The Feminization of Man

Good news then, Satyr. We're due to get lots of new genetic and bio-technological frontiers to explore. Rugged pioneers like you will have a field day.
Who said anythnig about me, you pathetic simpeton?
Do you think all opinions have to benefit you, personally, so as to be true?

Is that why you seek for the subjective advantage behind any utternace of perspective?

Not all minds are like yours.
This doesn't have to benefit me at all. It is as it is.

But, anyway, I'm curious: is this thesis of yours descriptive or prescriptive? It does indeed seem inevitable that, in a society as large and complex as ours, a brave few will forever lead and the rest of us will meekly follow. Biological and technological revolutions there will be but these will, in the long view, be mere ripples on an otherwise calm sea. Our lords and betters will do their best to usher in each new era with a minimum of fuss and we'll allow ourselves to be herded into whatever pen they want to keep us in. There just doesn't seem to be any escape from this. So I'm wondering: do you have a viable alternative in mind... or are you just pissing in the wind?
I do. But why would I tell you what my mind takes advantage of?
Work it out yourself. Why would I care to enlighten you?

This isn't a lesson, imbecile, this is me shoving your tiny little minds in the crap you call thoughts and opinions.

I've worked hard massaging this little lady's ego and coaxing her out of her shell. Don't disillusion the stupid slut.
Retard, your subtle manipulations and pulling of my strings were inspiring.

Now make me care.

Ah retard, I'm going to miss you when I eventually get banned from this crap-hole.
Your intellect is the equal of lightgigantic but, unlike him, you are willing to play.

No fuck einstein. You are one pompous and presumptuous moron. You are part of that system and now that the tables are being turned you can't handle it. What makes you think you are not part of the dumb and weak? Stupid fuck.
Let us play along.
Let us say that I am...and how does this change the conclusions of the essay or make you less obtuse than you really are?

You being a pussy and a coward has nothing to do with me.
Whether I live or die you still remain thick.
What makes you inferior is that you cannot even bring yourself to see what you are.

Lol, like he has what it takes to be a part of the really intelligent elite. He would probably call them coddled pussies as they experiment on his ass. What a piece of work.
Oh yeah, and then what would I do?

I love the "LOL" touch. it's a common practice for the uncomfortable to feign indifference through nervous laughter and pretended mirth.
It alleviates anxiety.
Watch this moron defend his investment in the very system that enslaves him.

It's not that he admits the necessity but that he makes it into a virtue, that's particularly disgusting:
You still cannot comprehend your own stupidity. Building of a society means you must take care of those who contribute to it. The 'weak' and 'strong' are labels with huge variables. You, Satyr, have your head so far up your rectum it's mindnumbing.
If he were a brown cow, like Ballsy, he would be licking his master's boots and thanking God for being allowed to contribute to the farm that feeds him and his children.
He would worship the very man that keeps him tied up, because his belly is full while his brain is empty.
Who said anythnig about me, you pathetic simpeton?
Do you think all opinions have to benefit you, personally, so as to be true?

Is that why you seek for the subjective advantage behind any utternace of perspective?

Not all minds are like yours.
This doesn't have to benefit me at all. It is as it is.

I do. But why would I tell you what my mind takes advantage of?
Work it out yourself. Why would I care to enlighten you?

This isn't a lesson, imbecile, this is me shoving your tiny little minds in the crap you call thoughts and opinions.

Retard, your subtle manipulations and pulling of my strings were inspiring.

Now make me care.

Ah retard, I'm going to miss you when I eventually get banned from this crap-hole.
Your intellect is the equal of lightgigantic but, unlike him, you are willing to play.

Let us play along.
Let us say that I am...and how does this change the conclusions of the essay or make you less obtuse than you really are?

You being a pussy and a coward has nothing to do with me.
Whether I live or die you still remain thick.
What makes you inferior is that you cannot even bring yourself to see what you are.

Oh yeah, and then what would I do?

I love the "LOL" touch. it's a common practice for the uncomfortable to feign indifference through nervous laughter and pretended mirth.
It alleviates anxiety.

Your conclusions are crapola. Why are you projecting your own issues and faults onto me, pussy coward? I love your simple hypocrisy. Why are you so unoriginal and yet you think you are so brilliant?

What the fuck do I have to be uncomfortable about? I'm pretty sure I have a higher iq than you.

Since you haven't figured it out Satyr, I'll tell ya now. I don't like you or your inhumane views. That's the only reason I like to fuck with you.
Watch this moron defend his investment in the very system that enslaves him.

