The Fastest Growing Violent Crime In The United States

James R, Satyr insults akin to Cool skill, retard, half wit etc, every post almost. Infact they could and most likely are one and the same. So why no ban?
Theoryofrelativity said:
James R, Satyr insults akin to Cool skill, retard, half wit etc, every post almost. Infact they could and most likely are one and the same. So why no ban?
Little princess wants to expel the one that reminds her of what she really is.
She wants her power back, her significance, her influence, her sexual promise.

She wants males who submit to her regurgitations of cultural ideals and ethical standards because they want to retain their status as desirable and their access to feminine possibility.

She wants to return to inane dribble and adolescent musings, pretending she understands and can see.

Another display of how females act as filtering mechanisms and censoring agents within any group or social gathering.

My precious little ants…do you see now how your mind is shaped and influenced by environment and social/cultural necessity?

Have you believed, all this time, that you are a free-thinker, a reasoned mind, an independent individualist?

You’ve been duped.
Spoon-fed reality and taught to think in acceptable ways.

Why do you believe rape is evil and bad when it is …natural, when your larger brained cousins practice is consistently?
What are your tastes dictated by and how do you come to your moral standards?
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Satyr said:
Are you purposefully acting dense or is this your natural state?
It was jolly sporting of you to remove any room for doubt in your own case.
Satyr said:
Men have been “leaving home” and giving women control over domestic matters since the beginning of time.
Very good. Even the congenitally thick must, statistically, get the odd thing right now and then.
Satyr said:
The “new role”, you simpleton, came only recently when population pressures, dwindling resources and spaces, and technology made the male/female procreative, natural distinction irrelevant.
What a trite, thoughtless analysis. You shouldn't ever mistake indigestion for insight.

In Western society, to which you appear to be referring, population pressures have substantially diminished over the last century. In more than one European country the population size is projected to fall unless balanced by immigration. This is precisely because rather than the resources or spaces dwindling, the First World citizen has access to more space and more resources than ever before, at a lower cost than ever before. In this affluent setting the tendency is to have fewer children, later. Thus, while the distinction between male and female has become less significant, it is certainly not irrelevant, and the reasons for its reduced importance are the exact opposite of what you claim.

That is just really bad analysis on your part. Wholly faulty; totally lacking in logic; bereft of any evidential support.
Satyr said:
When a retard, like you, can yield a gun and take down a 250 pound, often smarter man than yourself, then what made males dominate has become obsolete and then girly-men and women attain to equal status, protected by the system as all genetic weakness is.
You are evidently wholly unfamiliar with the fundamentals of evolution, the nature of ecology, or the fundamental cooperative spirit that lies at the heart of primate behaviour in general and human culture in particular.
You seem to confuse physical size with both strength and survival value. Given your tendency to bluster around these forums like the proverbial bull amongst the ceramics, I am not surprised.
You can remedy these errors by seeking an education. I would be happy to recommend some basic texts if I thought there was any chance you would bother reading them. (Or were capable of understanding them.)
Satyr said:
This results in morons thinking their opinion is just as relevant as anyone else’s and that ‘truth’ is a matter of perspective and all approximations of reality are equally valid and deserving of consideration.
Yes, I can certainly see how you would arrive at that conclusion. :cool:

Satyr said:
Then you get the possibility of a female philosopher,
I look forward to watching your bones get picked clean by others. :)

Satyr said:
When everyone is allowed to contribute his substandard seed to the genetic pool the whole diminishes and becomes more reliant on innovation to deal with the genetic repercussions of a weakened constitution.
In the wild genetic weakness are weeded out by predators and disease.

