The death of all religion...

*Originally posted by Xev
Hardly. But perhaps you wish to know of Azathoth?

Another one under my feet.

*Que? He does not own me, I am simply his Priestess.*

You fail to understand the relationship between priestess and god.

*No, you see....the Great Old Ones are not malevolent, simply indifferent. *

Well, if they're so indifferent, why would he bother scrambling up your teacher's schedule?

*But Cthulhu loves me.*

His only desire is to completely degrade you as a woman, before he kills you.

*Please capitalize his name. I do the same for your God.*

No thanks.
Besides, you haven't used the name of my God yet.

*I know, I'm just so very nice and sweet.*

I'll bet there are a bunch of guys around that thought that at one point, but don't any more.
Actually, I think you live up (or down) to your nickname backwards; cthulhu does that to people.

*Originally posted by TruthSeeker
it doesn't exist...
It's just an illusion of her imagination.

It's no illusion.
There are plenty of demons around that would be glad to pose as cthulhu, while passing on that sleeping the deep sleep of death thing.
Another one under my feet.

The last amorphous blight of nethermost confusion which blasphemies and bubbles at the center of all infinity would be pissed if he heard that.

And if he existed. :D

You fail to understand the relationship between priestess and god.

How so? I study the Al Azif and wait until the stars are right for the Rising of the Deep Ones. What on earth is wrong with that?

His only desire is to completely degrade you as a woman, before he kills you.

Oh dear. Why on earth would Great Cthulhu want to do that?

Besides, you haven't used the name of my God yet.


I'll bet there are a bunch of guys around that thought that at one point, but don't any more.

Irony alert!
You have been talking to my ex-boyfriends, haven't you?
Irony over

It's no illusion.

And you accuse others of posting on hash?

There are plenty of demons around that would be glad to pose as cthulhu, while passing on that sleeping the deep sleep of death thing.

Cthulhu isn't a demon. Sheesh, didn't you read those links?

Cthulhu is a pan-dimensional monster-type that resembles nothing so much as a hybrid of a squid, a man, and a dragon.
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It's no illusion.
There are plenty of demons around that would be glad to pose as cthulhu, while passing on that sleeping the deep sleep of death thing.

And what's Devil other than illusion?
He can't hurt those who Love because he doesn't even exist for those who Love, for righteous people...

Re: Finish with Religion? Noooo! Finish with Science!!

Originally posted by TruthSeeker
Jan Ardena,
Don't be so agressive with them...

I don't see it as being agressive, just giving good information in their style.

I'm sorry, but I have to say...
You forgot the Golden Rule...
Love ;)

Since when did love become a rule.
I fail to see how one can forget love, one either has love in ones heart or not, or is the love you're refering to a superficial , seen to be doing the right thing, Oprah Winfrey, God Bless the United States of America, kind of love. If so, i don't go in for that kind of sentiment. :p


Jan Ardena.
'S okay, Jan, we know you're an ass. :p


And what's Devil other than illusion?
He can't hurt those who Love because he doesn't even exist for those who Love, for righteous people...

I would go so far as to say that he does not exist for...well...anyone.

Tony: I was thinking that this ought to clear things up:

Cthulhu Cult, The. A cult of humans who worship Cthulhu and the Great Old Ones. The cult dates back to the beginning of humanity when the Great Old Ones reached out from their deathless sleep in R'lyeh to infest the souls of mankind. It is believed that the cult has always existed, and will always exist until the end of time. Branches of the cult lay hidden in distant wastes and dark places all over the world, waiting patiently for the day when the stars are right and the Great Old Ones are ready to rise again. At that time, it is the cult's responsibility to release them from their tombs, for the spell that preserves the Great Old Ones binds them. The center of the cult is believed to exist somewhere in the vast deserts of Arabia (Saudi Arabia). The cult is not related to any European witch-cult and is virtually unknown to those outside its membership.

Well see, it's not that bad. Oh yes, and it is the Great Old Ones that are in the Sleep of Death, but I think Great Cthulhu is up and wandering about.