It's not that he admits the necessity but that he makes it into a virtue, that's particularly disgusting:

If he were a brown cow, like Ballsy, he would be licking his master's boots and thanking God for being allowed to contribute to the farm that feeds him and his children.
He would worship the very man that keeps him tied up, because his belly is full while his brain is empty.

Oh Satyr, do you feel enslaved? Aww. You can come out and admit it. I won't bite.
Your conclusions are crapola.
Nice comeback.

Why are you projecting your own issues and faults onto me, pussy coward?
I'm reflecting, imbecile, not projecting.
That's what's funny.
Do you see yourself?

Why are you so unoriginal and yet you think you are so brilliant?
How can I not feel brilliant around you?

What the fuck do I have to be uncomfortable about? I'm pretty sure I have a higher iq than you.
A-ha!.....numbers....tell me your size and I'll tell you mine.
I don't think you'll like my number.

Retard, you are uncomfortable because I'm uncovering what you most deeply feel insecure about.
You know, as I know, that you are a sad, pathetic, stupid little idiot who bends over daily and kisses the ass that farts in your face, because you are too afraid of what might become of you if you ever looked in the mirror honestly and without that veil of bullshit you use to hide behind.
Because you've grown dependent and so resentful of the very thing you have submitted to.

Because your intelligence is bought and regurgitated tripe.
Nice comeback.

I'm reflecting, imbecile, not projecting.
That's what's funny.

How can I not feel brilliant around you?

Aha.....numbers....tell me your size and I'll tell you mine.

Retard, you are uncomfortable because I'm uncovering what you most deeply feel insecure about.
You know, as I know, that you are a sad, pathetic, stupid little idiot who bends over daily and kisses the ass that farts in your face, because you are too afraid of what might become of you if you ever looked in the mirror honestly and without that veil of bullshit you use to hide behind.
Because you've grown dependent and so resentful of the very thing you have submitted to.

Because your intelligence is bought and regurgitated tripe.

You are projecting, not reflecting. I know that's hard for you to comprehend that truth. This whole thread has been about "your" feelings of entrapment and enslavement. You are the pussy and the coward. You are the one who is resentful. Did you know that it was obvious? You are so simple to figure out.
You are projecting, not reflecting. I know that's hard for you to comprehend that truth. This whole thread has been about "your" feelings of entrapment and enslavement. You are the pussy and the coward. You are the one who is resentful. Did you know that it was obvious? You are so simple to figure out.
Good, you've figured me out.
You are now safe.
Return to your regular stupidity. Go back to being a biatch.
Sorry, did I offend you with my honesty?
No, you just used one of the old PC type attacks. When at a loss to say anything intelligent attack the other person's masculinity.

I know you are used to, and you now prefer, sitting around with others who hide their disdain for you or who mask their sense of superiority over you with etiquette and pretended civility, but too bad.

More hallucinations. I like my friends blunt. The 'faggot' insult is old school PC.

There's no PC there, imbecile, just good old honesty. You know the kind your brand of political-correctness wants to hide and pretend that the pretense is the actual.

You really don't understand, do you?

When a retard, like you, wants the rules changed so that nobody gets hurt or offended - especially not you - or forced to face reality and then calls reality another PC, that is fuckin' pathetic.

More hallucinations. Here: you're a fucking moron. I'm all for bluntness. You think the world fits into the two boxes you know. You're pathetic.

I would be inclined to call you mentally challenged, but this too would be too honest and brutal to be considered acceptable social behavior.
You have nothing to say.

Yes indeed, directness and honest discourse is another form of PC.

No, attacking people as faggots, and bluster. That's old PC.

It reminds me of the Christian argument that denying God is another faith based belief.
Good one.
They use it to excuse the absence of argument and reason in their thinking...just like you are doing.

You're still coming off stupid.

This form of argument is based on turning the tables on the adversary you cannot compete against and showering them with the accusations you know your positions are guilty of.

Man, you are defensive. Look. I caught you out. You're part of that group of men who pretends to be tough and masculine and struts around trying very hard not to looked scared. You make a lot of noise and you find some skinny kid to pick on. You as so stupid you think that the only person who would think you were a moron would be someone you can beat up or mock without getting a fist in your face.

You know you're not that tough in real life, but here you get to come off like some asskicker. It's a joke.

It's not a form of PC to speak my mind and expres
s how pathetic and weak I think you are. That's just honesty, you simpleton!

You're not being honest. You're pretending you know things you don't. That's not honest. It is old style PC male behavior.

Does this change the fact that you are a product of indoctrination and conformity and a stupid imbecile living in a bubble-world?

