The gig is up.

universaldistress said:
Children learn the world around them through scientific review.

What do adults do? Stop learning when they finally realise they aren't children any more?
So, again, what if one has proof but no belief? Is that even possible?
You can't answer my question, can you?
yet for some funny reason you aren't running around like a mad cheese ball demanding proof of your parents ... funny that, eh?

You are assuming my relationship with them bestows them with any regard in my life.

You are assuming I give a damn whether they are my parents or not.

Indeed you are assuming they are alive or that I have some of their DNA to test.

Low blows LG.
universaldistress said:
I just gave examples of WHY questions that science deals with.
The only way this is possible is by equating why with how; that's what science does.
But the words are not equivalent (except when explaining the 'behaviour' of physical systems). Actually, I imagine that scientists probably prefer to use "how" instead of "why" and avoid the semantic conundrum.

What do adults do? Stop learning when they finally realise they aren't children any more?

The process continues through life. YAWN.

So, again, what if one has proof but no belief? Is that even possible?
You can't answer my question, can you?

One can choose not to believe if one wishes.

Do you have some proof of god then? Because this is getting rather tedious.
You are assuming my relationship with them bestows them with any regard in my life.

You are assuming I give a damn whether they are my parents or not.
How hideous of you to reject the scientific pursuit of cause.

Only the deluded are satisfied with the paltry knowledge afforded by effects

Indeed you are assuming they are alive or that I have some of their DNA to test.
A lack of rigorous investigation is another quality of the deluded

Low blows LG.
Accurate estimations of your deluded state I'd say ... all by the measure of teh same standard for proof your bring to the discussion about about god.
The only way this is possible is by equating why with how; that's what science does.
But the words are not equivalent (except when explaining the 'behaviour' of physical systems). Actually, I imagine that scientists probably prefer to use "how" instead of "why" and avoid the semantic conundrum.

Tell me the WHY questions that science can't answer then.
How hideous of you to reject the scientific pursuit of cause.

Only the deluded are satisfied with the paltry knowledge afforded by effects

A lack of rigorous investigation is another quality of the deluded

Accurate estimations of your deluded state I'd say ... all by the measure of teh same standard for proof your bring to the discussion about about god.

Complete fucking BS, of no regard or relevance to the debate or indeed the point you failed to make.
Oh boy:
universaldistress said:
Can you see god?
Yes, I can. When I close my eyes and focus a certain way. Sometimes when my eyes are open. I don't see this thing with my eyes though--those are for seeing external light.
Can I see god?
Yes, I believe you can, well, probably you can. You should stop thinking about it though, and just let it happen. The experience has absolutely nothing to do with thinking, and in fact thinking is a distraction.
Can anyone see god?
I believe so. I know more than a few people who report the same kind of experience as I've had and continue to have.

What does God look like? It's hard to describe with words, words are tools of logic.
My parents are dead. So forgive my lack of joy in the prospect of digging them up you *&%$^

And so is god until he shows himself.
Can you see god half-a-brain?

Yes, I can. When I close my eyes and focus a certain way. Sometimes when my eyes are open. I don't see this thing with my eyes though--those are for seeing external light.
Yes, I believe you can, well, probably you can. You should stop thinking about it though, and just let it happen. The experience has absolutely nothing to do with thinking, and in fact thinking is a distraction.
I believe so. I know more than a few people who report the same kind of experience as I've had and continue to have.

What does God look like? It's hard to describe with words

Needs to be on a t-shirt that one :)
universladistress said:
Can you see god half-a-brain?
Well, I can with my better half-a.
What, are you saying you can't see God? That's a shame. Oh well.
No brilliant self-effulgence emanating from the seat of your consciousness then?
tsk tsk.