The death of all religion...

"Kindly piss off..."

"'re a moron."


"Booger breath."


And here you have it folks! Life without religion. :eek:

And here you have it folks! Life without religion.

Yes, Blonde_Cupid, but we aren't going to burn or torture each other.

Besides, you forget the wild pot orgies that are an integrel part of life without religion

You are a nooner-nut. Nooner-nut, nooner-nut! :p

***By the way, she started it.***

Sorry, but, you can't give her the credit. Life without religion was around a long time before she was even born. ;)
Sorry, but, you can't give her the credit. Life without religion was around a long time before she was even born.

I give the glory to Cthulhu!

Ia Cthulhu! Ia! Ia!

It is your fault I am not studying, nooner-nut!
***Besides, you forget the wild pot orgies that are an integrel part of life without religion***

I haven't forgotten. Now, don't you forget to take your antibiotics! :eek:

Oh joy!
She's not studying because she's a slack-arse. :p

But that's what you have to expect from boneheads...
Do you need some help in the are of self-control?

No, but it is more fun to blame y'all, Blonde.


She's not studying because she's a slack-arse.

One of these days I will send my 40$ to BOB and you will be sorry!

You are a booger-butt, Adam.
*Originally posted by Xev

I give the glory to Cthulhu!

Ia Cthulhu! Ia! Ia!

Who in hell is cthulhu?

If he's who I think he is, he's a defeated foe.

And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.
(Colossians 2:15, KJV).

He has no power, except over you.

Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
(Luke 10:19, KJV).

Besides, what a waste of glory giving it to someone like that.
What does he give you except some deceptive feelings of power?
Who in hell is cthulhu?

Great Cthulhu is the highest of the Great Old Ones. And, I compliment you on your somwhat inexact but nontheless appropriate use of 'in hell'.

If he's who I think he is, he's a defeated foe.

Cthulhu. Leader of the Great Old Ones. Cthulhu exists in a deep sleep of death in the watery depths of R'lyeh silently dreaming, waiting for the day when the stars are right and his worshippers raise R'lyeh from the Pacific Ocean. It is his spells that protect and preserve the other Great Old Ones. Cthulhu has never been directly described, for those few who have seen him go stark raving mad. A description, then, can only be brought from a statue found depicting him. Cthulhu has a vaguely anthropoid outline, but with and octopus-like head whose face was a a mass of feelers, a scaly, rubbery-looking body, prodigious claws on hind and fore feet, and long, narrow wings behind. He is of a somewhat bloated corpulence, and his cephalopod head is covered with facial feelers. Some have said to imagine Cthulhu, one must imagine a squid, a dragon and a man together in one body.


He has no power, except over you.

That is only somwhat true. While the Great Old Ones are in Sunken R'yleh, and have no power, it is Cthulhu's majic that preserves them.

Besides, what a waste of glory giving it to someone like that.
What does he give you except some deceptive feelings of power?

Last thursday, he cancelled a class for me because I was tired from a long lab class.

Oh sure, unbelievers will say that that was because my teacher had a scheduling conflict, but I know that it was Cthulhu.

Iä! Iä! Cthulhu!
*Originally posted by Xev
Great Cthulhu is the highest of the Great Old Ones.

Pathetic is more like it.
On his best day, the top of his head is under my feet.

*And, I compliment you on your somwhat inexact but nontheless appropriate use of 'in hell'.*

It's probably quite a bit more exact than you realize.

*Cthulhu. Leader of the Great Old Ones. Cthulhu exists in a deep sleep of death*

He's worse off than I thought.
One would think he'd actually be alive.

*Cthulhu has a vaguely anthropoid outline, but with and octopus-like head whose face was a a mass of feelers, a scaly, rubbery-looking body, prodigious claws on hind and fore feet, and long, narrow wings behind. He is of a somewhat bloated corpulence, and his cephalopod head is covered with facial feelers.*

Dr. Zoidberg.

*That is only somwhat true. While the Great Old Ones are in Sunken R'yleh, and have no power, it is Cthulhu's majic that preserves them.*

You seem to have missed the fact that he owns you.

