The Gay Fray

I am . . . .

  • Homosexual

    Votes: 25 9.2%
  • Heterosexual

    Votes: 201 73.6%
  • Bisexual

    Votes: 31 11.4%
  • Other (I would have complained if there wasn't an "other" option)

    Votes: 16 5.9%

  • Total voters
I have read many times on this board, ppl say is not ok because of the possibility of producing some screwed up offspring. So I wonder if that is not an issue it is ok then. :shrug:

Yep, it's just a bunch of hippo-critters, that's all.

Personally I find it(incest) completely fucked up.

You mean sorta' like how most people feel about gay sex? :)

Baron Max

PS - Shorty, my goat and sheep like me to serve them beer in their water bowls! :)
I agree, though. Bisexuals get to play on both sides of the fence, and I gotta say I envy them. And if I could choose to double my chances, hells yeah I would. I mean, I got the lack of morality part what's the hold up?

So what's holding you back? Who is stopping you from playing on both sides?
I have read many times on this board, ppl say it is not ok because of the possibility of producing some screwed up offspring. So I wonder if that is not an issue it is ok then. :shrug:

Personally I find it completely fucked up.

So don't, personally, do it then.

Perhaps there are some people who might find what you do in bed fucked up. What I find interesting is the number of people who are so very interested in other people's sex lives. Maybe that is somewhat fucked up? Or not.
What I find interesting is the number of people who are so very interested in other people's sex lives. Maybe that is somewhat fucked up? Or not.

But it's now become more than that! Gays and lesbians are now wanting to force the rest of us to sanction their perverted sex acts by permitting them the right to "marriage". That's not keeping it in the bedroom, that's bringing their perversion right out into the open ......and worse, flaunting it in front of all of us!

Baron Max
Shorty 37 said:
So what's holding you back? Who is stopping you from playing on both sides?

I don't find men attractive.

Baron Max said:
Probably the yuk-factor! ...which he'll completely deny, of course!

Why would I deny it? It's true.

But it's now become more than that! Gays and lesbians are now wanting to force the rest of us to sanction their perverted sex acts by permitting them the right to "marriage". That's not keeping it in the bedroom, that's bringing their perversion right out into the open ......and worse, flaunting it in front of all of us!

Firstly, you aren't being forced to do anything. You don't have to have a homosexual in your home (though you probably have and just don't know it), over for dinner, or out for a movie. You don't have to socialize with them. Your life is not impacted in any way whatsoever by their actions. Your marriage is not voided or made less meaningful by their ability to marry.

Also, it is your opinion that homosexuality is a perversion. The truth is that homosexuality has been around forever, and has been seen in animals. It's real, and people (and animals) are born that way.

But let me ask you this...there are three states in this country now that have legalized gay marriage. Is your own marriage worse for it?
But it's now become more than that! Gays and lesbians are now wanting to force the rest of us to sanction their perverted sex acts by permitting them the right to "marriage". That's not keeping it in the bedroom, that's bringing their perversion right out into the open ......and worse, flaunting it in front of all of us!

Baron Max

So these gays and lesbians are having sex right in front of you Baron? Or are they objecting to what they see, in certain states, as an unjust law? Because you know these two things are very different.

Hey hang on one cotton picking minute! If these here gays and lesbians are having sex in front of the Baron well y'all know's that's wrong cuz we should all have that right as tax paying citizens and all!!

I'm starting my campaign right here and now to have sex right in front of the Baron! Those who would join my campaign sign here:
Alas, like so many things it ain't quite that simple according to my bisexual friends.

One of the odd things is that some of them seem to get flak from homosexuals about being bi.

so what's the hold up?

Well for me its guys just don't don't do anything for me. Can't go to bat if you ain't got the wood.
Firstly, you aren't being forced to do anything. You don't have to have a homosexual in your home (though you probably have and just don't know it), over for dinner, or out for a movie. You don't have to socialize with them. Your life is not impacted in any way whatsoever by their actions.

Geez, the same could be said for murderers, rapists, pedophiles or any other type of criminal ....if they don't directly harm you or yours, then they don't actually impact your life in any significant way. But you really want such people to live next door to you?

