The Forbidden Zone For Blacks In 2007 (racism from Latinos on Blacks)

Just that people are divided by fewer differences than truly exist.

Adapt or Perish.
Ummm... But what in the flying blue fuck does that have to do with...? Oh, forget it.

Do I not agree with this? Of course I do. But we have this extremely strong built-in survival trait to not trust the outsider. It can be overridden by intelligence and strong moral fiber, but only in the minority of cases.
maybe we should populate your planet with robots
they might actualy do something worthwhile
Ummm... But what in the flying blue fuck does that have to do with...? Oh, forget it.

Do I not agree with this? Of course I do. But we have this extremely strong built-in survival trait to not trust the outsider. It can be overridden by intelligence and strong moral fiber, but only in the minority of cases.

Thats not a good testimony for the intelligence of the average Westerner.

Actually, if you read Indian history, you realise that tolerance was absolutely essential for survival. The number of invasions and immigrations that India suffered, without tolerance we would have perished. It was either fight every new group of people that was attracted by the (then) riches of the country or invite them to have the freedom to practise their religion, language, culture etc. without any restrictions. The latter worked so well that we have over 200 languages and around a few thousand dialects, and an eclectic mixture of religions architecture food clothing ideas political affiliations (some states are communist, some states socialist, some fundamentalist) and we all rub along somehow or the other.

So yes, it is possible for different groups to learn to get along. But they all should want to and all should be willing to accept that people can have different beliefs without the necessity to prove any one belief superior over the other.

The "outsider" is only an outsider if you consider him as such. If you can just remember that he too belongs to the human race, he's not an outsider anymore, just another family member you may not agree with but can still meet and chat with on occasion and surprise! he may not be so bad after all!
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Thats not a good testimony for the intelligence of the average Westerner.

Actually, if you read Indian history, you realise that tolerance was absolutely essential for survival. The number of invasions that India suffered, without tolerance we would have perished. It was either fight every new group of people that was attracted by the (then) riches of the country or invite them to have the freedom to practise their religion, language, culture etc. without any restrictions. The latter worked so well that we have over 200 languages and around a few thousand dialects, and an eclectic mixture of religions architecture food clothing ideas political affiliations (some states are communist, some states socialist, some fundamentalist) and we all rub along somehow or the other.

So yes, it is possible for different groups to learn to get along. But they all should want to and all should be willing to accept that people can have different beliefs without the necessity to prove any one belief superior over the other.

The "outsider" is only an outsider if you consider him as such. If you can just remember that he too belongs to the human race, he's not an outsider anymore, just another family member you may not agree with but can still meet and chat with on occasion and surprise! he may not be so bad after all!

The same thing used to be valid in the Netherlands. Tolerance was a building block of society because there were so many different groups in the country that had to get along.

Of course nowadays there is not much left of it.

That spells doom.
The same thing used to be valid in the Netherlands. Tolerance was a building block of society because there were so many different groups in the country that had to get along.

Of course nowadays there is not much left of it.

That spells doom.
Tolerance is a modern concept and alien to our innate behavioral mechanisms.
The "outsider" is only an outsider if you consider him as such. If you can just remember that he too belongs to the human race, he's not an outsider anymore, just another family member you may not agree with but can still meet and chat with on occasion and surprise! he may not be so bad after all!
How cheery! Let's all just get along! Why didn't I think of that? You've got the answer there sammy. Take it to the UN and the world before there's any more senseless violence. Hurry.
Tolerance is a modern concept and alien to our innate behavioral mechanisms.

That is the most uniformed statement I have ever heard. People have been living in groups since before they shared ancestors with chimps, remember? Living together necessitates tolerance. A different gender, a different age group, a different species ( dogs) etc. Just keep on moving... *kicks in butt* and you'll get to different color, race and religious creed as well.
That is the most uniformed statement I have ever heard. People have been living in groups since before they shared ancestors with chimps, remember? Living together necessitates tolerance. A different gender, a different age group, a different species ( dogs) etc. Just keep on moving. *kicks in butt* and you'll get to different color, race and religious creed as well.
I know! You already gave me the answer. Let's all just get along! What's more to discuss? I'm a convert sam. My uninformed (and clearly contextually misrepresented by you) statement is withdrawn. We have always tolerated members of other groups in the spirit of peace. Just like chimps do today.
How cheery! Let's all just get along! Why didn't I think of that? You've got the answer there sammy. Take it to the UN and the world before there's any more senseless violence. Hurry.

Senseless violence. The operative word being senseless.
Intelligence over instinct. (Repeat)
I know! You already gave me the answer. Let's all just get along! What's more to discuss? I'm a convert sam. My uninformed (and clearly contextually misrepresented by you) statement is withdrawn. We have always tolerated members of other groups in the spirit of peace. Just like chimps do today.

Exactly. They even learn violence when in close proximity with humans and imbibe gang mentality and start beating the crap out of each other. Violence and tolerance can be a choice.

Intelligence over instinct (repeat)
Good. Now that you've recognised my superior intellect we can make progress.:D
Ok. I'm with you. What next?

I think we should combat world hunger next by saying that it's root cause is too much popcorn consumption by lazy americans. Then we can easily fix it by convincing lazy americans that they need to eat less popcorn! I propose we replace popcorn with Authetic Nachos(tm) and thereby eliminate world hunger and support the economy of Mexico at the same time.

Brilliant, right sam?