The crucifixion was a fraud.


***Actually, you're wrong on that. It would be m=E/c2.***

No. What I typed, m=Ec2, is what I meant. It's analogous to Cris' understanding of Christian sacrifice. Go through it again and if you still don't understand it just let me know and I'll be happy to explain it to you.
I can't say anything about anyone's beliefs, but it seems that blonde_cupid was saying that someone else sees two things as entirely interchangable when they are not, at least not in such direct and simple ways.

***Why does it change the issue because Cris is bringing it up?***

It doesn't. Who said it did? "Cris" just happens to be the person who posted the topic post and made the error.

It could have been Xev's great Cthulhu for all I care.

***I can't say anything about anyone's beliefs, but it seems that blonde_cupid was saying that someone else sees two things as entirely interchangable when they are not, at least not in such direct and simple ways.***

You can raise your hand and yell Bingo now!

Adam, could it be?

Adam, could it be that I'm aware of that? Could it possibly be that I don't accept Blonde Cupid's analogy? Just maybe? You think, perhaps? With all that insight? ;)

thanx much,
Tiassa :cool:
Now there's a point even worth responding to

Blonde Cupid
It doesn't. Who said it did? "Cris" just happens to be the person who posted the topic post and made the error.
Well, you said so. Read your posts. I've been asking you this question a few times, but it's beside the point, because where you find error happens to be with the founders and formalizers of your Christian faith. Like I said, this is an age-old topic. Why make it about Cris? If it's in error, then you have 2,000 years worth of theology and philosophical history to address.

Tiassa :cool:

Because just once I want to be able to genuinely believe that Christians are no worse than anyone else. I tell myself that every day, but Blonde Cupid's behavior--insisting on dogma when we're examining the scriptural basis of dogma, in other words pushing the point aside in order to quash it--is nothing new.

Of course, I might ask you why you're bothering to waste your time on it? After all, if you'd just left it at my noting Xev's advice, we wouldn't be having this particular conversation right now, which seems to be part of the point--getting the topic back to its subject.

Tiassa :cool:
Okay, this has devolved into an argument of semantics. Tiassa is objecting to how blonde_cupid views something said by someone else, and apparently neither can answer various questions to each other's satisfaction. What about trying to condense what you have each thought of throughout this thread (about the topid that is, not semantic arguments) into one big post each and see what we get? I think that would be far more interesting than continuing to discuss how each of you said what in post #4543 of this thread. It might even be productive.
Seems we were typing up similar posts then. Yes, I must say that there is no proof or validity in saying "because the book says so" when it is the book itself which is in question.
Sorry, Adam, but I'm trying to understand where tiassa is coming from on this one.


How does responding by telling me I'm wrong demonstrate what it is that you told Adam you wanted to accomplish?

***Actually, you're wrong on that. It would be m=E/c2.***

Adam: Then why belabour the point in such a manner? Just seems odd.

***Because just once I want to be able to genuinely believe that Christians are no worse than anyone else.***
Blonde Cupid--last chance

Blonde Cupid

Although it doesn't mean much to you, I'm sure, I'm almost done putting up with you.

We might ask, in turn, what point your own Einstein point had? :rolleyes:

You are dogmatically insisting that there is a logical contradiction in the scriptural examination of the dogma you're applying. That you dogmatically see Cris as wrong is expected. That you are unwilling to look beneath your dogmatic standard and examine its scriptural undercurrent is also expected.

Don't be so self-righteous, Cupid.

The answer to your question, Blonde Cupid, since you have not shown the intuition to derive it from the above, is simply that your deliberate screwing of your Einstein argument as an allegory to Cris is inappropriately constructed; by responding to your incorrect notion with the correct one, I am pointing out once again that your focus is in the wrong place. The entirety of your Einstein analogy is anemic at best; once again you have attempted to avoid the eventual end by adjusting your focus and attempting to resurrect the platform for your self-righteousness. Your unwillingness to approach this topic honestly is not appreciated.

So even though I know you could care less, I will go so far to say that this is your last chance to take part in this topic as far as I'm concerned. You've had pages to be a brat about it; address the scripture justifying the dogma.

I went to the point of opening Loone's contribution to the topic. It wasn't worth the electricity. That's how I'm starting to feel about you. You're not doing anything Loone isn't doing, except of course for devoting that much more time to it and seemingly frustrating yourself, to judge by your tone.

I can always hold you in similar esteem if you so desire.

--Tiassa :cool:
Originally posted by Adam
Seems we were typing up similar posts then. Yes, I must say that there is no proof or validity in saying "because the book says so" when it is the book itself which is in question.