In our modern world they are protected and healed and even allowed to procreate and ad their weakness to the whole.
You have a knack for displaying such monumental stupidity that one regrets there is not some sort of award you could receive to publicly recognise the depths you have plumbed.
Fitness is about the ability to survive in a specific environment. The one that we happen to be in. The genotype/phenotype appropriate for our environment is not the same as that which challenged our ancestors. People who survive today survive because they are fit for this environment.
Using your approach, some of the better work achieved by Stephen Hawking would not have occured. The environment you are so fond of would have eliminated him pretty damn quickly.
Or would it? There is a growing body of evidence that for twenty or thirty millenia we have taken care of the elderly and the infirm out there in what you think is a dog-eat-dog world. The only difference today is that we have got even better at it.
This seems to offend you. Tough. Perhaps you just aren't fitted for this environment. Feel free to leave at any time.
Satyr said:
You’ve all been my little ant-holes, re-establishing my confidence concerning my original conclusions concerning the diminishment of individuality through community.
Ah. It becomes a little clearer now. They wouldn't let you join their clubs would they? There is nothing quite as sad as a leader without any followers; an Alpha male who is ignored. Never mind, it's all a question of fitness. Just revel in the fact that your demise will strengthen the human stock. :p
Satyr said:
Little princess wants to expel the one that reminds her of what she really is.
She wants her power back, her significance, her influence, her sexual promise.

She wants males who submit to her regurgitations of cultural ideals and ethical standards because they want to retain their status as desirable and their access to feminine possibility.

She wants to return to inane dribble and adolescent musings, pretending she understands and can see.

Another display of how females act as filtering mechanisms and censoring agents within any group or social gathering.

My precious little ants…do you see now how your mind is shaped and influenced by environment and social/cultural necessity?

Have you believed, all this time, that you are a free-thinker, a reasoned mind, an independent individualist?

You’ve been duped.
Spoon-fed reality and taught to think in acceptable ways.

Why do you believe rape is evil and bad when it is …natural, when your larger brained cousins practice is consistently?
What are your tastes dictated by and how do you come to your moral standards?

get over yourself, I noted a similarity in style and wondered if we were seeing a double standard, I couldn't give a shit either way. I only skim read your posts, as I save my sleep for bedtime. I just note the 'repetative' drone that follows your every post. So put your over inflated ego back in its box.
Satyr said:
She wants her power back, her significance, her influence, her sexual promise.

ooh hello whats this?

Are you saing that I once had 'significance, power, influence and gave out sexual promises?' well thank you for all those compliments, I am certain they were not intended, but it is rather hard to lose what one never had, so one can only conclude for you to suggest I am losing these qualities you consider I had them to begin with. Flattered, no, second thoughts................. :bugeye:

lets see ..........let's examine the facts

Satyr talks a bag of shit
thus his opinion re my huge significance is most likely also bag of shit, thus............I've neither had nor lost anything

oh now we have endure huge silence while it takes satyr soooooooooooo long to write his mind numbingly dull reply, I'll delay reading it till closer to bed time(aids my sleep). I'll see how far down I get, I'll challenge myself to read it fully. Odds are I will fail. I have thus far.
perplexity said:
When the conceit of it inflates as if to that of a Greek God, then the pronouncements do begin to tire. The picture comes to mind of a fat faced man who attempts to huff and puff to overinflate a large balloon, the sensation being to wonder if the object will eventually burst with a bang because of the sheer ambition of it, or fly from his mouth across the room, with the sound of a loud wet fart.

--- Ron.

lol :D
Dear Hearts:
I did not anticipate that this discussion would meander - very educationally - as it has.

I am being neither sarcastic, cynical nor skeptical - I am very sincere in thanking you all for being here.

If this sort of energy and potential were ever to somehow coordinate and harmonize - as a group; there is no telling what (other) contributions you might - individually and/or collectively - make, literally, to the world.

I am neither indifferent nor bored with the proceedings. I am studying and I am learning from and thanking all of you. There's no need for any response to this retainer. I would prefer to be an observer (at least for now) rather than any kind of judge, or a drone. My only comment here besides the above is the observation - the reminder - that there is, IMHO, no lack of love here.
- K (We now return to our regularly unscheduled agenda?)
Kaiduorkhon said:
Dear Hearts:
I did not anticipate that this discussion would meander - very educationally - as it has.

I am being neither sarcastic, cynical nor skeptical - I am very sincere in thanking you all for being here.