... The truth is that homosexuality has been around forever, .....

So has war and killing been around forever. But does that make it right?

But let me ask you this...there are three states in this country now that have legalized gay marriage. Is your own marriage worse for it?

Yes. Marriage is now nothing but a mockery in those states.

Baron Max
You really love to wind up the natives don't you?

When people live in glass houses, they should always be aware that someone might throw stones at them!

Ideals are nice and wonderful things ....but they simply don't work in the realities of life. And talking about those ideals as if they really are workable, is just plain dreaming!

Baron Max
Look noobs.

Goats and sheep are irrelevant to this argument and need to be removed from it for the sake of clarity.

Brotherly/sisterly/fatherly/daughterly/motherly/sonly sexual love vastly increases the probability of deformity, disease and mental illness in offspring. Baron y'all should know that especially in your alleged neck of the woods.....

Homosexual love between two consenting adults, on the other hand, leads to absolutely nothing aside from presumabely two sexually sated people.
Heterosexual love between two consenting adults leads two presumably sexually sated people and potentially one or more offspring.

Sex can and does happen between consenting adults whether or not marriage exists as a legal entity. There is no physical reason why two people of the same or different sex should not be married; or not; or have sex; or not. Sex and marriage between close relatives is at least frowned upon and illegal in many countries because of the dangers to any offspring as mentioned above.


You'd think so wouldn't you?

But there are some on this board who think that homosexuality is a perversion, so to try to make their point, bring in incest and bestiality.. How those individuals can even consider the point valid is beyond me. For example:

Baron Max said:
Yeah, consent ...I've thought about that some. I'm sure that you think my goat and sheep would probably willingly consent to being killed, cut up and eaten, huh? So from your perspective, being killed without their consent is okay, but caring for them in my airconditioned home, and enjoying sex with them bad? ...and requires their consent?
What does your love for your goats and sheeps have to do with this debate Baron?

So if we changed the laws to make homosexuality illegal, you'd abibe by those laws?
For one thing, even in the dark ages when homosexuality was illegal, few were ever arrested for it. These days.. you know.. when we are supposed to know better.. we know that homosexuality is not a mental illness, and we know it is not perverse and we also know that it is legal.

If I were a homosexual, I'd say 'screw em' and do what I wanted in my bedroom with another consenting woman.

And why are you so against incest? If the siblings are of "legal" age, and it's consenting sex, you should be happy for them. Ditto for a mother and her legal-age son. What's the matter, Bells, is the yuk-factor a little much for you?
Yuk factor? Not really. There are inherent dangers with incest. And as Sniffy kindly pointed out to you, it is basically a matter of inbreeding, which can not only lead to deformities, but also increases the chance of diseases and mental illness.. Genetic defects which may be carried by both parents can also be passed on to the child.. So having sex with your sister or your daughter for example, could result in your offspring being a very sick, possibly deformed child. Or is that a turn on for you?

Because I said it was, that's how!
Does the term 'care factor zero' mean anything to you?:)

But it's now become more than that! Gays and lesbians are now wanting to force the rest of us to sanction their perverted sex acts by permitting them the right to "marriage". That's not keeping it in the bedroom, that's bringing their perversion right out into the open ......and worse, flaunting it in front of all of us!
How is their being allowed to marry flaunting their sex lives in your face? I don't know what it's like in Texas Baron, but in most other places in the world, people tend to not strip off and start having sex in the middle of the street when they marry. Are you saying that when homosexuals marry they stop having sex in their bedrooms and take it to the street.. so to speak? Do you have proof of this? Because that's a pretty wild claim Baron and unless you can back it up, I will think that you are pulling it out of your arse and will consider you to be dishonest.:)

So how exactly is being allowed to marry bringing their sex lives out into the open? Do you think that they don't already have sex?:bugeye:
When people live in glass houses, they should always be aware that someone might throw stones at them!

Ideals are nice and wonderful things ....but they simply don't work in the realities of life. And talking about those ideals as if they really are workable, is just plain dreaming!

