The Forbidden Zone For Blacks In 2007 (racism from Latinos on Blacks)

Well my idealist little minx, you have only to show how this is untrue in the population as a whole. You are not the norm. You are also blinded by you idealism.

Typical American example of poor personal responsibility.:D
The "mine" mentality. The self absorption.
The excuses for and "scientific" basis of bad behaviour.
The medical nomenclature for bracketing basic irresponsibility.

Nothing that cannot be cured by better social responsibility and good parenting. Not everyone in the world is ruled by Neanderthal impulses. Its called evolution. Remember when we decided we could all function better together as a group? That is learned behaviour, which should overcome primitive impulses. Intelligence over instinct.

Don't make excuses. Take responsibility.
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Typical American example of poor personal responsibility.:D
Racist hate-mongering. India and the rest of the world are sooo much better at loving and coexisting with their inferirors... ummm, I mean totally equal ummm... co-humans. It's spelled c a s t e, right?

The "mine" mentality. The self absorption.
The excuses for and "scientific" basis of bad behaviour.
The medical nomenclature for bracketing basic irresponsibility.
No excuses. Reality. Observe and learn. As opposed to your:
"Stick my head in the sand" approach
Where are my rose colored glasses?

Nothing that cannot be cured by a better social responsibility and good parenting.
It's a long story, but you couldn't be more wrong.

Not everyone in the world is ruled by Neanderthal impulses.
Ah sam. We are not directly related to the neanderthals. They were not our ancestors. But we are all ruled by our homo sapien impulses. Including fear of non-group members.

Its called evolution.

Remember when we decided we could all function better together as a group?That is learned behaviour, which should overcome primitive impulses.
Oh boy. I mean, Oh boy... Sam. You really shoud get out more. Almost all primates have been group living social animals since god invented primates ( :p ). So, please, at least don't make such blatantly embarrassing statements. As the genus homo we lived in small groups for millions of years. When we settled down into larger groups (due to agrarian living) things got much worse due to our attempted override of our "primitive" impulses. We gained "civilization" but got religious and racial violence and massive wars in the bargain.

Don't make excuses. Take responsibility.
Take your own advice. Don't hide from the truth. That only allows it to get worse and offers no solutions.
Racist hate-mongering. India and the rest of the world are sooo much better at loving and coexisting with their inferirors... ummm, I mean totally equal ummm... co-humans. It's spelled c a s t e, right?

Boo hoo hoo

Two Prime Ministers (from the "untouchable" caste) elected by popular vote using the Single Representative vote and proportional representation.

However, rich people taking advantage of free labor and using caste/color/power to oppress. Sounds familiar?

No excuses. Reality. Observe and learn. As opposed to your:
"Stick my head in the sand" approach
Where are my rose colored glasses?

Good. Affirmations are always useful.
Stand in front of mirror.
"Intelligence over instinct"
Repeat until it sinks in.

It's a long story, but you couldn't be more wrong.
When someone begins like that, it reminds me of a psycho couch.
Nada. nyet nyet. Officer, I don't know what came over me... the lady doth protest too much, etc.

Ah sam. We are not directly related to the neanderthals. They were not our ancestors. But we are all ruled by our homo sapien impulses. Including fear of non-group members.

Fear arises from ignorance. Communication, language, internet.
What does it mean if you don't know the age, shape, size, color, sex etc of someone (like on sciforums) and can still find a common ground?

Oh boy. I mean, Oh boy... Sam. You really shoud get out more. Almost all primates have been group living social animals since god invented primates ( :p ). So, please, at least don't make such blatantly embarrassing statements. As the genus homo we lived in small groups for millions of years. When we settled down into larger groups (due to agrarian living) things got much worse due to our attempted override of our "primitive" impulses. We gained "civilization" but got religious and racial violence and massive wars in the bargain.

Exactly my boy, which is why social isolation is unhealthy. Gangs are not a replacement for close personal relationships. The greater the social isolation the more the social conflict. So why blacks vs Latinos? The shared sense of injustice. Like Muslims vs Americans, India vs Pakistan, Blacks vs Whites. See all three of the above groups could be shuffled to get different arrangements.

Take your own advice. Don't hide from the truth. That only allows it to get worse and offers no solutions.

Take my advice. Don't get bogged down by behavioural theories. Look at facts.;)
Let's see... A bunch of emotional nonsense leading up to:

Fear arises from ignorance.
Or, fear arises from knowledge. Can't think of an example? Try.

Exactly my boy, which is why social isolation is unhealthy. Gangs are not a replacement for close personal relationships. The greater the social isolation the more the social conflict. So why blacks vs Latinos? The shared sense of injustice. Like Muslims vs Americans, India vs Pakistan, Blacks vs Whites. See all three of the above groups could be shuffled to get different arrangements.
This makes no sense to me given what you were responding to. Namely that you seem to know squat about our evolutionary heritage.

Take my advice. Don't get bogged down by behavioural theories. Look at facts.;)
Did I not just say the same to you???

Reality. Observe and learn.
I do. It's a fact that humans are wired to fear "outsiders" and with good cause, even today. Think about it.
What in the flying blue fuck does that have to do with the fact that you think humans live in groups as a learned behavior???

A majority religious group voting for minority religious leaders in a religious country.

A patriarchial traditional society (<1% atheist) voting for a foreign born Christian woman as a leader of the major political group that rules a majority Hindu country.

A Muslim President who stands a good chance of being voted in a second time during a time when Islamofascism is a household word.

Can this happen, situations reversed in the US? Why?
A majority religious group voting for minority religious leaders in a religious country.

A patriarchial traditional society (<1% atheist) voting for a foreign born Christian woman as a leader of the major political group that rules a majority Hindu country.

A Muslim President who stands a good chance of being voted in a second time during a time when Islamofascism is a household word.

Can this happen, situations reversed in the US? Why?

What in the flying blue fuck does that have to do with the fact that you think humans live in groups as a learned behavior???
Hey sam. Tell me something bad about India. Seriously. List some bad things about india.

Where do I start?

1. Corruption- number one problem in the country

2. Poverty and exploitation of the poor

3. Illiteracy and Unemployment (this is actually reducing fastest)

4. Women's empowerment - dowry deaths, child marriage, girl child discrimination

5. Population explosion

6. Delayed justice

7. Child labor

8. Food Insecurity

Does that make you feel better?
Where do I start?

1. Corruption- number one problem in the country

2. Poverty and exploitation of the poor

3. Illiteracy and Unemployment (this is actually reducing fastest)

4. Women's empowerment - dowry deaths, child marriage, girl child discrimination

5. Population explosion

6. Delayed justice

7. Child labor

8. Food Insecurity

Does that make you feel better?
Only about your sense of reality. A little. You missed massive racial discrimination.
What in the flying blue fuck does that have to do with the fact that you think humans live in groups as a learned behavior???

Just that people are divided by fewer differences than truly exist.

Adapt or Perish.