Whats your problem, fool, if you want to argue then state your case, otherwise don't waste time with stupid comments.

Thanks for proving my point Jan. I might note that your posts are almost exclusivly 'stupid comments', but it's so bloody obvious I don't need to.

Quite frankly, I appreciate your open belligerance. You don't like us athiests, and you don't bother to conceal your dislike. Just as Cris does not hide his feelings

Religion is based entirely on ignorance, emotionalism, mythology, and irrational thinking. The way to combat religion is primarily to promote knowledge, to educate people in how to think clearly, and to demonstrate the baseless nature of religion.

Neither do you. It is one thing to be disliked by a person because of one's beliefs, it is quite another to have said person cower under the pretense of not feeling such dislike.

Oh yes, and you are in danger of hellfire, Jan. Matthew 5:22.

I think you ought to apologize and give me all your worldly goods. Luke 6:30 and Matthew 5:42.

Oh, sod the apology, just give me all your worldly goods. :cool:
Jan Ardena,

I don't see it as being agressive, just giving good information in their style.

"Don't pay evil with evil."

Even if she WAS evil you shouldn't do that...
And... ask her if you were being agressive or not...
In the way she speak the answer seems to be... yes...

Since when did love become a rule.

Luke 6:31
Luke 6:27
Luke 6:35-38
Matthew 5:43-48

1 John 2:7 :

"7 Dear brothers, I am not writing out a new rule for you to obey, for it is an old one you have allways had, right from the start. You have heard it all before.
8 Yet it is allways new, and works for you just as it did for Christ; and as we obey this commandament, to love one another, the darkness in our lives disappears and the new light of life in Christ shines in."

Matthew 5:44 :

"44 But I say: Love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you!"

John 13:34 :

"34 And so I'm giving a "new" commandament to you now- love each other just as much as I love you.
35 Your strong love for each other will prove to the world that you are my disciples."

I could go on and on...
It's all over the Bible!

I fail to see how one can forget love...


So why the Bible say that there are sleepers and woken ups?
There are people who can't see Love within themselves because they don't LOOK to themselves. They are just blind...

Besides that, the Bible says that God made us to be LIKE Him. So, everyone MUST have Love in their Hearts. They just can't see... Just read 1 Corinthians 13:12...

..., one either has love in ones heart or not, or is the love you're refering to a superficial , seen to be doing the right thing, Oprah Winfrey, God Bless the United States of America, kind of love. If so, i don't go in for that kind of sentiment.


I'm talking about the Love of God!!!!

For God's sake...

Please... read my posts... and my threads: "For Christians of sciforums: "Lessons" for Christians" and "The Secret of Happiness and Success".

If you are Christian... better start to follow the Word...


I would go so far as to say that he does not exist for...well...anyone.

Yes... as long as you perceive the Love in your Heart... ;)

*Originally posted by Xev
The last amorphous blight of nethermost confusion which blasphemies and bubbles at the center of all infinity would be pissed if he heard that.

He's pissed now, but there's nothing he can do.

*How so? I study the Al Azif and wait until the stars are right for the Rising of the Deep Ones. What on earth is wrong with that? *

The god owns the priestess.
It has nothing to do studying or stars.

*Oh dear. Why on earth would Great Cthulhu want to do that?*

Oh, probably just because he hates your guts.


That is like the most super-extra-literal reading I've seen.
I suppose if someone says your nick is "vex backwards," that means your nick is now Vex Backwards instead of Xev?

*You have been talking to my ex-boyfriends, haven't you?*

Wouldn't have to, but are there any?
No irony.

*And you accuse others of posting on hash?*

Nope, I wait for them to tell me they're posting on hash.
After they tell me about three or four hundred times, I can see the difference in their posting.

*Cthulhu isn't a demon. Sheesh, didn't you read those links?*

Oh, I read the links.
They describe cthulhu as he is intended to be thought of.
In reality, there's a demon there posing as cthulhu.
And, that demon has you completely sucked in.