Baron Max

So Baron. Is marriage an ideal to you....?

Sound of glass smashing.
Geez, the same could be said for murderers, rapists, pedophiles or any other type of criminal ....if they don't directly harm you or yours, then they don't actually impact your life in any significant way. But you really want such people to live next door to you?

That's not an apt comparison, considering that rapists, pedophiles, and criminals are breaking the law. Being homosexual does not make you a criminal. It does speak volumes that you constantly compare homosexuals to those types of people, though.

So has war and killing been around forever. But does that make it right?

That's a personal choice you must make. I personally don't think war or the taking of a life are inherently bad. It depends on the context. But once again, this is a poor comparison.[/quote]

Yes. Marriage is now nothing but a mockery in those states.

Baron Max[/QUOTE]

Well, that's your opinion. I feel terrible for your wife that your opinion of your union with her is based on who else is allowed to do it.

You do realize that convicted rapists, murderers, and pedophiles are allowed to marry, correct? That doesn't bother you?
But there are some on this board who think that homosexuality is a perversion, so to try to make their point, bring in incest and bestiality.. How those individuals can even consider the point valid is beyond me.

Analogies and similar exampes can often be useful in discussions.

Yuk factor? Not really. There are inherent dangers with incest. And as Sniffy kindly pointed out to you, it is basically a matter of inbreeding, which can not only lead to deformities, but also increases the chance of diseases and mental illness..

So if those relatives were "fixed" to prevent pregnancy, you'd fight for their rights to marry? You'd fight with the same passion as you do for gays?

....could result in your offspring being a very sick, possibly deformed child. Or is that a turn on for you?

I'd bet that you're one of those people that thinks that all deformed children should be kept alive so they can enjoy life as they see it, right? So what's the difference here?

Baron Max
Analogies and similar exampes can often be useful in discussions.

I'm sorry, but where are the similarities between two consenting and unrelated adults of the same sex being allowed to marry and a person with a farm animal or a father and daughter?

So if those relatives were "fixed" to prevent pregnancy, you'd fight for their rights to marry? You'd fight with the same passion as you do for gays?
Why not? They aren't harming anyone (if they are "fixed"). So why not?

I'd bet that you're one of those people that thinks that all deformed children should be kept alive so they can enjoy life as they see it, right? So what's the difference here?
Are you serious?

And can you please cite some examples of homosexuals 'no longer keeping it in the bedroom' and flaunting their sex lives in public if and when they marry? Or were you lying about that?
I'm sorry, but where are the similarities between two consenting and unrelated adults.....

Ahh, so now you throw in the "unrelated" adjective that it better suits your beliefs, huh? Good one, Bells, good catch ......'course it took several posts for you to see that. :)

Why not? They aren't harming anyone (if they are "fixed"). So why not?

Ahh, so now they have to be "fixed" before you'll allow a father to marry his daughter? Can I ...ahh, "fix" the gays in some way?? make it more acceptable to society?

And can you please cite some examples of homosexuals 'no longer keeping it in the bedroom' and flaunting their sex lives in public if and when they marry? Or were you lying about that?

Every time the gays gather in public demonstrations advocating acceptance of their lifestyle they're flaunting their sex lives! You don't see organizations like "Women Who Love Cocksucking" flaunting their particular brand of sexual pleasure, do you? Nope, the suck whatever they want in the privacy of their own homes ....instead of flaunting it in public demonstrations demanding social acceptance.

Baron Max
Every time the gays gather in public demonstrations advocating acceptance of their lifestyle they're flaunting their sex lives! You don't see organizations like "Women Who Love Cocksucking" flaunting their particular brand of sexual pleasure, do you?

They march because they are an oppressed, victimized people. The same reason black people march...though I'm sure you're right now dying to tell me how blacks should just get back to the cotton fields already...

Second point...are you trying to tell me that heterosexuality is not flaunted in this land? Have you never heard of the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders? The Laker Girls? A fucking beer commercial? A GoDaddy commercial? Come on, man, that argument that sexuality on our side isn't out in the fucking open every minute of every day is ridiculous.