The death of all religion...

Alright, Jan - I'll agree with you about man's suffering....But, I still don't see anything more than material concerns listed.

and I can't see how these concerns could lead a rationally thinking person to God.

Why not try to tackle these concerns on you own? You already just THINK there's a magical being out there helping..
The ultimate suffering, although i know you don't want to hear about, is separation from God, it is this separation, that is the cause of hankering and lamenting.

And what about those who do not hanker or lament? These are emotional words that will usually evoke a particular response.

It is not abnormal for a human being to want to achieve; to want to grow, to do, or even to obtain more of that which will enrich their lives. Granted, SOME people do not know where to draw the line. They live their lives only to get more (and more) of whatever suits their momentary fancy. But this is only true for some. It is not correct, nor is it honest, to generalize too much. Jan, you continue to do us all--including yourself--a disservice with your broad assumptions.

Lamenting? It is normal for humans to grieve or to have regrets over losing that which they have convinced themselves is valuable; that which is necessary to their happiness. Again, these values will not be the same for all.

Moreover, separation from God was part of what helped me to stop my own kind of futile hankering or lamenting. Admitting to myself that I didn’t have anything to fear (like a god-force entity/power) was one of the most liberating moments of my life.

And from that moment, my life has continued to get better... and better. I do not hanker or lament over anything.


Jan Ardena,

Jan Ardena,

It's not adressed to me... but I'll answer anyways...
You seems proud enought to adress it to yourself... :D

Who said love was only in the heavens?
Not me!

You wrote only one post before:

The closest you came was with John.13:34, and that shows that the rule is the soul being brought back to his senses, original identity, which is constitutionally pure love, so any rule of love in this world, is either God consciousness, which is clearly laid out, and primeval/natural, or guides set down by man, which is lust at whatever degree.

What do you say...

The Holy Spirit is God, too.

Not exactly... There is God, Christ and Holy Spirit... but they are not the same...

How do you know I can’t perceive His Love?

By the way you speak with people... mainly the unbelievers...

In the Bhagavad Gita, the Lord says;

You study the Bhagavad Gita too??? :bugeye: :bugeye:

Yeah... I know all those things... I've studied Hinduism too...

This is what is meant by ‘love in the heart’.

Not different from what I said... I just said in other words... ;)

At present the love is droment, because although the individual possesses love, he cannot understand that God is both love and the object of love, and that he is part and parcel of that love. He simply tries to find happiness in the material world, birth after birth.


Let's forget our differences and start to understand better ourselves... ;)

What's your Religion?
How old are you?

If you like Eastern religions... take a look in this thread... ;) :


It is not abnormal for a human being to want to achieve; to want to grow, to do, or even to obtain more of that which will enrich their lives.

Lamenting? It is normal for humans to grieve or to have regrets over losing that which they have convinced themselves is valuable; that which is necessary to their happiness. Again, these values will not be the same for all.

As Jan Ardena used Eastern Religion, I'll use it too.

Desire is the source of all suffering. If you desire something that it's outside you, you'll most likely get hurt, because it's beyond your control. If you look for satisfaction inside yourself and stop desiring things beyond your control, outside you, you'll eliminate suffering. That's what God is all about. When you understand that God is within you and you find God in your Heart, you are free from all suffering. ;)

Originally posted by Aut-postius
But, I still don't see anything more than material concerns listed.
and I can't see how these concerns could lead a rationally thinking person to God.

Yes, you are right, they are material concerns that binds us to this material plain.
What you need to understand is that we are not material by nature, we are spiritual, but somehow or other we have become controlled by material nature.
The rational thinking person thinks; “Why am I suffering in this way, is there a way to relieve this suffering once and for all.”
Then he begins to understand the cause of his suffering, he realises that all his suffering is in only in relation to the body through the agency of the mind, the centre of the senses. At this point he realises that he is not the body, but is the animator of the body, then he starts his spiritual journey. This journey leads to God.