If this sort of energy and potential were ever to somehow coordinate and harmonize - as a group; there is no telling what (other) contributions you might - individually and/or collectively - make, literally, to the world.

I am neither indifferent nor bored with the proceedings. I am studying and I am learning from and thanking all of you. There's no need for any response to this retainer. I would prefer to be an observer (at least for now) rather than any kind of judge, or a drone. My only comment here besides the above is the observation - the reminder - that there is, IMHO, no lack of love here.
- K (We now return to our regularly unscheduled agenda?)

well I am attempting to demonstrate how a female can get a male so riled he wants to 'knock her out' be it preverbally or otherwise, you will note I have also been demonstrating this skill in other threads :) all in the name of science of course.

I was very careful (mainly, not always) to refrain from direct insults and Ad Homs to ensure that the 'feelings elicited' were not obviously obtained.

Thus, still on topic and managing to annoy....greatly. I know what the ingredients are, anyone?
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Let's try the following:

Arrogance with air of always being right and damn hard to argue with as always an answer for everything.

Remain unruffled in face of their extreme annoyance, laugh at them, poke a little fun at their 'state'.

belittle and demean, allow them to know how insignificant and unimportnat they are to you

This will usually do it.

I jest not, these are the things that will take a normally tame man to the edge.

These are not the things that take a woman to the edge, the ingredients are entirely different, a man can achieve it best with 'silence'. Women thrive on dialogue.
Theoryofrelativity said:
Let's try the following:

Arrogance with air of always being right and damn hard to argue with as always an answer for everything.

Remain unruffled in face of their extreme annoyance, laugh at them, poke a little fun at their 'state'.

belittle and demean, allow them to know how insignificant and unimportnat they are to you

This will usually do it.

I jest not, these are the things that will take a normally tame man to the edge.

These are not the things that take a woman to the edge, the ingredients are entirely different, a man can achieve it best with 'silence'. Women thrive on dialogue.

The power and education of only lines on paper - and women of the world... You, Ma'am, representemble them all (IMHO). ((woo woo?)) (((mi scusi?)))
Kaiduorkhon said:
The power and education of only lines on paper - and women of the world... You, Ma'am, representemble them all (IMHO). ((woo woo?)) (((mi scusi?)))

sorry, please explain post

I representemble them all? are yo saying all women are woo woos? :)
or I am not a woo woo?

accustomed as I am to being called a woo woo
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This in inter-relationships is referred to as the strategy of attempting to “turn the tables”:

“Originally Posted by Satyr
Are you purposefully acting dense or is this your natural state?”
It was jolly sporting of you to remove any room for doubt in your own case.
Jolly good, old boy.
What a remarkably well-crafted retort.

I blush…Or is my skin reddening from your blow? :eek:

Originally Posted by Satyr
Men have been “leaving home” and giving women control over domestic matters since the beginning of time.”
Very good. Even the congenitally thick must, statistically, get the odd thing right now and then.
No need to color your sympathizers with such negative hews….dear chap…..

In Western society, to which you appear to be referring, population pressures have substantially diminished over the last century. In more than one European country the population size is projected to fall unless balanced by immigration.
Are you referring, my idiotic friend, to the last few decades of history only?
Are we to ignore the centuries for a brief period of regional decline?
Are you failing to perceive western cultures as being part of a contained ecological system, called Earth, where population pressures abound and continue even if regionally they might have stabilized?
Are we to ignore the rest of the analysis so as to make a moronic statement of vindictiveness?

Please do go on…your sympathizers are smiling along with you.
And please selectively choose what and what not to answer to.
I think I can see your evolutionary knowledge now. You must read many...books.
I'm intimidated.
You are evidently wholly unfamiliar with the fundamentals of evolution, the nature of ecology, or the fundamental cooperative spirit that lies at the heart of primate behaviour in general and human culture in particular.
Then I will learn much from one such as you.