Why because I reject your cardboard idea of toughness and I reject lefty feminist PC also?
The only PC I'm interested in is the one that allows imbeciles, like you, to believe they are smart because nobody was allowed to tell them the truth and because they have been sheltered and protected from the big bad world by mommy and daddy and the police force and the lawyers, coming to beleive that they are worth something when they are but a sack o' shit!!

Hello. You just make up my beliefs and my experiences. And you are wrong again and again. The world must fit your guesses. This is typical old-style PC maleness. Never admit you are wrong. Always pretend you have it under control.

It's when enough retards, like you, are allowed to ...what the other imbecile called flourish....when retards like George W. attain leadership positions and it is when inferior human beings, like you, are allowed to reproduce and are defended and protected from nature and reality by a series of laws and rules and a network of institutions and technologies that weakness is propagated and decadence ensues.

More hallucinations about what I want or believe in.

Maybe the Unibomber Manifesto deserves a second look, huh?

Hey, if and when you ever have a kid and he's or she's as retarded and cowardly as you are, then don't tell it what it is. Hide the truth, change the rules of the game in his favor so that he never tastes defeat and grows up to beleive himself a winner, unjustifiably, when he's really a freaking loser like you are.

I love how it is assumed you are not cowardly. A lot of BS, fantasy and insults over the internet mean nothing.

You know, chew his food for him, lower the standards so he never fails. If he's ugly change the concept of beauty to be superficial and not as important as 'inner beauty', if he's fat call him 'big boned', if he's an imbecile call him 'challenged', if he's weird call him special.
you know water down reality so nobody ever gets hurt...then call anyone that reveals it dysfunctional or simply accuse them of being guilty of the very same thing so you can justify, to your self, the continuation of this cowardly and pathetic practice of avoiding the truth.
And preempt an attack, the realization of what you are, by accusing the other first of the very things you see in yourself.

Keep confessing.

Call them a coward so that your cowardice is not exposed.
Call them PC so that your own self-censoring dilution and denial is avoided.

Play those girly games you do so well.

You're angry because the women hate you aren't you.
You come off pretty limited intellectually.
You haven't got much to say.
Insults instead of arguments.
Hallucinations of what I must be if I think you are full of shit and limited.
Your posts prove my points.
You are just a small piece of a man.
And all you can do is continue in the same way with your limited bag of trick. Insult and BS.

You have nothing to offer. You're not even a worthy opponent. Bye, bye.
No, you just used one of the old PC type attacks. When at a loss to say anything intelligent attack the other person's masculinity.
Imbecile, this entire thread is about masculinity.

More hallucinations. I like my friends blunt. The 'faggot' insult is old school PC.
What would be an example of a new-school PC insult?

You really don't understand, do you?

More hallucinations. Here: you're a fucking moron. I'm all for bluntness. You think the world fits into the two boxes you know. You're pathetic.
What boxes?
I just see assholes.

No, attacking people as faggots, and bluster. That's old PC.
What about attacking others as old PC, is that new PC?

You are fucked up!!!!
You've constructed this myth to continue being a moron and a faggot.

All social interaction is about repression, imbecile.
What old-school, new-school bull-crap?!!!
All social interactions, ALL!!!!!!!, are about repression.
Societies prefer feminine traits because they result in harmonious unities based on this repression and self-censorship.

Are you even aware of my positions?

Man, you are defensive. Look. I caught you out.
Ouch, you did...and you didn't even have the decency to suck on it before I tucked it back in.

I enjoy it when idiots think they've figured me out.

You're part of that group of men who pretends to be tough and masculine and struts around trying very hard not to looked scared.
Oh yeah, you know me, alright.

You as so stupid you think that the only person who would think you were a moron would be someone you can beat up or mock without getting a fist in your face.
Are you the one that's supposed to defend this someone I want to beat up?

You know you're not that tough in real life, but here you get to come off like some asskicker. It's a joke.
My toughness, or lack of, still doesn't make you any less of a pussy.
you know, as i know, that you like the safety and comforts of political-correctness because you avoid being told the truth, that way.
You defend the weak because you feel weak; you can relate to them.
you defend the system because you are dependent on it and you're afraid of going without it.

This is fun!!!
You're not being honest. You're pretending you know things you don't. That's not honest. It is old style PC male behavior.
Your responses, so far, to my positions have been enlightening.
You've displayed a deeper knowledge and awareness.

What was it again?
Old-school PC, excuses new-school PC or does it level it into a tautology?

Is this the "I know I am but so are you" schoolyard argument?
Nice one.

Why because I reject your cardboard idea of toughness and I reject lefty feminist PC also?
That's only because you are so open minded and objective.
Imbecile, does any of this have anything to do with the essay?