Why not try to tackle these concerns on you own? You already just THINK there's a magical being out there helping..

It is impossible, especially in this day and age, to overcome the forces of nature, materialistic desires and sense gratification, independently, so we require help from God, who is the eternal Spirit, who is not controlled by material nature but who controls nature, and who is beyond this material manifestation.

Originally posted by Counterbalance
And what about those who do not hanker or lament? These are emotional words that will usually evoke a particular response.

If there are people like that, then they are to be considered either perfect or on the path to perfection.

It is not abnormal for a human being to want to achieve; to want to grow, to do, or even to obtain more of that which will enrich their lives.

You’re right.
But how they go about achieving these attributes, is the real issue.

But this is only true for some.

This is where we disagree.
I would say it is true for most.

It is not correct, nor is it honest, to generalize too much. Jan, you continue to do us all--including yourself--a disservice with your broad assumptions.

From your perspective, I can understand what you mean and to some degree even agree, but I think the difference here, is our perspectives.

Lamenting? It is normal for humans to grieve or to have regrets over losing that which they have convinced themselves is valuable; that which is necessary to their happiness. Again, these values will not be the same for all.

But not normal for the soul, in his pure state, he knows that only the body dies and not the soul. It boils down to real knowledge.
In truth, nothing belongs to us, it is only a temporary arrangement, knowing this, the self realised sees no point in lamenting for something that unltimately does not belong to him.

Moreover, separation from God was part of what helped me to stop my own kind of futile hankering or lamenting. Admitting to myself that I didn’t have anything to fear (like a god-force entity/power) was one of the most liberating moments of my life.

In reality, only demons/demoniac have anything to fear from God, so you are on the right path.

I do not hanker or lament over anything.

I’m sorry, but I don’t believe you.

Originally posted by xev
Look nitwit, don't attribute that quote to me. I have no problem with your pitiful attempts at 'flaming'.

Then why let the quote bother you so much.
Just chill Xev, I have no personal argument with you, you’ve just taken it upon yourself to be Ms. Nastypants to me. If you think I’m chatting nonsense, then argue the point.

Nelson, you sound like a newbie. So I'll explain:

I think Nelson has been here a lot longer than you.

Jan probably has no real outlet for agression in his real life. To compensate, he acts like a bit of a jerk online. You will find that most deeply religious netizens are like that.

I’m acting like a jerk!
Look at our posts and see for yourself who’s acting like a jerk.

And it is very difficult to hurt or offend me, so your concern, while touching, is misplaced.

You sound pretty pissed to me.

On to things of substance!
That isn't suffering. It's life.

A life of suffering.

"For the road ahead is unknown and the journey never stops"

Good quote.
That is the materialistic philosophy on life.

There are those who enjoy the journey and there are those who try to find the end.

Can’t argue with that.

No, the ultimate suffering is listening to N*sync or country western music.

Can’t argue with that either.

Originally posted by Truthseeker
Who said love was only in the heavens?
Not me!
You wrote only one post before:

I still fail to see how you come that conclusion. I think you may have to spell that one out for me.

Not exactly... There is God, Christ and Holy Spirit... but they are not the same...

I think we are both right, this is the philosophy of ‘simultaneous oneness and difference’, this philosophy was expounded by God Himself, in the form of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in the 15th century. It is called ‘achintya-bheda-bheda tatva. It explains how God is one, separate from His energies, but at the same time within, as everything is emanating from Him.
An English band, Kula-shaker, did a track some years back, by the same name.

By the way you speak with people... mainly the unbelievers...

I speak to everybody accordingly, just look through my posts and see for yourself.

Yeah... I know all those things... I've studied Hinduism too...