Perhaps you should begin by describing the reasons why cooperation and civility become necessary or actually occur….
Is it because there is a loving compassionate God or is Love and Selflessness some fundamental universal principle?
You seem to confuse physical size with both strength and survival value. Given your tendency to bluster around these forums like the proverbial bull amongst the ceramics, I am not surprised.
You seem to confuse the present environment for a past one.
Evolution, twit, has occurred for centuries in environments where size does and did matter. Our psychological reactions, to both size and other physical attributes are remnants of this past.
Females are attracted to tall men because it displays fitness in an environment they’ve evolved in for centuries.
That it has become obsolete was exactly, my point.

But I did not claim that size was all that mattered. This is your limited and confused understanding of what I’m saying.
Or you are purposefully ignoring the parts you cannot answer to and choose the ones you have ready formulated answers to.
Are you the champion of the masses? An average dick defending his own kind.
Mediocrity making mediocrity moral and 'normal'.

Men do not differ to women only in size, do they?
You can remedy these errors by seeking an education. I would be happy to recommend some basic texts if I thought there was any chance you would bother reading them. (Or were capable of understanding them.)
You are much too kind, sir, but I believe simply absorbing your wisdom directly will suffice for my education in matters of evolution and nature and reality.
“Originally Posted by Satyr
Then you get the possibility of a female philosopher, ”
I look forward to watching your bones get picked clean by others.
You and many others of your mental quality, no doubt.
The herd is vindictive and share their victories.

But many have waited before, you.

Which one, if you are not the noble hero of the masses and defender of the weak, shall slay this anathema from amongst the herd?
If you sit idly by, feigning disinterest when it is really cowardice, waiting for a worthy avenger then who shall be the champion of ‘right’ and who will shield your brethren from amorality and 'evil' and the Satyr?
You have a knack for displaying such monumental stupidity that one regrets there is not some sort of award you could receive to publicly recognise the depths you have plumbed.
Your existence is reward enough.
And thank you for thinking of me as “deep”.
Fitness is about the ability to survive in a specific environment. The one that we happen to be in. The genotype/phenotype appropriate for our environment is not the same as that which challenged our ancestors. People who survive today survive because they are fit for this environment.
You pathetic half-wit.
Your ability to selectively interpret reality is astounding and only exposes the human delusion.

Evolution, as you may very well know being a scholar of the natural sciences yourself, happens over long periods of time.
Environments changes, especially when they are extreme, do not cause immediate adaptation.
The catastrophic circumstances that made dinosaurs extinct resulted in an environmental alteration these creatures could not adapt to.
Those that could adapt evolved into their new environment gradually.
That is there was a period in between where previous traits persisted and atrophied while new ones developed.

The appendix didn’t just vanish when it became obsolete, you idiot, it atrophied and is slowly evolving out of human biology in time.
It is obsolete and yet still present.

Human intervention is a drastic alteration of environmental conditions, as pollution and global warming attest to, you imbecile, and so the relatively recent alteration man has made for himself have not been around for enough time to completely select out traits and psychologies and physical traits that were essential in previous environments within which man evolved and was shaped for centuries.

Food is a good example, you idiot.
Past environment made sugars and fats important and so man evolved to be attracted to them.
But man's innovations and interventions have made fats and sugars ubiquitous, creating an intermediating state where man acts as if they are still rare while they are environmentally plentiful.
This creates the phenomenon of obesity and heart disease and so on.

Man’s woes come from lagging behind genetically to memetic alterations.
For instance, man’s violent tendencies persist because they’ve been ingrained in his genetic makeup and were useful to him in previous times, even when they are prohibited and detrimental to him presently.
This is why I talked about suppression and repression manifesting psychosomatic effects.
As man tries to deny his nature, still lingering as a remnant of his past, he contains his thoughts and restricts his inclinations in relation to the demands of this existing environment, you idiotic imbecile.
Rape, to return to the subject, is still within a male’s inclinations and many are still attracted to it, even if it is prohibited with morality and law.
Most, if they are honest, are still capable of both raping and killing and pillaging, you stupid twit, and even those that deny it are suppressing these inclinations because they’ve been taught to feel shame in relation to them.

