The Death Penalty - Why Not?

Yes, and the people of those states voted and agreed with the state's use of the death penalty. States that don't have the death penalty were told by the people not to execute criminals. See? Power to the people, huh?
And do you always get what you want from the government? And as importantly, should you always get what you want? Do you think the people should always get what they want?Are you saying that people should never argue for something the majority doesn't agree with yet in certain areas?
Like I said. The death penalty should be renamed... We'll call it the final reward, and everyone can declare themselves Emperor all serving the death penalty to the false emperors. The final reward is a fancy chair you sit in and push the button, killing you with high amperage electricity.
Good point. Let's call the UN with our decision for the world. Perhaps a bit of Nerve Gas dropped by preprogrammed drones would do the trick.
Uhm no it was a miscarriage of justice all along, not only after it has become known.

Hm, so you're saying/implying that the defense attorneys, the prosecuting attorneys, the judges and the juries all get together and decide to convict innocent people? Is that all the time, or just on death penalty cases?

All of those people involved in the court cases KNOW, before the fact, that they're convicting an innocent man? That's a joke, right?

Baron Max
Why don't we, preemptively, wipe ourselves out.. all problems solved.

If you've looked around the world lately, you'd easily see that humans are, in fact, doing that all over world even as we type and read.

And some of y'all are worried and concerned about a few lousy people killed in the death penalty. Shouldn't you be worried about the tens of thousands that are being killed every week in Africa and elsewhere? Wouldn't that be a better use of your worry and concern? :D

Baron Max
But why would we want to avoid it? It's the law, it's the courts that have decided to execute the individuals.

If it's later determined that someone who was executed was, in fact, innocent, then it was, just as you've noted above, an accident, and accidents happen even as we try to prevent it. And you admitted that, too.

Note's only AFTER the execution that we discover that the death was accidental. Prior to that discovery, the death was absolutely intentional as deemed legal and appropriate by the courts.

What I think you're trying to say is this; If we never, ever, executed ANYONE, then no death penalty "accidents" would ever occur. And that's probably accurate.

But then, by the same token, if we never let anyone drive cars, then we'd also never have deaths in car accidents. So....?

And then I'm right back to wondering why you care some much about the very few DP accidents than you care about the gazillion auto accidental deaths? See? You're just using dead people to further your biased argument against the death penalty.

Baron Max

This is like talking to a child. Is intelligent debate too much to ask for?

A car accident and execution couldn't be more different as ways of dying - not least in terms of intent and reason.
I was talking about accidents not to compare car crashes with miscarriages of justice but to show the striking contrast between the Death Penalty and dying behind the wheel.

In fact, I have had to veer off of the point completely in order to explain the stupidity of your analogy.

With the DP, for your convicted crimes, legal murder is about to committed upon you. If you are involved in a head on collision it is because either you or the other driver were not paying attention or conditions were bad.
What similarities are there?

So, like I've been saying all along're just completely biased and there's no reason for us to even be talking about this issue. So ...why do you keep coming back and making these remarks?

Are you trying to convince me? If so, you're not doing a very good job of it. Especially when I've shown you how to save tens of thousands of innocent lives're not even interested in doing that.

With the DP, for your convicted crimes, legal (killing) is about to committed upon you (and you're innocent). If you are involved in a head on collision it is because either you or the other driver were not paying attention or conditions were bad. What similarities are there?

The results! Dead innocent people!

But see, once again, you don't care about the car deaths, you only care about those in DP cases. Your bias is so solid and unswerving that we shouldn't even be talking about this issue. It does no good for you, it does no good for me.

Baron Max
Hm, so you're saying/implying that the defense attorneys, the prosecuting attorneys, the judges and the juries all get together and decide to convict innocent people? Is that all the time, or just on death penalty cases?

All of those people involved in the court cases KNOW, before the fact, that they're convicting an innocent man? That's a joke, right?

Baron Max

No, they don't know it, but that's besides the fact that they are indeed convicting someone innocent. Not knowing it doesn't make it untrue.
If you've looked around the world lately, you'd easily see that humans are, in fact, doing that all over world even as we type and read.

And some of y'all are worried and concerned about a few lousy people killed in the death penalty. Shouldn't you be worried about the tens of thousands that are being killed every week in Africa and elsewhere? Wouldn't that be a better use of your worry and concern? :D

Baron Max

I mean instant and deliberate wipe-out. The universe would've finally rid itself of humanity.
No, they don't know it, but that's besides the fact that they are indeed convicting someone innocent. Not knowing it doesn't make it untrue.

Then how in the world can it be called a "miscarriage of justice"???

Baron Max
Because they were wrong.

But they only found out after-the-fact. So until they discovered it, they were right, legal and correct.

Enmos, why don't you just say openly that you're against the death penalty? You don't have to justify that feeling or viewpoint. Just say it, it'll make you feel better. :D

Baron Max
Huh ? I have already said I'm against it a couple of times.

Yes, you have, but then you keep trying to justify it. And you've done a lousy job of it so far!

I believe the moon is made of green cheese, but I'm not going to try to justify that belief!! Screw you, Enmos, it's green cheese and I don't give a shit what you say. :D

Baron Max
Yes, you have, but then you keep trying to justify it. And you've done a lousy job of it so far!

I believe the moon is made of green cheese, but I'm not going to try to justify that belief!! Screw you, Enmos, it's green cheese and I don't give a shit what you say. :D

Baron Max

I have justified it perfectly fine, that you don't seem to get it is not my problem.
No smart ass remarks about the miscarriage thing ? :p
Your bias is so solid and unswerving that we shouldn't even be talking about this issue. It does no good for you, it does no good for me.

Baron Max
But Barron, what do you want? Do you want everyone to agree with you? Would that be a good thing even for you?
But Barron, what do you want? Do you want everyone to agree with you? Would that be a good thing even for you?

I would simply like people to be sure about what they're for or against without bias in their information. I understand fervent, rabid pros or cons, I just like to see people try to justify their stance, that's all.

Where I fall down on the ban of the death penalty is ...why does any society want to keep such vicious individuals in their society? Sure, there might be some accidents, but people are killed in accidents every day, hell, maybe every hour. But keeping a vicious criminal in society? ...makes no sense to me.

Why does everyone call me "Barron", when it's so obviously Baron?? If it's some kind of inside joke, I'd like to know what it is.

Baron Max

Deaths of innocent people in car wrecks are accidental. Deaths of innocent people in the death penalty cases are accidental.


More accidental deaths of innocent people are caused by car accidents than all the death penalty accidents in all of human history. Yet some people are adamant about stopping the death penalty accidents, and do nothing about car accidental deaths.

Which people? Millions of dollars every year are pumped into road safety. Far more money is spent by governments on road safety than on fixing death penalty mistakes.

What is your point, again? I think you've forgotten what you're arguing.