The Fastest Growing Violent Crime In The United States

Theoryofrelativity said:
Satyr you charchter analysis is so off ther mark it's unreal, you REALLY are dull, you REALLY do TALK SHIT most (not all, no one could sustain that unless deliberate, law of averages see's to that) of the time. I got 6 lines in, the rubbish detered me from going further.

:) keep trying though, maybe you'll improve. I'll let you know.
Keepin’ it real…..i believes ya.

I’m like…totally, like off de mark, like ….whateeeever!!
Talk to da hand.
Satyr said:
She refers to my usage of English as Shakespearean or theatrical.

In response I will continue this response in the English she’s more [/url]

oh satyr the shakespearian I quoted was not your style it was my own and my quote, you really are genuinely stupid, but you hide it so wellllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, well not really, it's pretty obvious.

Theoryofrelativity said:
fabulous! I was right on the money, look at this lovely bed time read, full of drama and fantasy (very little based in reality....I assume??) predicatabubble

Note how for every one line of mine there are dozen in reply from Miss 'S', what CAN this mean??

Oh.........perchance it means I am more important to her than he to I?
apparantly so :)

The way I have feminised satyr (demasculination) re 'her ' and 'Miss'
'Shakespearian tone' here "Oh.........perchance it means I am more important to her than he to I?" creating atmosphere of 'stage and drama' thus again demonstrating the lack of serious regard I have for them.

(A work in progress, but we can see 'she' is about to explodeeeeeee)

the whole note to 'K' was about my post, not yours.
Here are some more strategies or arguments y'all can use in proving how “off the mark” I am:

1- I have a small penis or am otherwise sexually deficient. Of course if I had a large penis I would automatically think women were equal to men in every way and that rape was immoral.

2- I have never been laid and so harbor a secret resentment towards women. It is obvious that any negative assertion of truth must be motivated my hate whereas any positive one is loving.
Funny how reality is always so positive towards the stupid.

3- I was beaten by my parents or come from some dysfunctional environment. Fuckin’ mother…I HATE YOU!!!
No, really. :eek:

4- I seek attention by becoming controversial. Ignoring me will be devastating.
Hurt me! Please.
I am invisible in my everyday real life. I have no friends and people rarely even notice me. Now why can't I get any alone time?

5- I don’t really believe all the stuff I say…I’m a Troll. I mean who can believe such things? I..*giggle*....mean...really.....
Imagine rape and prostitution and violence and selfishness being natural…why that would make the universe an inhospitable place for life when it is so obviously hospitable.

Flowers, puppies, butterflies and rings
These are a few of my favorites things.
I HATE YOU MOTHER!!!!!!! Baaaaaaaahhhhh :(

I think those are enough, for now, to construct well thought out, laconic, counter-arguments to my own.
Good luck assured they will all hurt me badly.
No, really.
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Satyr said:
Here are some more strategies or arguments you can use in proving how “off the mark” I am:

1- I have a small penis or am otherwise sexually deficient. Of course if I had a large penis I would think women were equal to men in every way and that rape was immoral.
2- I have never been laid and so harbor a secret resentment towards women. It is obvious that any negative assertion of truth must be motivated my hate whereas any positive one is loving.
3- I was beaten by my parents or come from some dysfunctional environment. Fuckin’ mother…I HATE YOU!!!
4- I seek attention by becoming controversial. Ignoring me will be devastating. Hurt me! Please. I am invisible ion my real life. I have no friends and people rarely even notice me.
5- I don’t really believe all the stuff I say…I’m a Troll. I mean who can believe such things?

I think those are enough to construct well thought out counterarguments to my own.
Good luck certain they will all hurt me badly.

nah, thats a lot of Ad Hom, I don't need that, thats for your type, those who cant focus on the point. I'll do a litle provoking but wont presume to know you. Only that which is obvious, ie inflated ego and poor judge of character. Your penis is your business.
invert_nexus said:
The "I don't even read your posts" routine is getting lamer by the iteration. Stow it.

apparantly in your enthusiasm to have a dig you didn't read the post:

Theoryofrelativity said:
'scuse the edits as I read more.

you tell me to stow it, ask me nicely. You assume authority, you have none.

Well done. I think you're right on target when it comes to describing those two feminazis. They act as though there is some 'war' between the genders, and hold men accountable for actions of past generations, and other fruit loops of the same gender..

Real men may or not eat quische, but, they - do not hit women. It is about nobility. It is about being what real men are
Perhaps if she was in the kitchen cooking me a steak, like a real woman, then she wouldn't have been hit?
And another thread is returned back to the mediocrity of its members.

What’s wrong with sciforums?
I don’t know.
It’s members are just too damn bright.

It needs a ...a....Queen.
Satyr said:
I know stealing is evil, killing is immoral, and thieving is unethical.
Satyr, you intrigue me. Here's what kind of society I want:

  • one where stealing is deemed wrong (to call it 'evil' would be a slight overemphasis), killing is deemed immoral and thieving unethical.
  • One where everyone is treated with equal respect, regardless of race, sex, religion, yada yada, provided that they treat other people similarly
  • One in which there's no war, poverty or unnecessary suffering.

You know... a sheeple society.

"You may say I'm a dreamer... but I'm not the only one".

Ha ha.

The thing is: you've criticised this viewpoint endlessly but haven't suggested what kind of moral system we might replace it with. Do you think moral codes serve any useful purpose? Or would you prefer to dispose of morality altogether and the likes of you and me can fight with fists, boots and teeth for our raping and pillaging rights?