This could result in neurosis and psychological strains.
It’s like a fat guy trying to control his appetites in a world of plenty and in an environment that still worships youthfulness and fitness.
Get it yet?

You see, according to your “logic”, since food is plentiful man should not be plagued by overeating these days.
Storing fats and feeding were a survival advantage in past, more poor nutritional environments. Our current one is nutritionally abundant and yet man has not evolve his previous tendencies out of himself.
The new environment, you imbecile, has not had time enough to affect man’s biology to the extent that it would alter his behavior.

People who survive today are, yes, fit for this environment.
What does this mean?

It means they are dimwits, like you, obedient, non-challenging, tolerant, passive, stupid and so on, because this environment makes this type fit.
Stupidity is a survival advantage in this human artificial environment.
A lack of character is another.

Integrating into the whole happens more easily amongst those who, like your kind, exhibit these characteristics. This is why females are gaining prominence and have retaken their sexual powers, in recent times.
The larger the group the more an individual must sacrifice elements of himself to fit in.
That was my point.

Using your approach, some of the better work achieved by Stephen Hawking would not have occured. The environment you are so fond of would have eliminated him pretty damn quickly.
Exactly, the defective are allowed to propagate.
Whether this results in some greatness, now and again, only speaks about the remnants of a previous evolutionary past which is slowly diminishing.
Ah. It becomes a little clearer now. They wouldn't let you join their clubs would they? There is nothing quite as sad as a leader without any followers; an Alpha male who is ignored. Never mind, it's all a question of fitness. Just revel in the fact that your demise will strengthen the human stock.
Man it’s eerie.
You’ve figured me out.

Takes notes moron.
This is how you feign disinterest and you dismiss someone while still engaging him:

get over yourself, I noted a similarity in style and wondered if we were seeing a double standard, I couldn't give a shit either way. I only skim read your posts, as I save my sleep for bedtime. I just note the 'repetative' drone that follows your every post. So put your over inflated ego back in its box.
This is why women are socially more capable than men.

Notice how she mentions how disinterested she is even when she contradicts herself with her actions.
Then she attacks the person and not the opinion, thusly attempting to degrade then opinion by casting aspersions against the opinion maker.
Notice the subtle hints of dismissal and boredom in her descriptions of how she casually reads my stuff right before she goes to bed.
The calmness is insinuated.

That’s talent.

But then she contradicts herself again and continues reading and answering – presumably she had to go to the bathroom or got up to close the light and she took a second aloof look.

ooh hello whats this?

Are you saing that I once had 'significance, power, influence and gave out sexual promises?' well thank you for all those compliments, I am certain they were not intended, but it is rather hard to lose what one never had, so one can only conclude for you to suggest I am losing these qualities you consider I had them to begin with. Flattered, no, second thoughts.................
That’s your only significance.
Use it well.

Of course you could be a disgusting skank of unattained potential and so you would lack even this possibility.
Satyr talks a bag of shit
thus his opinion re my huge significance is most likely also bag of shit, thus............I've neither had nor lost anything
I think simply using the word “shit” in reference to an opinion is a good enough argument against it.

Let me see if it works:
"I think the round Earth theory is bullshit!"

"The unbeliever is a sinner who’s gonna go to hell and suffer eternal damnation for his unbelief, amen!!!”

Yea…it works. The Earth is flat and god exists.

oh now we have endure huge silence while it takes satyr soooooooooooo long to write his mind numbingly dull reply, I'll delay reading it till closer to bed time(aids my sleep). I'll see how far down I get, I'll challenge myself to read it fully. Odds are I will fail. I have thus far.
Good thing it doesn’t stop you from reading it all before bedtime.

I should not reply and selectively choose what to respond to…like you and your kind does.
A good strategy of not having to defend your opinions.

Please, oh please, start ignoring me.
It’s the worse you can do to a blowhard like me.
Try it…it’ll hurt me and you’ll sleep better.