There's a reality to this stuff that you seem unaware of.

*Originally posted by TruthSeeker
And what's Devil other than illusion?
He can't hurt those who Love because he doesn't even exist for those who Love, for righteous people...

Let me guess, you are The Most Righteous One, even more so than Jesus who was talking to the devil.

*Originally posted by Xev
Well see, it's not that bad. Oh yes, and it is the Great Old Ones that are in the Sleep of Death, but I think Great Cthulhu is up and wandering about.

The superfluous capital letters give the story away.
Demonic stuff is quite often written with too many capitals as though it were Great Literature or something.
The overuse of capitals in gothic literature almost immediately results in a suspension of critical thinking and evokes a sense of awe as though something Very Old And Venerable were being discussed.

You may passing this stuff off as just light-hearted fun stuff, but there's more to this stuff than you realize, and it is costing you.
Now, for those who just don't know what's going on, Cthulhu is a fictional charater created, I believe, by H. P. Lovecraft. I won't say what Xev's beliefs are, but my bet is she is just having fun by stating over and over that she worships a fictional character. What does that remind you of? Get the point?

Now, to say someone is completely sucked in by such a thing, well, you can only really say that if you have completely missed what I just explained in the first paragraph. In which case you might want to wander down to your local bookshop some time and check out some classic horror.

I don't think we need to be calling each other sluts, whores, and so on. I'm sure intelligent people of any stripe can discuss these things without condeming each other to an eternity of flames.
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He's pissed now, but there's nothing he can do.

You are completly and utterly correct! Sticks and stones may break my bones, but nonexistant Lovecraftian creations can never hurt me!

The god owns the priestess.
It has nothing to do studying or stars.

Naw, I am a millenial-type girl. I don't consider myself the property of any man or figment of H.P Lovecraft's imagination.....

Feminism and all that.

*Oh dear. Why on earth would Great Cthulhu want to do that?*

Oh, probably just because he hates your guts.

No he does not. Why would he?

That is like the most super-extra-literal reading I've seen.

Exodus 34:14
For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God

Wouldn't have to, but are there any?

We parted friends.

There's a reality to this stuff that you seem unaware of.

Only when you stop taking your medication.

The overuse of capitals in gothic literature almost immediately results in a suspension of critical thinking and evokes a sense of awe as though something Very Old And Venerable were being discussed.

I Don't Read Much in the Way of Gothic Literature. Lovecraft is More of a Horror Writer than Anything else.

You may passing this stuff off as just light-hearted fun stuff, but there's more to this stuff than you realize, and it is costing you.

You are Right. I spent 12.95 on a Anthology of Short Stories just Two weeks Ago.


I won't say what Xev's beliefs are, but my bet is she is just having fun by stating over and over that she worships a fictional character. What does that remind you of? Get the point?

That is part of it. It started when I noted a reference to Cthulhu on I googled 'Cthulhu'....then I started telling friends that I had 'found Cthulhu'.....then 'Cthulhu loves you' as my signature....and read Lovecraft....and now I am the self-titled priestess of Cthulhu.

Do I believe? No more than a member of the Church of the Subgenius or the Church of the Dessicated Cocroach believes.

I had no idea it would be taken seriously. I am sorry, Tony, that you took it seriously.
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Let me guess, you are The Most Righteous One, even more so than Jesus who was talking to the devil.

The Bible says clearly that if you are righteous you are protected by God. You don't need to be "The Most Righteous One".
Unless you are tested like Job was... ;)

Originally posted by TruthSeeker
Jan Ardena,
Even if she WAS evil you shouldn't do that...
And... ask her if you were being agressive or not...
In the way she speak the answer seems to be... yes...

Wait a minute now, where does evil come into this equation. I am just having a conversation.

Luke 6:31
Luke 6:27
Luke 6:35-38
Matthew 5:43-48

1 John 2:7 :

"7 Dear brothers, I am not writing out a new rule for you to obey, for it is an old one you have allways had, right from the start. You have heard it all before.
8 Yet it is allways new, and works for you just as it did for Christ; and as we obey this commandament, to love one another, the darkness in our lives disappears and the new light of life in Christ shines in."