I love how it is assumed you are not cowardly. A lot of BS, fantasy and insults over the internet mean nothing.
My cowardice or bravery still doesn't disprove your stupidity.

So far your only contribution an assessment that all social unities depend or repressed behavior, thoughts and language and your erroneous assessment that the past conservative is the masculine ideal I am referring to or that the past social arrangements were not feminine.
retard, ALL, ALL social unities depend upon the repression of unwanted personal traits.
This is feminization.
The sacrifice of a piece of self, of pure self, for the sake of survival.
In larger unities, the piece is larger and larger, seeking a mediocre, slavish, tolerant and passive ideal.

Keep confessing.
How easy, you are.
Do you actually think this defensive style is not one I've encountered before?

every time the weak are confronted with a threatening idea, they attack the messenger, thinknig that by defaming him they do away with the reality of what is said or they focus on the person rather than the ideas, thinknig that their aspersions about the author are, somehow, arguments agaisnt the positions.

You're angry because the women hate you aren't you.
That's it, continue.
I love it.
I've never been laid.
Tell me more.

You come off pretty limited intellectually.
I've been told this.
It must be true.

You haven't got much to say.
Insults instead of arguments.
Unlike you, I assume.
Yes, I never have anything to say.

Hallucinations of what I must be if I think you are full of shit and limited.
You mean, unlike yours?

Your posts prove my points.
undoubtedly they do and I suspect they do for those like you.

You are just a small piece of a man.
I do have a small penis.
Yes, that's it.
What speaks against our necessary delusions must be dysfunctional.

And all you can do is continue in the same way with your limited bag of trick. Insult and BS.

I do beleive you've just, single handedly, presented a cogent, well-thought out, and rational argument agaisnt the thesis of my essay.

Good job.
Speak for yourself, Brown Cow.

More beige really. Judging from the photos I have seen of you in the past, you are way more brown than I could ever be. Anywho, shades of brown aside..

The system educates, controls resources, authorizes behaviors, rewards the is this, Brown Cow, not decisive?
You still don't get it? Yes the system educates, controls and authorises behaviour. But it is up to the free individual whether they follow the "system" or allows itself to be controlled. You are free and have the ability to make choices.

Have you ever read a book?
Only glance through them just before wiping.

In Orwell's fantasy world, ideas were controlled by eliminating or redefining words.
Political-correctness, is a form of redefining and controlling words and their usage.
It's a form of mind-control.
Yes. And? It is still up to you to decide whether you wish to follow or go elsewhere. Your mind still has the freedom to create its own thoughts and values and most importantly, to make decisions.

Unlike what the retard said, abuse is not a political-correctness, it is the free regin of expression no more than an animal living in the wild is as domesticated as the one living in the barn.
Animals kept in the barn are kept there by force. Your mind is not forced into submission, unless you willingly allow it to be. You have free choice. And if you really were a free individual, you would not care about what punishment society may place upon you. But you do. That is evident enough by the fact that you are a man who walks free but is too much of a wimp to speak out in public, preferring to only hide behind the anonymity that the internet provides you.

Political-correctness is a method of eradicating all socially undesirable pieces of rality that contradict and confront cultural and social norms.
It is a method or quarantine.
Yes of course it is a method of quarantine. But again, you are still free to break the rules of political correctness. You are free to go elsewhere, where political correctness is not the norm. But you do not. You prefer to instead delude yourself of your superiority by going to places that are ruled by political correctness and telling others they are sheep, not realising your very presence here makes you more of a sheep then they are. You have the freedom to leave the 'quarantined area', but you choose not to. Preferring to return again and again. For example, you come here willingly knowing it is moderated, only to complain that the rules are a form of mind controlling political correctness. That makes you the bigger retard.

You call a cripple, physically challenged or you disallow any expressions of judgments that create social frictions, so as to retain harmonious coexistence by constructing a bubble-reality within which the rules change, the measuring standards are redefined to allow for the illusion of equality or equal potential.
And what of you? Do you go up to a crippled stranger on the street and call them a cripple? Or do you simply think it to yourself, and then deem yourself superior for having referred to them as a 'cripple' in your own mind?

You establish an acceptable parameter of thought and action so as to keep everyone comfortably average and behaving thinking in the same way.
Correction. We establish a 'parameter' of behaviour and those wishing to participate can do so, and they are free to think as they so choose. The only person who sets the parameters on your thoughts is you. No ones everyone to act the same or to be the same. How utterly boring. You on the other hand wants and expects everyone to simply agree with you and any disagreement that is directed against you, you only have the capacity to call them a retard. Do you call that 'thinking'? Personally I find individuals who can only resort to this kind of response to be lacking.

