then, I thought you were a theist. If however you are then the burden is still yours, it doesn't suddenly stop being your burden, because you say so.

arfa brane said:
it is nonsensical to try to "proof" a negative, why claim that God doesn't exist
Lol, I make no claims, I merely lack belief in theistic claims, that a god does exists.
I also make no claim that a god doesn't exist, as that would be infantile, I simply have no reason to believe the claims of the theist without further corroborating evidence.
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