When the conceit of it inflates as if to that of a Greek God, then the pronouncements do begin to tire. The picture comes to mind of a fat faced man who attempts to huff and puff to overinflate a large balloon, the sensation being to wonder if the object will eventually burst with a bang because of the sheer ambition of it, or fly from his mouth across the room, with the sound of a loud wet fart.
:p You are so cute.
I have no doubt that you are the equal of any woman in both mind and body.
Well, at least you are normal and healthy and you have friends and a sex life.
I’m still looking.

Tell her to call the cops on me.
That’ll disprove my assertions…no?

Dear Hearts:
I did not anticipate that this discussion would meander - very educationally - as it has.

I am being neither sarcastic, cynical nor skeptical - I am very sincere in thanking you all for being here.

If this sort of energy and potential were ever to somehow coordinate and harmonize - as a group; there is no telling what (other) contributions you might - individually and/or collectively - make, literally, to the world.

I am neither indifferent nor bored with the proceedings. I am studying and I am learning from and thanking all of you. There's no need for any response to this retainer. I would prefer to be an observer (at least for now) rather than any kind of judge, or a drone. My only comment here besides the above is the observation - the reminder - that there is, IMHO, no lack of love here.
- K (We now return to our regularly unscheduled agenda?)
Oops…another straggler.
Another disinterested hanger-on.

Imitation is the best form of flattery.
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Satyr said:
This in inter-relationships is referred to as the strategy of attempting to “turn the tables”:
Jolly good, old boy.
What a remarkably well-crafted retort.

I blush…Or is my skin reddening from your blow?

No need to color your sympathizers with such hews….dear chap…..

Are you referring, my idiotic friend, to the last few decades only?
Are we to ignore the centuries for a brief period of regional decline?
Are you failing to perceive western cultures as being part of a contained ecological system where population pressures abound and continue?
Are we to ignore the rest of the analysis so as to make a moronic statement of vindictiveness?

Please do go on…your sympathizers are smiling along with you.
Then I will learn much from such as you.

Perhaps you should begin by describing the reasons why cooperation and civility become necessary or actually occur….

You seem to confuse the present environment for a past one.
Evolution, twit, has occurred for centuries in environments where size does and did matter. Our psychological reactions, to both size and other physical attributes are remnants of this past.
Females are attracted to tall men because it displays fitness in an environment they’ve evolved in for centuries.
That it has become obsolete was exactly, my point.

But I did not claim that size was all that mattered. This is your limited and confused understanding of what I’m saying. Or you are purposefully ignoring the parts you cannot answer to and choose the ones you have ready formulated answers to.

Men do not differ to women only in size.

You are much too kind, sir, but I believe simply absorbing your wisdom directly will suffice for my education in matters of evolution and nature and reality.
You and many others of your mental quality, no doubt.
The herd is vindictive and share in commonality.

But many have waited before.

Which one, if you are not the noble hero of the masses and defender of the weak, shall slay this anathema from amongst the herd?
If you sit idly by, feigning disinterest when it is cowardice, waiting for an avenger then who shall be the champion of ‘right’ and who will shield your brethren from amorality?
Your existence is reward enough.

You pathetic half-wit.
Your ability to selectively interpret reality is astounding and only exposes the human ability to delude itself.

Evolution, as you may very well know being a scholar of the natural sciences yourself, happens over long periods of time.
Environments changes, specially when they are extreme, do not cause immediate adaptation.
The catastrophic circumstances that made dinosaurs extinct resulted in an environmental alteration these creatures could not adapt to.
Those that could adapt evolved into their new environment gradually.
That is there was a period in between where previous traits persisted and atrophied.
The appendix didn’t just vanish when it became obsolete, you idiot, it atrophied and is slowly evolving out of human biology.

Human intervention is a drastic alteration of environmental conditions, as pollution and global warming attest to, you imbecile, and so the relatively recent alteration man has made for himself have not been around for enough time to completely select out traits and psychologies and physical traits that were essential in previous environments within which man evolved and was shaped for centuries.

Food is a good example, you idiot.
Past environment made sugars and fats important and so man evolved to be attracted to them.
But mans innovations and interventions have made fats and sugars ubiquitous, creating an intermediating state where man acts as if they are still rare while they are environmentally plentiful.
This creates the phenomenon of obesity and heart disease and so on.