Its good to know, that as a Christian, you are not closed to other forms of religion. But I must say that the BG is not a hindu scripture, although it is obvious how you could come to that conclusion. Hinduism isn’t a religion, the religion expounded by God in the BG is Sanatana Dharma, the eternal occupation of the soul, the souls who adhere to this philosophy are called ‘vaishnavas’.
The term ‘HINDU’ was a term given to the people who lived by the river ‘SINDU’ during the mohamadan occupation of Alexander, it sounded like ‘HINDU’ because of the Arab pronunciation of the ‘S’ sounding like ‘H’, otherwise you will not find the term hindu in any of the vedic litereature.


Let's forget our differences and start to understand better ourselves...

I’m up for that my friend.


Jan Ardena/

“Why am I suffering in this way, is there a way to relieve this suffering once and for all.” , Jan.

Wow Jan, you sound just like the Buddha.
But not normal for the soul, in his pure state, he knows that only the body dies and not the soul. It boils down to real knowledge.

Real knowledge? Are we to understand that Jan Ardena has real knowledge while the rest of us do not?

First of all, one must believe that a soul exists for such a statement to be true. True to them--true to anyone who is supposed to "know." Secondly, simply making the statement doesn’t make it true. The existence of a soul can’t be satisfactorily proven to enough people (or Mankind wouldn’t still be debating the issue) ...although you have asserted it as though it were fact.

In truth, nothing belongs to us, it is only a temporary arrangement, knowing this, the self realised sees no point in lamenting for something that unltimately does not belong to him.

Again, this is all relative to one’s beliefs; to whatever comprises one‘s “truth.” I don’t know that I have a soul. I don’t know that I don’t have a soul. There isn't enough evidence to prove it to me one way or the other. I don’t claim belief in any kind of supernatural entity, and at the same time... I also see no point in lamenting for something that doesn’t belong to me. Further, I can say I don’t lament (mourn or grieve) the loss of material things. Nor the loss of opportunities. Nor the loss of loved ones.

I understand that I cannot control the universe, or ‘forces of nature’ if you prefer, or what other people do, say and think. What I can do is exercise control over what I say, do, and think, and that as far as I know (because it has not been proven otherwise) I do what I do according to my desires and to some degree according to my survival instincts. Or we could say more simply: according to my wants and needs.

“Desire,” however, does not strictly mean ‘a passionate want of some thing;’ a craving. I desire that Spring would settle into my neck of the woods and stay here. I don’t, however, feel a jot of emotion about it; it‘s a mere preference; a fleeting thought. But using the word “desire” is still acceptable and appropriate in expressing this kind of thought. The fact that Spring has not settled in around here as yet does not prevent me from carrying on with my daily business; doing what I want or need to do.

It is not abnormal for a human being to want to achieve; to want to grow, to do, or even to obtain more of that which will enrich their lives.

You’re right.
But how they go about achieving these attributes, is the real issue.

Of course. But that’s not the message that’s coming through in yours and other's posts.

I can agree that how much one allows their desires to ’drive’ them can be an issue. Some are driven to obtain/achieve to such a point they can do little more than to keep on driving. Some don’t understand what they do, or why they do it. Some never will. Some, we might say, are “blinded by their desires.“ Some proclaim they understand perfectly, though they regularly give evidence to the contrary.

In the absence of a belief in a god, gods, or ‘higher power; in a soul; in an afterlife, etc... what is left? ...A human being powered and directed by an individual mind--and a mind/body entity that is also influenced by myriad other things that interact with it as it grows and lives out its existence. I see no reason not to accept this.

Each individual will have individual desires. The root of some of these desires, the source of a man’s “wants,” may resemble the desires of others, just as the methods used to satisfy any human desire may appear to onlookers as incorrect or easy to stereotype. Psychologists will confirm that there are some general patterns in human behavior. However, to go beyond that and to claim that Mankind suffers (hankers and laments) because Man is separated from “God” is a statement that cannot be proven, and furthermore, should not be used as a tool (or a weapon) to try to “enlighten” one’s fellow men and women. In the mind of many (some of whom will even claim to have religious faith of some sort) ...asserting such ideas is little different than laying on a subtle guilt trip. It’s a warning, an advisory, an unwarranted assertion... that people aren’t living as one person, or one religious sect, deems proper.