Matthew 5:44 :

"44 But I say: Love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you!"


"34 And so I'm giving a "new" commandament to you now- love each other just as much as I love you.
35 Your strong love for each other will prove to the world that you are my disciples."

I could go on and on...
It's all over the Bible!

The closest you came was with John.13:34, and that shows that the rule is the soul being brought back to his senses, original identity, which is constitutionally pure love, so any rule of love in this world, is either God consciousness, which is clearly laid out, and primeval/natural, or guides set down by man, which is lust at whatever degree.


So why the Bible say that there are sleepers and woken ups?
There are people who can't see Love within themselves because they don't LOOK to themselves. They are just blind...

They choose not to see, they act according to the level of their consciousness, if it becomes low enough, then they forget their original identity, and identify themselves only as their outward dress, the body/senses. But that does not mean they have forgotten love.

Besides that, the Bible says that God made us to be LIKE Him. So, everyone MUST have Love in their Hearts. They just can't see... Just read 1 Corinthians 13:12...

Yes of course, its lying dorment.
The only love worth anything in this world is love for God.

If you are Christian... better start to follow the Word...

First let me make this absolutely clear, I am not being aggressive at all, but if you’re a Christian, then you’d best start understanding the life/words/action of Jesus Christ.


Jan Ardena.
Jan Ardena,

The closest you came was with John.13:34, and that shows that the rule is the soul being brought back to his senses, original identity, which is constitutionally pure love, so any rule of love in this world, is either God consciousness, which is clearly laid out, and primeval/natural, or guides set down by man, which is lust at whatever degree.

God created us to die only after being satisfied with our lives. Do you really think Love is only in the Heavens? Love is everywhere! The Holy Spirit IS Love too! Wake up!!

God didn't make us to suffer... He Loves us! His Love IS here all around us. You, as most people, just can't perceive it!

They choose not to see, they act according to the level of their consciousness, if it becomes low enough, then they forget their original identity, and identify themselves only as their outward dress, the body/senses. But that does not mean they have forgotten love.

If God is Love, do you really think they don't have forgotten Love?

Yes of course, its lying dorment.

What do you mean?

The only love worth anything in this world is love for God.

The Love of God is WITHIN us. Just open your eyes!! He is among us!!

First let me make this absolutely clear, I am not being aggressive at all, but if you’re a Christian, then you’d best start understanding the life/words/action of Jesus Christ.

Yes your are. Just ask whom you are talk with. Ask Xev, and let's see if she is hurt...

I understand them. That's why I'm not arrogant and violent with lost sheeps... And you... are you? Let's wait for the answer...

Jan Ardena,
God created us to die only after being satisfied with our lives.

God created the whole material manifestation, including ‘us’ to fulfil our perverted desire of being independent of Him, and to lord it over material nature. Of all the material bodies in this universe, the human form is the best, for the purpose of realising our true relationship with Him.

Do you really think Love is only in the Heavens? Love is everywhere!

Who said love was only in the heavens?
Not me!
God is both love and the object of love, He is all pervading, both inside and outside of His infinate creation, He is omniscient and omnipotent, thus He is everywhere at all times past, present and future.

The Holy Spirit IS Love too! Wake up!!

The Holy Spirit is God, too.

God didn't make us to suffer... He Loves us! His Love IS here all around us. You, as most people, just can't perceive it!

Who said He made us to suffer?
Not me that’s for sure!
How do you know I can’t perceive His Love?
And you say i'm arrogant.

If God is Love, do you really think they don't have forgotten Love?

No, I don’t think so, they clearly choose not exercise their human right.

Yes of course, its lying dorment.
What do you mean?

It says somewhere in the bible that the souls belong to God. That means the bodies, made up of material elements, are not important, they come and they go.