You see, according to your “logic”, since food is plentiful man should not be plagued by overeating these days.
Storing fats and feeding were a survival advantage in past, more poor nutritional environments. Our current one is nutritionally abundant and yet man has not evolve his previous tendencies out of himself.
The new environment, you imbecile, has not had time enough to affect man’s biology to the extent that it would alter his behavior.

People who survive today are, yes, fit for this environment.
What does this mean?

It means they are dimwits, like you, obedient, non-challenging, tolerant, passive, stupid and so on, because this environment makes this type fit.
Stupidity is a survival advantage in this human artificial environment.
A lack of character is another.

Integrating into the whole happens more easily amongst those who, like your kind, exhibit these characteristics. This is why females are gaining prominence and have retaken their sexual powers, in recent times.
The larger the group the more an individual must sacrifice elements of himself to fit in.
That was my point.

Exactly, the defective are allowed to propagate.
Whether this results in some greatness, now and again, only speaks about the remnants of a previous evolutionary past which is slowly diminishing.
Man it’s eerie.
You’ve figured me out.

Takes notes moron.
This is how you feign disinterest and you dismiss someone while still engaging him:

This is why women are socially more capable than men.

Notice how she mentions how disinterested she is even when she contradicts herself with her actions.
Then she attacks the person and not the opinion, thusly attempting to degrade then opinion by casting aspersions against the opinion maker.
Notice the subtle hints of dismissal and boredom in her descriptions of how she casually reads my stuff right before she goes to bed.
The calmness is insinuated.

That’s talent.

That’s your only significance.
Use it well.

Of course you could be a disgusting skank of unattained potential and so you would lack even this possibility.
I think simply using the word “shit” in reference to an opinion is a good enough argument against it.

Let me see if it works:
"I think the round Earth theory is bullshit!"

"The unbeliever is a sinner who’s gonna go to hell and suffer eternal damnation for his unbelief, amen!!!”

Yea…it works. The Earth is flat and god exists.

Good thing it doesn’t stop you from reading it all before bedtime.

I should not reply and selectively choose what to respond to…like you and your kind does.
A good strategy of not having to defend your opinions.

Please, oh please, start ignoring me.
It’s the worse you can do to a blowhard like me.
Try it…it’ll hurt me and you’ll sleep better.

:p You are so cute.
I have no doubt that you are the equal of any woman in both mind and body.
Well, at least you are normal and healthy and you have friends and a sex life.
I’m still looking.

Tell her to call the cops on me.
That’ll disprove my assertions…no?

Oops…another straggler.
Another disinterested hanger-on.

Imitation is the best form of flattery.

fabulous! I was right on the money, look at this lovely bed time read, full of drama and fantasy (very little based in reality....I assume??) predicatabubble

Note how for every one line of mine there are dozen in reply from Miss 'S', what CAN this mean??

Oh.........perchance it means I am more important to her than he to I?

apparantly so :)

The way I have feminised satyr (demasculination) re 'her ' and 'Miss'
'Shakespearian tone' here "Oh.........perchance it means I am more important to her than he to I?" creating atmosphere of 'stage and drama' thus again demonstrating the lack of serious regard I have for them.

(A work in progress, but we can see 'she' is about to explodeeeeeee)
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Theoryofrelativity said:
sorry, please explain post

I representemble them all? are yo saying all women are woo woos? :)
or I am not a woo woo?

accustomed as I am to being called a woo woo

Hyperbole, Ma'am, along with 'mi scusi'.
fabulous! I was right on the money, look at this lovely bed time read, full of drama and fantasy (very little based in reality....I assume??) predicatabubble
I know, you sooo got my number, dear.

Continue trying to remain relevant.

Note how for every one line of mine there are dozen in reply from Miss 'S', what CAN this mean??
I know, because all of it is addressed to you, isn’t it sweetheart?

This is called selective interpretation of reality.
The subject, wanting a particular outcome, imagines that it is occurring.