You are correct, Jan. We have different opinions, views, perspectives on all of this.

Personally, I don’t fear life because I might lack a certain type or number of material goods. I have preferences and personal goals, but I’m not in any way discontent if/when all of my preferences are not met, or if obtaining a goal becomes more difficult, even impossible. Neither do I fear life simply because I'm not a demon. I have no need or desire for a personal savior. No need for prayer. No need for protection from invisible beings. I don’t have a need, want or desire to be saved from a mythical hell, or for an afterlife. I can live this life of mine, without having all the answers, here and now, valuing all of its ups and downs and still be an ordinary, "imperfect" human being. I see no point in worrying over things I can’t control. I see no point in claiming belief in things that don’t make sense to me. And as it makes no sense to me, does not mean that I lack understanding or real knowledge.

I do not hanker or lament over anything.

I’m sorry, but I don’t believe you.

I had no expectations that you would. :)


Jan Ardena,

I still fail to see how you come that conclusion. I think you may have to spell that one out for me.

Let's stop discussions...

I think we are both right, this is the philosophy of ‘simultaneous oneness and difference’, this philosophy was expounded by God Himself, in the form of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in the 15th century. It is called ‘achintya-bheda-bheda tatva. It explains how God is one, separate from His energies, but at the same time within, as everything is emanating from Him.

Yup! :)

I speak to everybody accordingly, just look through my posts and see for yourself.

What do you mean by "accordingly"? Do you differentiate between people?

Its good to know, that as a Christian, you are not closed to other forms of religion. But I must say that the BG is not a hindu scripture, although it is obvious how you could come to that conclusion. Hinduism isn’t a religion, the religion expounded by God in the BG is Sanatana Dharma, the eternal occupation of the soul, the souls who adhere to this philosophy are called ‘vaishnavas’.
The term ‘HINDU’ was a term given to the people who lived by the river ‘SINDU’ during the mohamadan occupation of Alexander, it sounded like ‘HINDU’ because of the Arab pronunciation of the ‘S’ sounding like ‘H’, otherwise you will not find the term hindu in any of the vedic litereature.

I'm not originally Christian. I studied many Religions before like Taoism, Zen-Buddhism and Hinduism. I'm Christian since some months ago. I allways agreed with all Jesus ideas (even because they are not different at all from other Religions).
I didn't know all this stuff, all this history. But Hinduism is widely used... so I use it... :D:D


A life of suffering.
That depends on perspective.

That's true...

That's no reason to be nice Nelson. You really can't convert us.

I'm not trying to convert you. I'm just showing what I've learned with my own experiences. If you feel that I'm trying to convert you, you are most likely being influenced by what I've been telling you. In other words: you agree with me.

You know no less or no more than us. Would it not be best to learn from each other?

Yup... that's why I'm telling you those things. I've experienced them. That's why they are so true to me. ;)

Originally posted by Godless
First of all, one must believe that a soul exists for such a statement to be true.

Then if you don’t believe you are a soul, then why bother to waste your time in such discussions. Surely you are just wasting your energy.

I also see no point in lamenting for something that doesn’t belong to me.

So what is your point?
Tell me, what does belong to you? Everything is already there, either in the manifest stage or unmanifest.
So is not everything given to you?
Even your body, which is made up of subtle and material elements, including the brain, was given to you by your parents.
At the time of death everything will be taken away from you. So in effect, nothing actually belongs to you, you are just borowing.

Further, I can say I don’t lament (mourn or grieve) the loss of material things. Nor the loss of opportunities. Nor the loss of loved ones.

Of course you don’t, because to you everything is material until otherwise proven.
So what do you mean by loss of material things, if you don’t believe in the spiritual?

“Desire,” however, does not strictly mean ‘a passionate want of some thing;’ a craving. I desire that Spring would settle into my neck of the woods and stay here.

