The death of all religion...


Registered Senior Member
I figured this would be a great place to discuss this. And I'm truly sorry if this discussion offends anyone. It surely will.

But, maybe some people need to be offended. Maybe some people need to realize the rediculous concept of religious belief.

This discussion can go in many directions, I'd like to make a comparison of two things:

1. The current global state of affairs.

2. The nature of our understanding of "God."

Certainly, we're living in terribly troubled times. Globalization is taking place quickly, cultures are clashing - and extreme religious beliefs are being imposed in extreme ways. Cough, middle-east, *cough...

It is overtly apparent that modern religion is an easy way to control the ebb and flow of any societies world view. It's also an easy way to turn the poor into rebel fighting groups. However, it is ultimately the individuals fault (in my opinion) for not thinking freely.

Then there is modern man's perception of God. I'm not a religious person, I used to be. I know how easy it is in every day life to use your god as a crutch to get through life's troubles.

We have become smarter. I think about 4,000 years ago, understanding God was probably a lot easier. Without concrete knowledge of science and technology - it was easy to beleive that there was some "Puppet Master" controlling the cosmos. But, nowadays - it's become a bit harder. God is now an invisible little prankster - guising himself in many different forms and people really believe that this being exists - dispite all the evidence that suggests otherwise.

Even if there was a being that governed and created the universe, it is my feeling that our minds are still too undeveloped to even fathom it's existence. And a being of this magnitude would surely not concern itself with the moral decisions of persons on earth.

So my question to you, my peers is, why do we put up with this behaviour? I think it's time to begin a real campaign to end religion for good. We'd all be a lot happier - in my opinion.

And it sure beats nuking everybody.
Maybe some people need to realize the rediculous concept of religious belief.

Im not religous, but I know alot of religous people and the thing that bugs me the most is the judgement of others who dont believe the same way as them. BUT, there are those who simply love the lord and would never harm anyone. I say, let em! If their not hurting anyone and if it gives them something to believe it - more power to em. Its the extremist that give them a bad name. I just dont like when someone shoves their religion down my throat.

Groove on
<i>"So my question to you, my peers is, why do we put up with this behaviour? I think it's time to begin a real campaign to end religion for good. We'd all be a lot happier - in my opinion."</i>

Why not kill all dreams and forms of hope, forcing people to live only for the day?
different responses than I expected...


Strgrl: Yes, some religious persons are very, very harmless - but also misguided. Teachings of the peaceful can also produce Hamas militants.

Bowser: I don't know about that to extrapolate?

Oh, and I should also note that this recent thought was sparked by the problems as of late between Palistine and Israel...what a fucking mess!
Misguided? Could be. And yes, the wars and violence that are result of religions are very very scary. Everyone wants to think of theirs as the right one. Maybe we should start a religion thats combines ALL regilions - that way - everyone will be happy:)
I believe it's called Buddhism...they don't seem to be starting any wars - yeah everybody should be Buddhist...that would be nice. But, what would be even nicer would be if everybody realized it's just us, and that you've only got to look out for your fellow humans....I know, way too idealistic.
Ideas are good, they at least get people thinking

And my dog is a Buddhist monk, when you tell him "Come here boy" he justs sits there and squints. Very mellow. Ya, great idea, everyone should be a buddhist orrrrr a RASTAFARIAN!!!! If the whole world were stoned - there would be no war:)

Toke on!
<i>"I don't know about that to extrapolate?"</i>

<b><i>"...why do we put up with this behaviour? I think it's time to begin a real campaign to end religion..."</i></b>

That reads like a crusade: <i>Why not kill all dreams and forms of hope?</i>

I don't believe you can eliminate religion. There will always be a desire for something greater. People dream and hope.

<i>"Palistine and Israel"</i>

That is much more than a conflict of religious beliefs.
There will always be a desire for something greater.

I think that some people cannot except the fact that we are all so small and insignifcant. They WANT to believe that were divine creatures, and they WANT to believe that we'll all live in the sky in big gold mansions. I WANT to believe that as well, but I dont. I can except that Im small and insignifact:D
<i>"If the whole world were stoned - there would be no war."</i>

I can imagine the UN dialogue:
"Hey, man...what were we fighting about?"

"I dunno. I forgot."

"Cool, dude. Uh...what did you just say?"
<i>"...I'm small and insignifact."</i>

Maybe, maybe not. When you consider all that is you, you might discover that there is more there than you originally thought.

<i>"...I'm small and insignifact."</i>

Also, isn't that a common message in most religions?
Yikes ...

Hey, I've got an excuse (I plea senility) but what about
you whipper-snappers?



Ring a bell?

Take care all ;)
Bowser: Yes, I can see how you could have concluded my descriptor to be sinister....let me rephrase, because I'm definitely not talking crusade.

I think an information campaign would be best. That way, people's free-will to decide NOT to accept an intellectual inconsistency (which most religious philosophy allows people to do) would occur. For example, I can easily disprove the christian god's existence with some simple logic.

Strgrl: The whole world stoned? You know I'm down...hell, I'm stoned right now...
<i>"Yes, I can see how you could have concluded my descriptor to be sinister....let me rephrase, because I'm definitely not talking crusade."</i>

I think any good intention can be mutated into a crusade. What you start today might become tomorrow's call to zealotry. A simple message is often seen as an excuse for abuse.

<i>"I think an information campaign would be best."</i>

Wasn't that Christ's effort too?
Yes, you're right - many good ideas are mutilated into crusades....However, doesn't crusade usually connotate something religious? This would be more of an anti-crusade...One to rid the world of what separates us from each other. It's gotta happen sometime, or we all die, right?
If I thought it was religion which was responsible for the ills of our world, I would agree with you; but I don't believe it to be the true source of world conflict.

Before world conflict will cease, what must first change?

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Paradigms, World Views, perceptions of culture all would have to change first, I'd say. Was that what you were looking for?