You want to set the parameters on how others think. That does not make you masculine. It just makes you weak.

Just like you, my Ballsy Brown internet authority figure, are doing just that in this very forum.
As are you honeybuns. After all, for all your complaining about mediocrity, you seem to just want to keep coming back. That says a lot about you my dear.

This is why it is now a cesspool of mediocrity and boring stupidity.
Can I ask, why do you keep returning, even after you have been kicked out? I personally cannot understand why anyone would keep returning to the thing that causes them to be bored. Why continuously and willingly surround yourself with stupidity when you have the freedom to not do so? Isn't that a bit 'retarded'?

and how well you do your job - perhaps gaining some form of satisfaction from it - as you become the 'decider' of what is healthy or acceptable thinknig and behaving.
I personally gain no satisfaction from seeing twats make fools of themselves repeatedly. As I have said to you before, you are free to have whatever thoughts you wish to have. You can also behave as you please. I do however mind when you lower the intellectual standards by merely resorting to the childish retort of 'retard'. Don't you get it? You lower the discussion to the point where pathetic little insults abound. Your form of debate is to make it stupid. Instead of discussing, you insult, thinking that makes you superior, when the opposite is true. You see sweetpea, a truly enlightened individual can debate against detractors without resorting to calling them retards. Your manner of discourse only makes you what you accuse others of being.

Instead you create a medium of retardation where any opinion, no matter how inane, must be respected or confronted with civility, offering the illusion that no matter how pathetic and stupid the opinion-holder is he still deserves respect and his opinion still warrants consideration.
You expect your opinion to be respected. You are quite open in that desire when one considers how you treat others who hold a differing opinion to your own.

In the end this creates an environment where the gems are lost in an avalanche of crap and where soemthing insightful is drowned out in a crescendo of stupidity.
Were you a gem, I would agree with you. But you are merely a lump of rock, a boring hack who draws from the insights of others and then tries to claim it as his own. Do you honestly think you are being insightful? Tell me where? Because any 'gems' from you are lost in the childish manner of your posting.
*feels the sexual tension between bells and satyr*


You so beat me to it.
Why's she being so kind with the infraction-izing? Why's he sending her pictures? Why's she referring to them? Why is his speech peppered with naughty innuendos about punishment and submission?

To that end: Satyr, there would certainly not be any punching of my smoochy-woochy Dr. House. I would make lamb vindaloo while he rolled me a fat joint and then we would get high and watch nature channel specials about aquatic life.
You so beat me to it.
Why's she being so kind with the infraction-izing? Why's he sending her pictures? Why's she referring to them? Why is his speech peppered with naughty innuendos about punishment and submission?

yeah lol, you know they want to bang each other. bells wants to bend him over and feminize his ass****.

Bells: "Yeah bitch this is the real feminization of man, take it like a girl"

Satyr: "you retarded imbicile, give it to me now"

yeah lol, you know they want to bang each other. bells wants to bend him over and feminize his ass****.

Bells: "Yeah bitch this is the real feminization of man, take it like a girl"

Satyr: "you retarded imbicile, give it to me now"


No no - it'd be like, Bells is dressed up as a sexy stern schoolteacher:

"Oh you've stepped out of line Satyr, I'm going to give you a big infraction!"
"You're pathetic and weak! (Nietzsche quote goes here)"
"No talking back! 5 infraction points!"
"Oooh, this hurts so gooooood"
No no - it'd be like, Bells is dressed up as a sexy stern schoolteacher:

"Oh you've stepped out of line Satyr, I'm going to give you a big infraction!"
"You're pathetic and weak! (Nietzsche quote goes here)"
"No talking back! 5 infraction points!"
"Oooh, this hurts so gooooood"

they are making forumatic love in the guise of debate. (i dont care if forumatic is not a word, it is now). yeah i think your right though, satyr seeks discipline and punishment like a naughty schoolboy. bells happily provides it with a strict whip and cane.

Bells: "what did i tell you young man, no speaking with your mouth full"

Satyr: "sorry miss, i wont dissobey you agai....."

as she shoves his head back down between her legs.


Dude, she's a step away from making him wear her underwear as punishment.

"Yeah, YEAH Satyr, you're just a little sissy-boy aren't you!"

I bet they have a safe-word all set up, too. :)

Dude, she's a step away from making him wear her underwear as punishment.

"Yeah, YEAH Satyr, you're just a little sissy-boy aren't you!"

I bet they have a safe-word all set up, too. :)

satyr insisted it was either retard or imbecile, aslong as he got to say it.