While the soul inhabits the body, the body acts because of the presence of the soul. When the soul leaves the body, the body becomes a useless lump of matter, dead. In the Bhagavad Gita, the Lord says;

The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone’s heart, and is directing the wanderings of all living entities, who are seated as on a machine, made of the material energy.

In vedic literature it says that the soul resides in the heart of the living entity where also, resides the Lord in His feature, known as the Supersoul. They are described as two birds sitting in a tree, one bird (the soul) is enjoying the fruits of that tree and the other one (the Supersoul) is witnessing his activities. The Supersoul, accompanies the individual soul throughout all his different incarnations, and knows perfectly the position of the individual. The Supersoul does not interfere with any material activities the individual performs, but as soon as the individual realises that God is in his heart, he at once turns his face to the Lord and desires to serve Him. This is what is meant by ‘love in the heart’.

At present the love is droment, because although the individual possesses love, he cannot understand that God is both love and the object of love, and that he is part and parcel of that love. He simply tries to find happiness in the material world, birth after birth.

Yes your are. Just ask whom you are talk with. Ask Xev, and let's see if she is hurt...

Why do I need to ask her, I am telling you that I am not being aggressive, after all, as it is me we’re talking about, I should know.
If she mistook what I said as aggression, then that’s her misinterpretation.
I just simply spoke what was true, maybe that’s why she found it aggressive, they say the truth often hurts.

And you... are you? Let's wait for the answer...

Then show me where you think I have been VIOLENT and ARROGANT.


Jan Ardena.
Hey - hombres - the topic was the DEATH of all religion, not the Christian understanding of God's love...If I wanted to read stuff like that - I could go pick up some Santa Clause or Easter Bunny stories.

Why not start a new post if you really want to talk about this?

now let's get busy dyin'

I forgot to bring another point up. I think religion does have the possiblity of death because of youth.

I'm quite sure that the percentage of religious youth has dramatically decreased over the years. We allow children to think a lot more objectively than we used to. Because of this, it's my summation that religion really could die off with proper education and objectivity.

But, there is a problem with this assumption. As people age, them become more and more aware of death. And the unknown (to some) is a scary thought. So people develop false ideals and ideas - make up stories, as a way of closing their eyes to their very real fears. Death is an unkown, that is for sure. But should we spend our lives in fear that the Easter Bunny will punish us when it comes? I think in the grand spectrum that this thinking is, a bit foolish.

Flame on you crazy diamond.
Originally posted by Aut-postius
I forgot to bring another point up. I think religion does have the possiblity of death because of youth.

I agree that the youths having no interest in God has increased, but religion will never die, it will become degraded, and will seem as though it is dead, but that is a part of the religious prossess.

But, there is a problem with this assumption. As people age, them become more and more aware of death. And the unknown (to some) is a scary thought. So people develop false ideals and ideas - make up stories, as a way of closing their eyes to their very real fears. Death is an unkown, that is for sure. But should we spend our lives in fear that the Easter Bunny will punish us when it comes? I think in the grand spectrum that this thinking is, a bit foolish.

So there will always be religion. Religion is not just about stories, it is about knowing that there is more to life than chemicals. It is inate within man, fear is 1 key which opens up this curiosity, but there are other, more potent keys. This is why religion will never die, because it is instinctively mans way out of his constant suffering.


Jan Ardena.
Originally posted by Aut-postius
Who says all men constantly suffer?

Man is constantly suffering due to hankering and lamenting, thus he is never truly happy. He experiences moments of happiness, some long, some short, but all too often fails to sustain it.
We are always hankering after something that will make us happy, (more money, alcohol, property, sex etc.) but everytime we achieve it, there is always something else we hanker for.
Like the carrot and the donkey.
Then there is lamentation; we lament when we lose what we hold most valuable to us, so we are in a state of anxiety. At any moment we could lose our jobs, wife, children and so on.
Doctors have repoted a serious increase in stress related illnesses.

The ultimate suffering, although i know you don't want to hear about, is separation from God, it is this separation, that is the cause of hankering and lamenting.


Jan Ardena.