*Oh sure, unbelievers will say that that was because my teacher had a scheduling conflict, but I know that it was Cthulhu.*

I'm not surprised that cthulhu would cause conflict.
Pathetic is more like it

Hardly. But perhaps you wish to know of Azathoth?

“...that last amorphous blight of nethermost confusion which blasphemes and bubbles at the centre of all infinity – the boundless daemon-sultan Azathoth, whose name no lips dare speak aloud, and who gnaws hungrily in inconceivable, unlighted chambers beyond time amidst the muffled, maddening beating of vile drums and the thin, monotonous whine of accursed flutes; to which detestable pounding and piping dance slowly, awkwardly, and absurdly the gigantic ultimate gods, the blind, voiceless, tenebrous, mindless Other Gods whose soul and messenger is the crawling chaos Nyarlathotep.”

On his best day, the top of his head is under my feet.

Only if you are sailing over Sunken R'yleh.

He's worse off than I thought.
One would think he'd actually be alive.

Well he is, it's just a Lovecraftian figure of speech.

Dr. Zoidberg.

No, not very close.

You seem to have missed the fact that he owns you.

Que? He does not own me, I am simply his Priestess.

I'm not surprised that cthulhu would cause conflict.

No, you see....the Great Old Ones are not malevolent, simply indifferent.

But Cthulhu loves me. Please capitalize his name. I do the same for your God.

I know, I'm just so very nice and sweet.
Finish with Religion? Noooo! Finish with Science!!


Get over it... Ctchululu... or is Cthcuthucthu? Or Cthulalula... well... whatever that thing is, it doesn't exist...
It's just an illusion of her imagination... ;)

Jan Ardena,

Don't be so agressive with them...
I'm sorry, but I have to say...
You forgot the Golden Rule...
Love ;)


Certainly, we're living in terribly troubled times. Globalization is taking place quickly, cultures are clashing - and extreme religious beliefs are being imposed in extreme ways. Cough, middle-east, *cough...

The war is much more on power and money. Sorry about my honesty and criticism, but you are just one more brainwashed by the so called US media, the third power, the power of opinion.
Use common sense and you'll get the to the truth.
The Jihad is only a little part of the Qu'arain (don't remember how to spell... sorry... :p). The Qu'arain as ALL other Religions preach about Love even to your "enemies" (specially actually, because they need to be prayed on) and peace and Compassion. That's the Essence of all Religion.

It is overtly apparent that modern religion is an easy way to control the ebb and flow of any societies world view. It's also an easy way to turn the poor into rebel fighting groups. However, it is ultimately the individuals fault (in my opinion) for not thinking freely.

You seem to be talking much more about the media then Religion here. If you don't know, all the information you got on your little godly black box is filtrated by the government. This happens all around the world.

We have become smarter.

Really? So why we are almost destroying ourselves?? :confused:

Even if there was a being that governed and created the universe, it is my feeling that our minds are still too undeveloped to even fathom it's existence. And a being of this magnitude would surely not concern itself with the moral decisions of persons on earth.

He has more concern to you than you can expect. But first you need to Trust Him, otherwise as He does not exist for you, He won't be able to do nothing...

So my question to you, my peers is, why do we put up with this behaviour? I think it's time to begin a real campaign to end religion for good. We'd all be a lot happier - in my opinion.

Do you really want to finish something that teach us to Love each other? Do you really want to finish with something that gives us peace and teach us that there are things more valuable than a damn green piece of paper? Something that promotes Love, Compassion, Peace... Something that teaches us virtues such as honesty, humility...

Perhaps we should finish with Science, as we are not Wise enough to use it only for our good... Instead, we use it to destroy ourselves with nuclear bombs. Then, after we have those Religious principles and virtues, and Wisdom enough not to fight with each other, then, only then, we begin everything again... ;)

And it sure beats nuking everybody.

You just proved that the real problem is Science, and not Religion. If it weren't the nukes, there won't be no problem... ;)

Love and Peace to all of you,

No, you see....the Great Old Ones are not malevolent, simply indifferent.

Indifference is the most close thing to be the opposite of Love...

Love has no opposites... Love is the Truth.