What kind of society do you want, Satyr? Please give the question a considered response - I'm genuinely intrigued.

apparantly in your enthusiasm to have a dig you didn't read the post:

I did that on purpose. You don't think I read your posts do you?
Come on now. Get real.

ou tell me to stow it, ask me nicely. You assume authority, you have none.

No skin off my nose that your every iteration further embeds your own lameness.

But, of course, I never read your posts anyway.


And another thread is returned back to the mediocrity of its members.

Same old ploy, eh?

Heh. Remember back when Wanderer said he was going away and wasn't ever comin' back? That was funny when he did come back. Like in two days or something to, wasn't it? Or was it even that long?

It needs a ...a....Queen.

It's got one, dear.

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mountainhare said:

Well done. I think you're right on target when it comes to describing those two feminazis. They act as though there is some 'war' between the genders, and hold men accountable for actions of past generations, and other fruit loops of the same gender..


Perhaps if she was in the kitchen cooking me a steak, like a real woman, then she wouldn't have been hit?

who are you referring to ?

I have said nothing on gender issues or gender war or anything slightly resembling feminist talk.

I have commented here re what women do to provoke men to violence. I am demonstrating the 'technique' to those that requested a narrative to understand the point. I felt a live example more useful than a retrsopective narrative which cannot properly illuminate the dynamics.

There are three threads from 'K' on this topic so the dialogue is disjointed but basically:

perplexity said:
Along with Buffalo Roam I would have been especially grateful to see a narrative example cited from experience.

My initial reaction was much the same: behold one of the best contributions to be seen for a long time, and I'd have been glad to enough make the same point, for the conduct and the underlying strategy of a woman is IMHO significantly different and to be minded as such, except that... Is it actually true, demonstrably, this idea of 'fight inducing' talk.?

I put it to the wife, and prompted her to read the comment. (She never reads the forums without being prompted) "Do women talk to men in a different way to when a man talks with a man?"

Her immediate reaction was "I can't think of an example ", which happened to be the very reason why I had put it to her:
nor could I.

--- Ron.
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I should have addressed my post better.

You do realize that those weren't your posts I was responding to in the second half of the post, didn't you? I know your memory isn't the best, but it's better than that, isn't it?

Edit: There, it's fixed. I tend to get sloppy with post format in these sniping threads.
invert_nexus said:

I should have addressed my post better.

You do realize that those weren't your posts I was responding to in the second half of the post, didn't you? I know your memory isn't the best, but it's better than that, isn't it?

Edit: There, it's fixed. I tend to get sloppy with post format in these sniping threads.

I did, but I thought you were retrieving someone elses old quotes to assist your dig.

you know I really must stop skimming posts and attempt to read them, yes now I note you addressed satyr, or was that an edit ? :bugeye:
Nah. I was digging at the forum queen Satyr.

He really is a queen of a queen. If ever a queen there was.
redarmy11 said:
Satyr, you intrigue me. Here's what kind of society I want:

  • one where stealing is deemed wrong (to call it 'evil' would be a slight overemphasis), killing is deemed immoral and thieving unethical.
  • One where everyone is treated with equal respect, regardless of race, sex, religion, yada yada, provided that they treat other people similarly
  • One in which there's no war, poverty or unnecessary suffering.

You know... a sheeple society.

"You may say I'm a dreamer... but I'm not the only one".

Ha ha.

The thing is: you've criticised this viewpoint endlessly but haven't suggested what kind of moral system we might replace it with. Do you think moral codes serve any useful purpose? Or would you prefer to dispose of morality altogether and the likes of you and me can fight with fists, boots and teeth for our raping and pillaging rights?

What kind of society do you want, Satyr? Please give the question a considered response - I'm genuinely intrigued.
I am satisfied with the present one.

But I’m not against morality.
I am against the hypocrisy concerning it.

Let’s call it what it is and not raise it to the status of universal, holiness.

Thieving and killing and raping is natural, that’s why it occurs no matter what rules we put before it, and we need to be programmed and repressed away from doing it.

But I’m a great believer in earning respect and rights and not being handed them.

Timocracy is my preferred political system.
It was the system that birthed hoplites in ancient Greece and was replaced by Democracy.

In it you earned your rights to vote and to be called a citizen. Along with your rights you had responsibilities and duties and obligations.
You had to sweat and bleed to keep them. They weren’t ensured or guaranteed.

When all became worthy of respect, for instance, we lost it.
Respect is based on fear.
No fear…no respect.

It's got one, dear.

Sweetums…you wanted my attention you got it.
I wasn’t ignoring you, I saw you there, beside me. ;)
Did you get lonesome without someone stroking your head, doggy?
No crotch to sniff?
She’s around somewhers.
Just scream “Immigration Police!!!” and watch her scamper for the shadows.
I bet she’s snuggled in his manly, blue-collar arms as we speak.
He, a dumb, well-hung stallion, she, a capable, flexible rider.
What a cute couple they must make.

Ghoulish and Beefcake.
Don’t worry, you’ll get some, some day.

But why return to those ploys your absent regent invented for you?
No creativity?

I’m a girly-man.
There, satisfied?
I’m a flaming queen you wants a macho king like you on his side.

Do you swig that way, cupcake?

Be warned I have a tiny penis.
Look how hurtful you are:
invert_nexus said:
Heh. Remember back when Wanderer said he was going away and wasn't ever comin' back? That was funny when he did come back. Like in two days or something to, wasn't it? Or was it even that long?
You know how living up to your ideas concerning my integrity interest me.

And the queen thing is effective, given my attitudes towards feminization.
I’m a closet fag, honey. I like it in the dark.
It's all part of my self-hate.

But Wanderer didn’t come back, sweet-buns.

I’m Satyr…or didn’t you notice?
More on your level.