And you don’t regard that as a passionate want of something. You actually want to change the whole eco system just so you can enjoy the beauty of springtime for the measly few remaining years you have in this body. Do you have any idea how selfish that is?

Of course. But that’s not the message that’s coming through in yours and other's posts.
I can agree that how much one allows their desires to ’drive’ them can be an issue. Some are driven to obtain/achieve to such a point they can do little more than to keep on driving. Some don’t understand what they do, or why they do it. Some never will. Some, we might say, are “blinded by their desires.“ Some proclaim they understand perfectly, though they regularly give evidence to the contrary.

Yes, what can start out as a seemingly harmless little desire, like wanting spring on tap, can not only cause devastation to other living beings, but can grow out of control, as the person desiring may realise his power and start to desire more and more.

In the absence of a belief in a god, gods, or ‘higher power; in a soul; in an afterlife, etc... what is left? ...A human being powered and directed by an individual mind--and a mind/body entity that is also influenced by myriad other things that interact with it as it grows and lives out its existence. I see no reason not to accept this.

That seems reasonable to you, so that’s fair enough.
But why bother waste your time arguing about God or religion when as far as you are concerned they don’t exist, what is the attraction?

Psychologists will confirm that there are some general patterns in human behavior.

But you would say that’s generalising, right?

However, to go beyond that and to claim that Mankind suffers (hankers and laments) because Man is separated from “God” is a statement that cannot be proven, and furthermore, should not be used as a tool (or a weapon) to try to “enlighten” one’s fellow men and women.

The Bhagavad Gita was written over 5000 years ago, it was penned by an incarnation of God, named Srila Vyasadeva. Before that it was aurally passed down from God (parampara), in a line of His devotees, right up until present day. Now obviously you don’t believe this, but that is not the point at the moment.
In the BG, Lord Krishna tell His devotee, Arjuna, that He spoke this imperishable science to the sun-god, some 40,000,000 years before.
My point is that religion has been around since time imemorial, in all bona-religion the essence is exactly the same, nothing has changed, so this idea of ‘proof’ is actually nonsense, because there was never a time when religion, therefore a Supreme Being did not exist. All the proof is within the scriptures, you need only to experience for yourself.

What kind of proof of God, would make you realise He actually exists?

It’s a warning, an advisory, an unwarranted assertion... that people aren’t living as one person, or one religious sect, deems proper.

That is how you see it, but it is not how I see it.

No need for protection from invisible beings.

That would depend if they were inimical i would have thought.
Or are you saying there are no invisible beings?

I don’t have a need, want or desire to be saved from a mythical hell, or for an afterlife.

How do you know hell is mythical, when you don’t know for sure God exists without proof?
Or are you saying God does not exist, period.
If so, then there is no need of proof.
I’m still curious as to why you are attracted to religious debate, if you believe categorically, God does not exist.
If, however you are not sure He exists, then you might want to adjust your last quote, just in case He does. Because that would mean hell exists.

And as it makes no sense to me, does not mean that I lack understanding or real knowledge.

Real knowledge is to understand the cause of the sum total of everything, and ‘no’ we’re not to understand that ‘Jan has real knowledge and the rest of us do not’.
If you explain to your child that one plus one is two and that child tells someone else that one and one is two, isn’t that knowledge, the child may not know the concept of algerbra, but what the child knew was correct. Why? Because the child got the correct information from someone else who knew. IMHO, that is the only way to receive knowledge, from an authority. So as long as what I say is in line with the Supreme Authority I will be correct, where I will fall down, is if I regard myself as an authority.


Jan Ardena.

Godless did not write the post you have responded to above. I did. You have also misunderstood/misinterpreted a fair amount of what I’ve written, but I’ll not waste your time or mine elaborating. As before, I’ve little incentive to repeat myself, and even less so when you don‘t even appear to know who you are addressing.

