The Death Penalty - Why Not?

I does to me. I prefer not to debate people to whom debating is a big joke.

Would you believe what I say? And I assure you that I'm not joking about it in any way, shape or form. The DP is a serious issue, not something to joke about.

Can you please stick to CP instead of repeating the same nonsensical analogy over and over ?

You were the one who brought up the "potential" issue. I was just agreeing with you and showing how you could save tens of thousands of more lives. Yet you think that's nonsense? ...saving innocent lives is ...nonsense to you???

Baron Max
Would you believe what I say? And I assure you that I'm not joking about it in any way, shape or form. The DP is a serious issue, not something to joke about.

You were the one who brought up the "potential" issue. I was just agreeing with you and showing how you could save tens of thousands of more lives. Yet you think that's nonsense? ...saving innocent lives is ...nonsense to you???

Baron Max

Yea, forget it then. Why do you think I should take posts like yours above seriously ? You are obviously having a great time.. I'll leave you to it.
Yea, forget it then. Why do you think I should take posts like yours above seriously? You are obviously having a great time.. I'll leave you to it.

So, from that comment, I must conclude that you're not interested in saving innocent human life. I was right from the beginning're just against the death penalty and that's all there is to it. And innocent deaths is just your excuse for wanting to eliminate the DP. All those other innocent deaths don't mean jack-shit to you! Admit it.

Baron Max
So, from that comment, I must conclude that you're not interested in saving innocent human life. I was right from the beginning're just against the death penalty and that's all there is to it. And innocent deaths is just your excuse for wanting to eliminate the DP. All those other innocent deaths don't mean jack-shit to you! Admit it.

Baron Max

No, from that comment you can conclude that I no longer wish to discuss things with you. Which is sad really, I always thought you were one of the 'good ones'. But apparently you rather be a dishonest troll than to discuss things honestly.
6 pages later, I've chosen to speak my mind on this issue.

I personally do not support the death penalty and here is my reasoning.

I know that if someone murdered someone I cared about, be it family or friend, I would want to see the criminal suffer for as long as possible.

I would GLADLY pay taxes to support a murderer living in a 5x5 cold, concrete box for the rest of his life. But not in our current prison system. No three meals a day, no recreation time, no books, no tv, no radio, no social interaction.

One meal a day.

NEVER leaving the cell.

Just one man and one box.


The death penalty is just an easy way out. An excuse.

F*ck them. Nothing is harder than living. So let them live and suffer miserably for the rest of thier existance until they die under their own accord.
And to make it even more interesting, every hour on the hour a nail would shoot from one end of the wall to the other. But there would be 10,000 holes that it could possible shoot from. :)

EDIT: Screw that, rather BB pellets. Nails can kill a person easier.
6 pages later, I've chosen to speak my mind on this issue.

I personally do not support the death penalty and here is my reasoning.

I know that if someone murdered someone I cared about, be it family or friend, I would want to see the criminal suffer for as long as possible.

Okay, that's for someone you know and/or love who's murdered. But what about someone who murders someone that you don't even know? Or is on the other side of the nation and you have no connection whatsoever.

For me, on a personal level, I can't argue with anyone's personal ideas of revenge. It's just too personal, and while I might not agree, I can't argue about it.

I would GLADLY pay taxes to support a murderer living in a ....(too gruesome to repeat!)...

But why would you force all the other taxpayers to pay for all that? Sure, make the murderer suffer, I agree. But why make all your friends, relatives and fellow society members suffer as well by pay more taxes?

Baron Max
Now you're just throwing in human character flaws in order to further your own agenda.

Systemic and ongoing corruption is not just a few people with “character flaws.”

And if it happens, then that is also accidental .....damned sure not by design or intent!

Once is an accident. When it happens over and over and over it is not an accident.

we could show the same bias in car accidents

You have me confused with someone who could give a damn about your car accidents.

One accidental death = one accidental death.

Its not accidental. Your analogy is false.
Once is an accident. When it happens over and over and over it is not an accident.

You mean like car accidents? They happen over and over again. A good example, I suppose, is a particular portion of a highway or road ...often called things like "Dead Man's Curve".

So accidental killing in the death penalty cases is sorta' like that. Thousands of drivers go through "Dead Man's Curve" without mishap or deadly accident. Just like thousands of convicted criminals are executed legally, properly and are truly guilty of the crimes.