You are right, females and males are equal. And rape? … disgusting and evil.
The devil’s doing. I don’t even know why god tolerates it.
I was wrong.

The way I have feminised satyr (demasculination) re 'her ' and 'Miss'
'Shakespearian tone' here "Oh.........perchance it means I am more important to her than he to I?" creating atmosphere of 'stage and drama' thus again demonstrating the lack of serious regard I have for them.

(A work in progress, but we can see 'she' is about to explodeeeeeee)
Notice the change is style to imitate my own in the “Note he above”.

Also notice her usage of my conclusions to cast aspersions on me which she thinks will “hurt” me.
The expectation of doing damage to one that has said such things about her and her gender is excruciatingly delicious.

Watch me explode soon.
Can’t you see how you’ve all cornered me?
I’m exposed as a sham and a…how do you call them?...a Troll.

I cannot wait to be completely obliterated by such worthy minds.
My defeat is my greatest reward.
Thank you princess.
What a mind you have. Indicative of female minds.
Satyr said:
I know, because all of it is addressed to you, isn’t it sweetheart?

was your post not all about me? Oh well, I did admit I hadn't read it. (bed time still a few hrs a way)

Satyr said:

Notice the change is style to imitate my own in the “Note he above”.


Interesting but a coincidence....I never read that far or near or wherever in your post that quote exists.

Satyr said:

The expectation of doing damage to one that has said such things about her and her gender is excruciatingly delicious.

eh? wot? duh?
Satyr said:
I know, you sooo got my number, dear.


Watch me explode soon.

My defeat is my greatest reward.

Thank you princess.

What a mind you have. Indicative of female minds.

Reading between the lines, cutting out all the (I'm trying to sound clever bullshit) this is what remains (order maintained) :eek: Satyr is making a pass at me.
Theoryofrelativity said:
was your post not all about me? Oh well, I did admit I hadn't read it. (bed time still a few hrs a way)

Interesting but a coincidence....I never read that far or near or wherever in your post that quote exists.

eh? wot? duh?
This is where the opponent tries to defuse a fight he/she has judged she is incapable of winning by reverting to cutisms and comedis pretense.
She doesn’t even pretend to be interested in the subject - it's so beneath her intelelctual level - but has focused exclusively on the source of her ire and yes, a little attraction is present despite herself.

Her primary concern now is to make sure her internet peers and friends have not bought into anything I’ve said about her gender.
Most probably a few PM’s are exchanged or have been or will be, no doubt very flattering towards me, in which she might want to evaluate if any of them are being influenced or swayed by my positions.

She is a little intimidated but tries to minimize it by mocking it.

She refers to my usage of English as Shakespearean or theatrical.

In response I will continue this response in the English she’s more accustomed with.
Interesting but a coincidence....I never read that far or near or wherever in your post that quote exists.
Yo, yo, yo…don even, like, dis me babe.
I’m all dat and mo.
What da dillio?

I knows yous likes my rap biaaaatch.
Reading between the lines this above is what we have, sex talk. eruch, satyr is making a pass at me.
See y'all :cool:

I know stealing is evil, killing is immoral, and thieving is unethical.
Continue my little ants.

Here’s a thread more up your alley:
Satyr you character analysis is so off ther mark it's unreal, you REALLY are dull, you REALLY do TALK SHIT most (not all, no one could sustain that unless deliberate, law of averages see's to that) of the time. I got 6 lines in, the rubbish detered me from going further.

:) keep trying though, maybe you'll improve. I'll let you know.

(oh just saw something about things you said about my gender and my thoughts on those things, Satyr, I never read them? I don't read your stuff, just bits that apply to me. BITS. So go on say whatever re females, it is of no interest to me.

'scuse the edits as I read more, the sheer disbelief at the ego astounds, no not one pm re you satyr, why would I care? You credit yourself too much, really you do. You would be funny if not so sad.
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Oh I don't know! It's incredibly sexy (and unusual) to come across a man who knows what a woman is thinking before she knows it herself! ;)