If you look in the page# 8 of this thread you will see that how confusing that book was and nothing is same in the book. I tried to include as much as possible regarding events after this cruci-fiction. Every time some one tells the cruci-fiction story it is different. I say you check it out and see for yourself that b-c is trying to convince and also she believes in something that's is not even clear in bible itself.

You can see that every one ( in bible) tried to give their own explanation about what happened and who saw what? and they all are contradicting themselves. It is really waste of time to argue with some one who don't bother looking at bible but believes in what people told them or what they think might have happened.

It is really hopeless situation. No one bother looking at other aspects of crucifixion, there are many signs that people misinterpret very simple things and made them so damn complicated and totaly with no logic and sense. From prophecy of Jonah to all the witnesses and accounts took place after this so called crucifixion are all contradicting by so called Inspired writer. I mean how are they contradicting when HOLY SPIRIT is talking to them, i.e God. Since it is also a part of a Pie.
:( :rolleyes:
When the sacrifice of the intellect is a bad thing, it is because intellect is sacrificed unto God in bad faith.


Waaaaaaa! Attack of the X-tians!
Xev, that was evidence of the intelligence of non-Christians?
I'm, ummmm, what's the word?, oh yes, impressed, or maybe just pressed.

BTW, tiassa, I still think that what you said about what Adam said on Page 8 of this thread about what bc though you said when you were talking about what Adam said about what Cris said is still wrong.

***Although it doesn't mean much to you, I'm sure, I'm almost done putting up with you.***

That's hilarious. I just heard one guy say almost that exact same thing to another last night except they followed up with growling and screaming... Sorry, the words were so similar I couldn't help making the connection and sharing that with you.

***We might ask, in turn, what point your own Einstein point had?***

You might ask but, since you did not either ask nor answer, I'll be addressing it in my "logical" (comprehensive) counter-argument which I will be addressing to Cris.

My suggestion to you is to skip it when it's posted if it bothers you that much. I don't want you getting or aggravating any ulcers... or anything like that.
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***BTW, tiassa, I still think that what you said about what Adam said on Page 8 of this thread about what bc though(t) you said when you were talking about what Adam said about what Cris said is still wrong.***

Excellent summation!

Now, why didn't I think of that? :D
Tony1 & Blonde Cupid

BTW, tiassa, I still think that what you said about what Adam said on Page 8 of this thread about what bc though you said when you were talking about what Adam said about what Cris said is still wrong.
Be so kind as to cite those words and explain what you think is wrong. I'd be happy to undertake a well-stated point. And I'm sure it has something to do with the topic which Blonde Cupid has worked so hard to quash with his dogmatic tantrums, so I think you'd be doing this topic a great service to get it back on track with such relevant focus and a thoughtful post.

Blonde Cupid
That's hilarious. I just heard one guy say almost that exact same thing to another last night except they followed up with growling and screaming... so if you value the nose on YOUR face you'll get the f*** out of MINE. Sorry, the words were so similar I couldn't help making the connection and sharing that with you.
Blonde Cupid ... I'm looking for quotation marks, italics, anything to tell me that you're repeating someone else's words and I don't see it. Is that a threat? I will report your post to the moderator.

I can't believe you're reduced to that. :rolleyes:
My suggestion to you is to skip it when it's posted if it bothers you that much. I don't want you getting or aggravating any ulcers... or anything like that.
Ulcers? Hey, you're the one who's so upset that you're threatening other posters.

And I know exactly what you're going to say about the threat. That's your fault for not being more careful.
Now, why didn't I think of that?
I think you've already stated that answer in your earlier tantrums. See what happens?

--Tiassa :cool:
Hey, if I said anything, it was most likely a mistake, a joke, or a lie! :p
*Originally posted by blonde_cupid
Excellent summation!

Now, why didn't I think of that?

Just right in the middle of it, that's all.

*Originally posted by tiassa
Be so kind as to cite those words and explain what you think is wrong.

OK, here is a list of the words I'm citing...
1. "the"
2. "and"
3. "you"

What I think is wrong is a little hard to pin down at this point, it's sort of a feeling, or a vague je-ne-sais-quoi...

*And I'm sure it has something to do with the topic which Blonde Cupid has worked so hard to quash with his dogmatic tantrums, so I think you'd be doing this topic a great service to get it back on track with such relevant focus and a thoughtful post. *

blonde_cupid is a "he?"
All this time I thought she was a "she."

*Is that a threat? I will report your post to the moderator. *

No more a threat than your blowhard antics.
In fact, it's no threat at all, merely a recitation of events.

You don't get to determine the style of quoting, as though Tiassa's Rules of Style were somehow in effect.

Get used to it, tiassa, you're just another poster here.
You don't get the Most-Hard-Done-By Award, nor the Most Self-Righteous Award.
No! Wait!
You DO get that last one.