You have me confused with someone who could give a damn about your car accidents.

Well, you seem concerned about the death of innocent people, so I most certainly confused you with someone who'd care about innocent people who are killed by any and all accidents, car accidents included. Ya' mean I'm wrong in thinking that?

Baron Max
No, no, that's not true. I hate all people equally. But you'll notice that YOU, on the other hand, think some people are more important than other people. Accidental deaths on the highways, you accept without a twinge. But you go ape-shit when the state accidentally executes an innocent person.

Baron Max

I'm two pages too late, but I felt compelled to reply anyway.

Do I? I'm not sure I mentioned 'getting it wrong' scenarios in my argument at all.

Taking a human being's life, regardless of their crimes, is not something that should be looked at from a financial perspective. Taxes are wasted in many areas of public life, I don't see why the money wasted by not killing lots of people should be at the top of your list.

Besides, do we spend taxes running people over?
I'm two pages too late, but I felt compelled to reply anyway.

It's never too late to reply to something that you feel is important. Well, it might be too late after you're dead and gone, but....? :)

Taking a human being's life, regardless of their crimes, is not something that should be looked at from a financial perspective.

Why not? It's just one more measure of something ...human lives are no different. Besides, look at how we, as a society, often view lives in financial perspectives ...unemployment, poverty, welfare roles, hospital costs for the uninsure, education costs for illegal aliens, court costs for trials, ...., shit, now that I've started, there's gazillions of things about humans that are viewed from a purely financial perspective. But even if not, I still ask ...why not? Surely not just because you say so.

Taxes are wasted in many areas of public life, I don't see why the money wasted by not killing lots of people should be at the top of your list.

Again, ...why not? It's one more thing that the government spends our money on, why should it be any lower or higher than anything else? ...just because you say so?

Besides, do we spend taxes running people over?

Actually we spend gazillions on highways and streets where people kill each other on a daily basis in car accidents. And oddly enough, most people want more money spent to improve the roads so we can put more people on the roads so more people can be killed in car accidents.

Gee, I'm glad you posted your comment. I have lots more ammunition for my own arguments now. Thanks,

Baron Max
You mean like car accidents?

No more like the accident that happens when you touch the keyboard.

Well, you seem concerned about the death of innocent people

Look I know you are stupid so I'll try typing real slow for you.

I don't give a flying fuck about your car accidents. Not every body who thinks you are an idiot is bleeding heart liberal. The system as it currently stands is causing more harm than good and the people running it couldn't find their ass with both hands, a map and a flash light.

Like the insane "war on drugs" all it does is chew up money, clog up the court system and cause rampant disregard for the legal system.

The main crime people are being killed for is being brown and poor and even a bigot like yourself should be able to understand that's wrong, even if you haven't the heart to care.
Why not? It's just one more measure of something ...human lives are no different. Besides, look at how we, as a society, often view lives in financial perspectives ...unemployment, poverty, welfare roles, hospital costs for the uninsure, education costs for illegal aliens, court costs for trials, ...., shit, now that I've started, there's gazillions of things about humans that are viewed from a purely financial perspective. But even if not, I still ask ...why not? Surely not just because you say so.

You're being perverse - your examples are not even on the same scale as execution. Why not? To decide whether to execute a criminal or not on the basis of how much keeping them alive would cost would be a societal hipocrisy.

Murder is the unlawful killing of a human person with malice aforethought, as defined in Common Law countries. Murder is generally distinguished from other forms of homicide by the elements of malice aforethought and the lack of lawful justification. ...

It appears to me that the only difference between murder and the Death Penalty is the involvement of the State. Apart from this, they are still intentional and pre-meditated killings of a fit and healthy human being. Of course these may be justified by the crimes of the convicted, but other countries such as the UK have shown that the DP is not necessary for a relatively stable society.

Actually we spend gazillions on highways and streets where people kill each other on a daily basis in car accidents. And oddly enough, most people want more money spent to improve the roads so we can put more people on the roads so more people can be killed in car accidents.

Do you seriously believe that? If so I think you have some grave cognitive problems. We spend most of the money on resurfacing, sign-posting, installing cameras, policing and creating bypasses which decrease the danger of traffic on our roads.

Gee, I'm glad you posted your comment. I have lots more ammunition for my own arguments now. Thanks,

Baron Max

You seem to be firing blanks.

Cellar Door