The Forbidden Zone For Blacks In 2007 (racism from Latinos on Blacks)

Hey! Sam says chimps learn violence from humans! Can't wait to see the article in nature.

What? Its not possible?
Ferguson, 1999; Marks, 2002; Power, 1991; Sussman, 1999

These critics have maintained that escalated aggression in chimpanzees is the result of human influence and that chimpanzees in an "undisturbed" state are generally peaceful and "egalitarian"
What? Its not possible?
Wow. That's some strong refutation right there.

"And the lion shall lie with the lamb..."

Humans are unholy terrors. I'm with you sam.

For my next trick, I will find a web article describing how the incursion of humans into the sea has forced great white sharks from their normal peaceful coexistence with all creatures (great and small) into eating humans due to psychological pressures applied to their environment.
Wow. That's some strong refutation right there.

"And the lion shall lie with the lamb..."

Humans are unholy terrors. I'm with you sam.

For my next trick, I will find a web article describing how the incursion of humans into the sea has forced great white sharks from their normal peaceful coexistence with all creatures (great and small) into eating humans due to psychological pressures applied to their environment.

What, your theory is better than my theory?:(
Because you're white, male and American and I'm brown, female and Indian?

Racist sexist Western p*ick!:bugeye: :mad:
Wait. Let me think... Ummm... Yes.

Or, maybe because the evidence is that, au natural, primates and all other animals are survival machines extroadinaire and will adopt whatever tactics maximize that survival, including preemptive, murderous raids on neighboring tribes/troups/packs/nations?
Wait. Let me think... Ummm... Yes.

Or, maybe because the evidence is that, au natural, primates and all other animals are survival machines extroadinaire and will adopt whatever tactics maximize that survival, including preemptive, murderous raids on neighboring tribes/troups/packs/nations?

Oh so conflict is instinctive but cooperation is a struggle?:rolleyes:

Boy you guys have got it all backwards haven't you?

Thats what comes from driving on the wrong side of the road, having doors opening the wrong way, keys turning in opposite directions and dropping vowels from perfectly good English words while discriminating against s in favour of z (zed NOT zee). :mad:
Oh so conflict is instinctive but cooperation is a struggle?:rolleyes:
Too simplistic sam. Cooperation within groups is paramount to survival and is in no way contradictory to conflict outside of the group also being paramount to survival. This is the very reason for the state of humanity at the current time. Denying it will only make things worse, while recognizing it may offer some practical, workable solutions.

Boy you guys have got it all backwards haven't you?

Thats what comes from driving on the wrong side of the road, having doors opening the wrong way, keys turning in opposite directions and dropping vowels from perfectly good English words while discriminating against s in favour of z (zed NOT zee). :mad:
Yikes! :eek:
It is commonly held that females can become irrational and extra, extra, bitchy when their "time of the month" arrives.

My bald spot is an indication of a hereditary overabundance of testosterone making me extra, extra, manly.
Too simplistic sam. Cooperation within groups is paramount to survival and is in no way contradictory to conflict outside of the group also being paramount to survival. This is the very reason for the state of humanity at the current time. Denying it will only make things worse, while recognizing it may offer some practical, workable solutions.

So basically it all depends on what you consider a group. Americans? whites? atheists?

The power to choose. Intelligence over...

I'm developing a personal theory about the effects of unnecessary reversals of random rules of grammar on social dysfunction in homo Americanus.
It is commonly held that females can become irrational and extra, extra, bitchy when their "time of the month" arrives.

My bald spot is an indication of a hereditary overabundance of testosterone making me extra, extra, manly.

Yeah right. And too many steroids can turn you from a nut into a fruit (dried, like raisins).:rolleyes:

My bitchiness is a wondrous thing to behold - you don't want to unleash it unless you're ready for permanent scarring. :cool:
So basically it all depends on what you consider a group. Americans? whites? atheists?
A HA! That's it!

That is the key. You said it before. Get the whole human species to be "the group" and your problem is solved. This has been addressed in the science fiction literature for decades. Manufacture a threat from outside in order to unify the human race in common purpose. The issue of group-group distrust (hatred/fear) has been recognized for a long time.

I'm developing a personal theory about the effects of unnecessary reversals of random rules of grammar on social dysfunction in homo Americanus.
A HA! That's it!

That is the key. You said it before. Get the whole human species to be "the group" and your problem is solved. This has been addressed in the science fiction literature for decades. Manufacture a threat from outside in order to unify the human race in common purpose. The issue of group-group distrust (hatred/fear) has been recognized for a long time.

Yeah. Warrrrrrrrrrr on Terrrrrorrrr.

Yeah. Warrrrrrrrrrr on Terrrrrorrrr.
No. More like Warrrrrrrr on SlimyAlienBeingsFromAnotherDimensionnnnnnnn...

The warrrrrrr on terrrrorrrrr is the stupidest thing that anyone but an alien bent on the destruction of the human race could have conceived of.
No. More like Warrrrrrrr on SlimyAlienBeingsFromAnotherDimensionnnnnnnn...

The warrrrrrr on terrrrorrrrr is the stupidest thing that anyone but an alien bent on the destruction of the human race could have conceived of.

Boys will be boys. Women never swallow that kind of shit.