The crucifixion was a fraud.

So complain about it

That IS a threat.
So complain to a moderator then, Blonde Cupid. Is it a threat against your person? It's quite well-documented at Sciforums what happens when I call someone out: I undertake their rhetoric and ask them to answer for a critical fault.

It's a far cry from threatening someone's person, which is the issue.

However, I do appreciate you at least citing the words you're complaining about. It's a start.

And yes, we understand that you claim you weren't threatening, and I'm willing to accept your excuse. In the future, though, you can avoid such issues if you're simply more careful about what you write.

You'll note that your associate has yet to provide evidence of the threats he claims I've made. Is it that you don't see the difference between threatening someone's person and the "threat" that you've documented? Or is it that you are unwilling to see that difference?

I would very much appreciate it if you could show me your reason for comparing the two according to the response I've cited above. Or, if you prefer, your reason for not directly comparing them? Nonetheless, you have attempted to elevate a "threat" of rhetoric to equal a threat of violence.

If I "threaten" to ignore you permanently ... oh, gosh, I can only imagine how much it frightens you ;)

The point being that you should not include language in your posts that threatens someone's person. You, unfortunately, have no precedent for your language to be considered in a rhetorical fashion.

Tiassa :cool: