The Gay Fray

I am . . . .

  • Homosexual

    Votes: 25 9.2%
  • Heterosexual

    Votes: 201 73.6%
  • Bisexual

    Votes: 31 11.4%
  • Other (I would have complained if there wasn't an "other" option)

    Votes: 16 5.9%

  • Total voters
Ahh, so now you throw in the "unrelated" adjective that it better suits your beliefs, huh? Good one, Bells, good catch ......'course it took several posts for you to see that. :)

I had assumed it was quite obvious. Then I realised it might not have been.

Ahh, so now they have to be "fixed" before you'll allow a father to marry his daughter? Can I ...ahh, "fix" the gays in some way?? make it more acceptable to society?
How do you plan to fix gays? Join Sarah Palin church when they do 'pray away the gay'? You can't "fix" homosexuality. There is nothing to fix. But you already knew that, didn't you? This is just you being you.. devil's advocate.

And what is this society of which you speak? You mean your society? Dude! You're screwing goats and sheep. That is your society. They form part of your personal society. Do you really think the animals will care if two guys fuck each other?:rolleyes:

Every time the gays gather in public demonstrations advocating acceptance of their lifestyle they're flaunting their sex lives! You don't see organizations like "Women Who Love Cocksucking" flaunting their particular brand of sexual pleasure, do you? Nope, the suck whatever they want in the privacy of their own homes ....instead of flaunting it in public demonstrations demanding social acceptance.
How are they "flaunting it" if they are protesting for equality? Are they having sex in public as they are protesting?

Does that mean that married couples who wear wedding rings are somehow flaunting their sex lives in your face each time they appear out in public or dare join a protest for whatever it is they are protesting against?
They march because they are an oppressed, victimized people.

Oppressed? How? They have ever right under that law that heteros have ....hetero males can't marry other males, homos can't marry other males. That seems perfectly and precisely equal under the law.

Heteros can have sex any way they want with their female partners in their own homes or bedrooms. Homos can have sex with any partner that they choose in their homes or bedrooms. More perfect and precise equality under the law. But, see, gays want more than equality, they want to be treated special, they want special rights. And that ain't nice!!

...though I'm sure you're right now dying to tell me how blacks should just get back to the cotton fields already.

No, heavens no! We have machines that pick the cotton now much more efficiently and cheaper. But I was thinking of Africa and ....well, I shouldn't say that, I suppose, huh? :)

Heteros flaunting sexuality is normal in our society. Homosexuality is not normal, it's preverted, sick, disgusting, nasty, disease-spreading,.... I mean, just think about it ...a man, (well, I guess they're men?) sticking their hard cocks into another man's asshole ...the hole that he shits through!! Now doesn't that just sound disgusting and sick to you? And abnormal?

Baron Max
Originally Posted by Baron Max: "Ahh, so now you throw in the "unrelated" adjective that it better suits your beliefs, huh? Good one, Bells, good catch ......'course it took several posts for you to see that."

I had assumed it was quite obvious. Then I realised it might not have been.

So you being against incestuous marriages is okay, but my being against homosexual marriages is not, right? And your only reason is that the related couples might, just might, by accident if nothing else, have a "sick" baby?

It's okay for you to be against one group getting married, but if I'm against another group, then ...what... there's something wrong with me? :)

And what is this society of which you speak? You mean your society? Dude! You're screwing goats and sheep. That is your society. They form part of your personal society. Do you really think the animals will care if two guys fuck each other?:rolleyes:

So, it's okay for you to make snide, sarcastic, cutting remarks about my particular perversion, but you think I'm a nasty individual for making similar remarks about gays? Did I get that right, Bells? I mean, I'm not real up on hippo-critters' behavior these days.

How are they "flaunting it" if they are protesting for equality?

Hetero males can't marry other males; homosexual males can't marry other males -- that's perfectly equal under the law.

But, see, gays don't want equality under the law, they want special considerations under the law. And that ain't nice.

Baron Max
So you being against incestuous marriages is okay, but my being against homosexual marriages is not, right? And your only reason is that the related couples might, just might, by accident if nothing else, have a "sick" baby?

It's okay for you to be against one group getting married, but if I'm against another group, then ...what... there's something wrong with me? :)

Yeah. Pretty much.:D

So, it's okay for you to make snide, sarcastic, cutting remarks about my particular perversion, but you think I'm a nasty individual for making similar remarks about gays? Did I get that right, Bells? I mean, I'm not real up on hippo-critters' behavior these days.
How is what I am saying "snide, sarcastic or cutting" remarks about your sex life? You have admitted yourself that you have sex with sheeps and goats. I am merely reiterating the point you have been peppering this thread with. Ergo, they are part of the society you keep.

Do you think your sex life (eg. your 'love' of animals) is perverse Baron?

Hetero males can't marry other males; homosexual males can't marry other males -- that's perfectly equal under the law.

But, see, gays don't want equality under the law, they want special considerations under the law. And that ain't nice.
You still haven't answered the question. Can you please cite proof that homosexuals (and heterosexuals for that matter) are flaunting their sex lives when they marry? You have made that point several times now in this thread, and so far you have failed to substantiate it. So either cite proof or admit you lied.

As for your fall back argument.. Heterosexual males don't need or want to marry other heterosexual males. They want to marry women, which is legal. Homosexual males want to marry their male partners but it is not legal. And it should be. Because that would ensure equality. I know, I know.. hard for you to grasp.. but try. For me.:)
So how exactly is being allowed to marry bringing their sex lives out into the open?

I figured it out! Baron is afraid gay marriage will devalue his gay porn collection!!!

I was wondering how he could know how yucky it was if he wasn't peeking.

Do Fluffy and Philbert know about this? What a perve!
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

Article 23 General comment on its implementation

1. The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.
2. The right of men and women of marriageable age to marry and to found a family shall be recognized.

3. No marriage shall be entered into without the free and full consent of the intending spouses.

4. States Parties to the present Covenant shall take appropriate steps to ensure equality of rights and responsibilities of spouses as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution. In the case of dissolution, provision shall be made for the necessary protection of any children.

sorry barron but dolly the sheep is never mentioned there
oddly enough it actually seems to surport incestuas marriage which as long as the couple is sterile isnt a huge issue. Nor is polligamy which is again surported
And lastly it apsolutly surports same sex marriage
oh one more thing

Convention on the Rights of the Child

2. States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that the child is protected against all forms of discrimination or punishment on the basis of the status, activities, expressed opinions, or beliefs of the child's parents, legal guardians, or family members.
Homosexual males want to marry their male partners but it is not legal. And it should be.

No, it shouldn't be legal!!

Gays want and/or demand special rights under the law ...and they shouldn't be permitted to demand special rights just because of their perverted, abnormal, disgusting sexual desires.

Baron Max
No, it shouldn't be legal!!

Gays want and/or demand special rights under the law ...and they shouldn't be permitted to demand special rights just because of their perverted, abnormal, disgusting sexual desires.

Baron Max
Still got no proof that they are flaunting their sex lives if they are allowed to marry huh?

Baron, while you are free to view their sexual practices as being "perverted, abnormal, disgusting", that is your opinion. The greater majority of the thinking population do not feel as you do. Marriage is not a "special right". That you could think so is amusing as hell to be honest.
The greater majority of the thinking population do not feel as you do.

I wouldn't go as far as saying the greater majority. There are MANY MANY ppl that feel exactly the way Baron does. Do you have the exact percentage of ppl that are ok with it to those oposed?

Just because a fraction of this forum would like us to believe that any kind of sex as long as it is between consulting adults is fine, including incest :bugeye:
doesn't mean if you went on the street for a week and asked tons of ppl you wouldn't get A LOT of ppl who think the whole thing is disgusting or think EXACTLY the way Baron does.

You seem to be singling Baron out as the only one who thinks this way. Just because he is old he should get with the times? I bet if you asked a lot of your own parents they would be right alongside Baron. Even in these times there are a lot of ppl who are disgusted by that lifestyle and I imagine there always will be. If it was so accepted as you seem to be
trying to say it is by the majority of the ppl They wouldn't have to have all the parades, keep fighting for rights, or get beaten up in the street just because they are gay. It may also depend on where you live as to how accepted it is. Just because in your opinion it is fine and dandy does not mean that is the views of the MAJORITY of ppl.
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Still got no proof that they are flaunting their sex lives if they are allowed to marry huh?

Bells, what's wrong with you?! Every time gays march in parades, or write articles, etc they're basically flaunting their sexual practices and perversions so as to gain special rights, and to attempt to force society to accept those sexual practices by granting the right to marry!

It's no different if married women joined in parades flaunting their love of cocksucking. People don't want to hear about what goes on in the privacy of other people's homes. But gays don't want to keep it private, they want to flaunt their perverted sexual practices in public!!!!!

The greater majority of the thinking population do not feel as you do.

Then let's have a nationwide vote right now!! Let's settle it once and for all marriage ONLY for a man and a woman or not? Let's vote now!

Baron Max
They wouldn't have to have all the parades, keep fighting for rights, or get beaten up in the street just because they are gay.

Gays get beat up and accosted ...BECAUSE... they flaunt their strange, odd, disgusting perversions that should be kept in the privacy of their homes!

Baron Max
But the way Bells is talking is like the MAJORITY of ppl out there are completely ok with the whole thing. If that was the case these very few ppl who are against it must sure get around the country quickly bashing the gay community. They legalized marriage here in Canada (couple yrs back I think maybe more) That didn't mean there wasn't A LOT of protesting by tons of ppl that were opposed to it.

I vote: Baron Max is a dickhead..I'd rather my son suck another man's cock than turn out like him.

You know what though, there are A LOT of ppl Barons age with the exact same views. I know a lot of ppls parents who would be on the exact same wave length including my own parents.
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They legalized marriage here in Canada (couple yrs back I think maybe more) That didn't mean there was A LOT of protesting by tons of ppl that they were opposed to it.

What I find interesting in those legalized marriage deals is just how you've said it ........... "They" legalized... Just who the fuck are these "they" people, and why didn't other voters, or members of the society, have any say in it?

"They" ...meaning gay lovers!

Baron Max
But the way Bells is talking is like the MAJORITY of ppl out there are completely ok with the whole thing. If that was the case these very few ppl who are against it must sure get around the country quickly bashing the gay community. They legalized marriage here in Canada (couple yrs back I think maybe more) That didn't mean there was A LOT of protesting by tons of ppl that they were opposed to it.

So there was not a lot of protests against it?

That's what you basically said.
What I find interesting in those legalized marriage deals is just how you've said it ........... "They" legalized... Just who the fuck are these "they" people, and why didn't other voters, or members of the society, have any say in it?

"They" ...meaning gay lovers!

Baron Max

Why do you think it is never put to a vote Baron?
What I find interesting in those legalized marriage deals is just how you've said it ........... "They" legalized... Just who the fuck are these "they" people, and why didn't other voters, or members of the society, have any say in it?

"They" ...meaning gay lovers!

Baron Max

Kinda like here Baron. There are only a "few" who actually make the decisions based on their own beliefs. The other members (or society) can protest all they want, stand outside with signs in front of City Hall, mail them, sign petitions..etc. But when it comes down to it those ppl's opinions means FUCK ALL, just like in this forum. The High and Mighty make the final decision and everybody just has to live with it.
I wouldn't go as far as saying the greater majority. There are MANY MANY ppl that feel exactly the way Baron does. Do you have the exact percentage of ppl that are ok with it to those oposed?

Just because a fraction of this forum would like us to believe that any kind of sex as long as it is between consulting adults is fine, including incest :bugeye:
doesn't mean if you went on the street for a week and asked tons of ppl you wouldn't get A LOT of ppl who think the whole thing is disgusting or think EXACTLY the way Baron does.

You seem to be singling Baron out as the only one who thinks this way. Just because he is old he should get with the times? I bet if you asked a lot of your own parents they would be right alongside Baron. Even in these times there are a lot of ppl who are disgusted by that lifestyle and I imagine there always will be. If it was so accepted as you seem to be
trying to say it is by the majority of the ppl They wouldn't have to have all the parades, keep fighting for rights, or get beaten up in the street just because they are gay. It may also depend on where you live as to how accepted it is. Just because in your opinion it is fine and dandy does not mean that is the views of the MAJORITY of ppl.

Shorty are you married?

I suspect you are not. Do you know what people of the Baron's purported age used to think about people who had sex outside of marriage? Do you know what people of the Baron's purported age used to suggest what was done to women who were unmarried and having sex outside marriage? And do you know what used to happen to pregnant, unmarried women? All supported by what appeared to be a majority?

The good old days eh?