Do any of you retards actually know what you are talkin' about?!
I see these difference as complex when viewed from a design perspective, am i wrong?
oh, crap. that was you.
I guess you have a point there.
What about from a stupid perspective, how complex does it seem then?
Let's say you are really, really dumb, and you look at a complex will it seem?
Am I wrong?
Given that the male archetype, armed with nuclear weapons, if left to it's own tendencies for territorialism will result in the destruction of everything on the planet, feminization or the replacement of the dominator model with a partnership model, may be our only hope for the continuation of the human race into the future.
Oh honey, you've been pounding that excuse into the ground.
Yes, let us all turn pussy and dim so that we can all survive for a few more thousand years as dimwitted hermaphrodites.
It is not your place to tell men how they ought to be. Go clean your kitchen.
Ought to be?!!!
I'm talking about how it IS!!!!
PC stuff is often ridiculous. But somehow 'real men' conservatives and reactionaries seem to think PC was invented by liberals and feminists.
I agree, it was really invented by lobotomized cretins.
They invented one form of it.
What is PC? It is a set of rules about what one should say and act that is rigid and controlling and ladened with guilt and shame.
So far you are doing just fine, but I get the feeling you'll soon tumble into a swoon of idiotic pontification before you fall flat on your face, crying for someone to rescue you from drowning in your own pee.
Gosh darn it. Conservatives and 'real men' and reactionaries have there own set of rules that is at least as rigid. In school it is enforced by fists and words like faggot. And there were all sorts of rules about what one could say, how one should move, etc. to be a non-faggot, good girl etc. and these rules were definitely not ones coming from what is usually referred to as PC people.
Were you called "faggot" in school, sweetheart?
Why am I not surprised?
Did you think there was a secret agreement or an unspoken rule to pick on pussies, like you?
It's called instinct.
Conservatives and 'real men' and reactionaries don't notice their own version of PC 1) because they are just as sure these rules are right as any PCer 2) they lack introspective abilities.
Am I supposed to fall into this simplistic American dichotomy of liberal/conservative?
And of course these conservative, reactionary, real man rules also held powerful sway in workplaces and in the public world and in much of people's social worlds and they still do.
It used to be PC to view blacks as niggers deserving to be slaves. It used to be PC to put porn in a female electricians locker and to call her a whore or a dyke. It used to be PC to assume that women who were raped brought it on themselves in practically every case. A man defending a woman who was raped or defending their gay friend from random harrassment would be labeled non-PC. Not being reactionary, conservative or manly enough.
That wasn't PC, you imbecile, that's just the law of the jungle, you bleeding heart, "selfless", pseudo-altruists wimps try to avoid by inventing some socially acceptable and unacceptable behaviors to save yourselves from the reality and cruelty of nature.
Why don't you also even the field of competition in the wild and arm sheep with rifles? It's just fair, right?
Conservatives and 'real men' and reactionaries do not notice the way their rules dominated the psyche of vast swathes of america, for example, but suddenly when faced with another PC wake up and dislike control. Not men enough to notice how much PC control, shaming, harrassing, shitting on, not hiring, whispering about, beating up, dehumanizing of others they and their kind engaged in and continue to engage in, they do manage to suddenly get clever about other people's PC. when do they get clever? Only when there is some real competetion between the two PC sets of rules. What do they get clever about? Only the other PC and not their own.
Did you even read the essay?
All social rules imposed upon the individual are a form of control and a leveling.
Whining and playing the victim to PC rules is a wonderful distraction, but sooner or later they will have to face themselves and how they have avoided fear so long by trying to dehumanize and control others. Then they stand a chance to find out that being a real man is not dependant on denial of fear and confusion.
Fascinating spin you gave your response there, imbecile.
You take an environment that threatens you - let us call it nature and natural selection - impose your moral codes on it, derived through your weakness to cope and adapt, and then you turn the tables accusing the fittest that they are weak because they do not adhere to your imagined moralistic judgments.
The question is if PC is censorship which protects the weak and retarded from the realization that they are weak and retarded?
Mod Note
This thread has been re-opened after being mistakenly closed.
If you manage to shut the fuck up, then you'll find that your stupidity won't become as painfully and shamefully obvious.
Why do you just pop-up everywhere like a pimple, contributing nothing more than a rash?
James R
The previous thread on the same topic was closed, apparently.
Let's hope this one doesn't go off the rails in similar fashion.
Yes, and then let's hope none of the other threads, so closely and strictly moderated to maintain a sense of civility and mundane productivity, do not stray too far from the inanities they frequently involve themselves with.
Reality check for any of you interested. If you reject the so-called 'feminization' of a society. Then go live in north korea and see how you like it. It's truly and totally 'survival of the fittest'(the outcome always being in the basest most destructive sense).
No takers??? Lol, yeah, I thought so.
Oh Gawd...another one of you!!
In any other forum, dumb-ass, you would become my new favorite plaything; an imbecile to toss around when I'm bored, to elevate my self-esteem.
You mean N.Korea is a masculine society? Over there there's a 'survival of the fittest', as opposed to here where there;'s survival of the dumbest?
Well, go figure.
It would explain why a moron, like you, is still alive.
Classic American, imbecile, response.
The 'take it or leave it' stupidity, uttered, most often, by the most retarded imbeciles in one of the most retarded countries in the world.
I find it absurd and trite. It's similar to the same old things I've heard from old assholes who complain things somehow were always better in the past.
You mean unlike those morons who take everything modern as the height of progress?
It's downright disgusting. Some things were and definitely many things were not. The 'back to nature' animal regression idea is stupid and that's exactly what this stoneage fuker is arguing for. You would swear he's got a reptilian tick he can't turn off.
Is that what I'm saying?
Go figure.
You have a preset response to what you perceive was a threat to your well-being.
Maybe along with what modern-age technology and 'advancement' offers you should also consider the costs and byproducts.
Then maybe you won't sound so stupid.
Is this the only argument against the thesis?
Wow, what a self-serving, subjective, fear-driven response.
No, you aren't a dimwit, you just seem that way.
Aww. You just discovered Bill Maher. Isn't that precious?
Go get an original idea and bring it back to show us.
Is that an example of an "original put down"?
If life was fair, Hugh Laurie and I would be having sex right now. Really good sex, with handcuffs and biting.
What about punching?
i noticed it too
my response was gonna be..."excellent insight"
then i got stoned
How can you tell the difference?