Do you feel weak and retarded when you're called a pussy?
No, I feel soft and pretty. :bagpuss:
Or do you feel more like a man when not called as such? What if you then later found out that the other was prevented from calling you a pussy? Would you feel weak and retarded?
Ballsy, your debating style is as confused and jumbled as your tiny little mind is.
But it follows.
Survival of the fittest comes in the form of who can be the best slave to the masters of the nation, in that those who do not stir the pot tend to be the one's who survive. In short, you survive in NK if you are a "pussy". Hardly a masculine construct, but the society itself is geared towards the masculine rather then the feminine.
Really, you fat cow?
So being a stupid, subjugated automaton makes you masculine?
I don't think makes you like you.
Me, your plaything? Anyone who can't face reality like you is a 'plaything'. Haven't you figured out it's you who can't handle the challenges of life, faggot-man?
Why don't you stick your head back up your ass where you feel nice and warm?
You pathetic simpleton you have no idea what challenges I face or have faced.
If the idea that the universe doesn't give a shit about you and that there is no such thing as equality frightens you, you fuckin' coward, then give up the pretense that you are thinking.
And what is your idea of progress, nitwit? Please enlighten us.
My boot on the neck of a sub-human, like you.
Now that's progress!!!
All that bullshit there describes you to a T, cowardly faggot, not me. You are not very intelligent but then it's hard to be when you are so scared shitless you can't face the facts or life.
Oh shit...this is fun. :mufc:
There's nothing funnier than a sub-human unaware of its own stupidity.
You are....pussy-whipped!!!
Heh! Explain how that is not masculine? No society can survive by total individualism. But that is what he is arguing for, a patriarchal militaristic society because of those who take power and control without regard to others.
Is that so nit-wit?
You just get-it!!!
Surviving and thriving are not the same. Those who excel in cutthroat societies, which is Satyr's idea of advancement will end up similar to North Korea.
Let's see who the real coward is:
Here is an imbecile defending the very system that keeps him safe and cared for, accusing another of cowardice; afraid of the natural selection process, accusing another of cowardice; terrified of what it would mean if there were inferior and superior human beings and...well you get the picture.
There it is the old PC. And your confidence that the old PC will make me feel bad just shows you how much power you yourself think it has.
Sorry, did I offend you with my honesty?
I know you are used to, and you now prefer, sitting around with others who hide their disdain for you or who mask their sense of superiority over you with etiquette and pretended civility, but too bad.
There's no PC there, imbecile, just good old honesty. You know the kind your brand of political-correctness wants to hide and pretend that the pretense is the actual.
When a retard, like you, wants the rules changed so that nobody gets hurt or offended - especially not you - or forced to face reality and then calls reality another PC, that is fuckin' pathetic.
I would be inclined to call you mentally challenged, but this too would be too honest and brutal to be considered acceptable social behavior.
Yes indeed, directness and honest discourse is another form of PC.
It reminds me of the Christian argument that denying God is another faith based belief.
Good one.
They use it to excuse the absence of argument and reason in their thinking...just like you are doing.
This form of argument is based on turning the tables on the adversary you cannot compete against and showering them with the accusations you know your positions are guilty of.
It's not a form of PC to speak my mind and express how pathetic and weak I think you are. That's just honesty, you simpleton!
One, no one picked on me.
Two, the rules were built up for a long time by people like you who think you can only feel good if you make others feel bad.
Okay you proved that you can count to two, now what?
I don't feel good by picking on you, I feel greEEEAT!!!
Did I make you feel bad, you poor thang?!
Is the reality of a cold and cruel universe too frightening for you to cope?
Do you need to hide behind a man made bubble where all reality is kept away or given a spin that softens the hurt?
Or someone who thinks he is a real man but has an limited version of one, or a reactionary. Sure, that's the position you are taking.
Who said I'm a man, stupid?
I'm a goat-man, a Satyr.
You have limited view of nature. You have very limited crosscultural knowledge. And you base your laws on what little you know.
really? And did you pull that one from outa yuor asshole, genius?
How would you know, you freak?
Nope. Social rules are often to make levels and separations and justify the dominance of certain groups. Often these groups are not the ones who would do well in the jungle. In fact usually they are not. In fact they tend to kill people who do well in nature. Or rather they hire others or brainwash them to do the work for them.
And does the good guy come in, now, to rescue them from destruction and force them to live happily ever after?
All social interaction, imbecile, is a result of weakness. It's a compromise for survival's sake to tolerate and share with others.
The larger the group the larger the compromise and self-repression needed.
You are proof of the dumbing-down this eventually leads to.
You are not the fittest. You are rigid and have cut off huge portions of yourself - if in fact you resemble the way you come across here.
Who cares if I'm the fittest, moron?!
Does this change the fact that you are a product of indoctrination and conformity and a stupid imbecile living in a bubble-world?
I love the psychoanalysis, by the way.
Very astute.
I am not defending PC censorship. I am saying it is one amongst many. You cowards can't deal with so many things, most of them inside yourselves. So you play tough. Every whiner about PC is really pouting because of the admiration they think they deserve and are not getting. You're half a person and surprised your don't get full respect. Both of the forms of PC we are talking about demand we be less than ourselves. You only see the other PC as bad because it is critical of what you want to identify with in yourself.
The only PC I'm interested in is the one that allows imbeciles, like you, to believe they are smart because nobody was allowed to tell them the truth and because they have been sheltered and protected from the big bad world by mommy and daddy and the police force and the lawyers, coming to beleive that they are worth something when they are but a sack o' shit!!
It's when enough retards, like you, are allowed to ...what the other imbecile called flourish....when retards like George W. attain leadership positions and it is when inferior human beings, like you, are allowed to reproduce and are defended and protected from nature and reality by a series of laws and rules and a network of institutions and technologies that weakness is propagated and decadence ensues.
Maybe the Unibomber Manifesto deserves a second look, huh?
Hey, if and when you ever have a kid and he's or she's as retarded and cowardly as you are, then don't tell it what it is. Hide the truth, change the rules of the game in his favor so that he never tastes defeat and grows up to beleive himself a winner, unjustifiably, when he's really a freaking loser like you are.
You know, chew his food for him, lower the standards so he never fails. If he's ugly change the concept of beauty to be superficial and not as important as 'inner beauty', if he's fat call him 'big boned', if he's an imbecile call him 'challenged', if he's weird call him special.
you know water down reality so nobody ever gets hurt...then call anyone that reveals it dysfunctional or simply accuse them of being guilty of the very same thing so you can justify, to your self, the continuation of this cowardly and pathetic practice of avoiding the truth.
And preempt an attack, the realization of what you are, by accusing the other first of the very things you see in yourself.
Call them a coward so that your cowardice is not exposed.
Call them PC so that your own self-censoring dilution and denial is avoided.
Play those girly games you do so well.
Ta....and ...ta...