Feel free to read my comments again if you like. Feel free to re-read the comments of yours that I quoted, since you now seem unclear about where I was coming from. And by all means, feel free to try to “see” it all from another angle.



An easy and predictable copout there, :p I made a mistake with the name, so what, it was late and i was tired, when I came to the end of that reply.
But as for misinterpreting your post, i don't think so. :eek:

If you read my post you will see that I have made an inquiry as to why you even bother to respond to these points, as you don’t believe, therefore don't understand the spiritual nature which resides in man.
You say you have little incentive to repeat yourself, if so, then why bother in the first place.

And by all means, feel free to try to “see” it all from another angle.

What other angle?
Everything happens by chance?
We are purely material beings?
Our consciousness is activated by our brain?
There is no God?
I’ve seen it from those angles, maybe "you" should try and “see” it all from another angle. :cool:


Jan Ardena.
Originally posted by Truthseeker
Let's stop discussions...


What do you mean by "accordingly"? Do you differentiate between people?


That depends on perspective.

A partial/bias percpective, helps no-one.

Originally posted by Xev
This is not necessarily materialism, except of course for the rejection of belief in the supernatural.

The supernatural is not necasserily spiritual, it can be subtle but material, such as gosts.

That's no reason to be nice Nelson. You really can't convert us.

I appreciate your honesty, but I would really like to know what makes you interested in discussing religious topics, I have asked Counterbalance but he avoided the question, maybe you can enlighten me.

You know no less or no more than us. Would it not be best to learn from each other?

Who is us?


Jan Ardena.
But as for misinterpreting your post, i don't think so.

If you read my post you will see that I have made an inquiry as to why you even bother to respond to these points, as you don’t believe, therefore don't understand the spiritual nature which resides in man.
You say you have little incentive to repeat yourself, if so, then why bother in the first place.

Yes, Jan. I read your post and I understand that you have requested (demanded?) that I explain to you why I bother to respond or to post on such topics. However, I’ve stated before--and more than once--why I post anything. Perhaps you don’t understand my reasoning. Or perhaps you don’t believe me. Based on how you’ve responded to most of what I’ve ever addressed to you, either could be the case. And if either is true, then that only helps to underscore part of what I have shared with you. You don’t appear to understand as much as you seem to desire the rest of us to believe you do. You do come across as though you wish to be perceived as an authority. Not as though you are simply sharing and learning. And you’re free to post as you like, of course. But once again, saying someone is coping out does make it a fact.

Believe what you like.


Originally posted by Counterbalance
But once again, saying someone is coping out does make it a fact.

When it is true, yes.


Jan Ardena.
A typo, Jan.

The sentence was intended to read: "But once again, saying someone is copping out does not make it a fact.

Apologies for the oversight.


The supernatural is not necasserily spiritual, it can be subtle but material, such as gosts.

True enough, although, I though ghosts were not supposed to be material?

I appreciate your honesty, but I would really like to know what makes you interested in discussing religious topics, I have asked Counterbalance but he avoided the question, maybe you can enlighten me.


It is interesting and I may learn somthing. I like to learn.

Why do you discuss religious topics?

Who is us?

My alter-egos and my dominent persona. :p
Originally posted by Counterbalance
The sentence was intended to read: "But once again, saying someone is copping out does not make it a fact.

I know C. just pulling your leg there. :)

Apologies for the oversight.

Apology accepted.


Jan Ardena.

PS hope you can afford me the same understanding when next i make a mistake ;)
True enough, although, I though ghosts were not supposed to be material?

According to vedic understanding, matter consists of 8 elements, earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and false ego, the first 5 are gross, insofar as we can see them, the other 3 are subtle elements, ghost bodies consist of the subtle elements.

It is interesting and I may learn somthing. I like to learn.


Why do you discuss religious topics?

The more I learn about God, the more I realise there is nothing else worth talking about. I thinks He is Superexcellent. :)


Jan Ardena.

I repeat the same thing again and again and you still don't get it. I'm sorry if you can't understand my point.
