The Creation

Hey I think I just figured out what you are trying to ask.
Do you mean to ask whether god has a form or localized aspect (as opposed some sort o f omnipresent energy that defies a description)?

If you figured it out then what are you asking me for?:shrug: I'll have to pick up this cud chew next week, I'm heading out of town again. Checking out some Olympic stuff. In the meantime .... always a pleasure.
Maybe I didn't say that clearly.
In order for god to exist the laws of physics must be contingent on him(since its a requirement for an omnipotent personality).

As far as physics goes, there's also a good arguments for them to be required to be contingent on some singular aspect (eg unified theory, string theory, etc)
LG said:
As far as I can fathom, the only problem you have with them is that operate out of a known basis (which is indeed what all analogies require to have a hope of conveying meaning)
I made no accusation of you having conveyed meaning, in your use of analogies.
LG said:
Yes that's the point of the analogy. Mess up the relationship between the potency and the source and it starts to look weird.
Forget that neither potency nor source is to be assumed in the first place, when the existence of either is the very topic under discussion, and it doesn't look weird - it looks depressingly familiar.
LG said:
Actually in order to exist, the laws of physics must be contingent on god
The laws of physics are thought up and written down by human beings. In the historical record, to the extent they depended on supernatural potencies they proved false.
I made no accusation of you having conveyed meaning, in your use of analogies.
and that my friend is precisely the problem ....

Forget that neither potency nor source is to be assumed in the first place, when the existence of either is the very topic under discussion, and it doesn't look weird - it looks depressingly familiar.
if there's no assumption there is no discussion ... and yes that is depressingly familiar as far as an atheistic dialogue on theism go....

The laws of physics are thought up and written down by human beings.
well sure ... feel free to indicate something that isn't thought up and written down by a human.

In the historical record, to the extent they depended on supernatural potencies they proved false.
No sure what you are looking at when you say "in the historical record" ... much less the "supernatural" ... and even less in the complete absence of any solid understanding within the field of physics on what grounds all the separate laws can be understood to be unified
LG said:
if there's no assumption there is no discussion ... and yes that is depressingly familiar as far as an atheistic dialogue on theism go....
They do tend to refuse to assume the existence of diety, before beginning "dialogue", don't they.

Stubbornly uncooperative, that way. No doubt a flaw of character.
They do tend to refuse to assume the existence of diety, before beginning "dialogue", don't they.

Stubbornly uncooperative, that way. No doubt a flaw of character.

It suffers the same problem of (any) refutation of application and conclusion that neglects theory.
Ah, but is dialogue with a deity a possible connection? What sort of language would be involved?

What is what we usually consider to be a sense of "justice", or a sense of "a language which is truth"?
Surely, any dialogue is only a logical one if both parties agree or disagree that the other is "logical" - hence, logic cannot be universal, only involutional and ultimately a tautology: Logic is only logical.
Ah, but is dialogue with a deity a possible connection?
What sort of language would be involved?
one on its terms of course ... much like a dialogue with the president would be in a language of his terms.
What is what we usually consider to be a sense of "justice", or a sense of "a language which is truth"?
justice is a term very much connected with power o r more specifically, the original preceptor of laws that the parties involved are operating out of.

As for a language of truth, that relates to the knowledge base of the parties involved (for instance a truthful dialogue on the intricacies of advanced physics might as well be fiction unless all parties are well grounded in a theoretical base)

Surely, any dialogue is only a logical one if both parties agree or disagree that the other is "logical" - hence, logic cannot be universal, only involutional and ultimately a tautology: Logic is only logical.
Much like the disagreement that might arise between a physics professor and a high school drop out may lead to a stalemate ... but that doesn't necessarily mean the claims of the professor have no footing since the other party refuses to entertain them. (IOW a schism on the field of logic says nothing about the premises that frame it)

IOW the question "is it logical for god to exist?" is probably better examined by looking at the question "Is it logical for persons of a particular knowledge base (like say an atheist) to be capable of applying themselves to the means that renders god knowable?"
spider said:
Bullshit. Faith is not a knowledge base.
I'ts not only a knowledge base, but
LG said:
It suffers the same problem of (any) refutation of application and conclusion that neglects theory.
- - - - -
"Is it logical for persons of a particular knowledge base (like say an atheist) to be capable of applying themselves to the means that renders god knowable?"
also a theory base.

In fact, correct faith in god is the knowledge and theory base, without which profoundly meaningful discussion of the omnipresent energy potencies which establish the material energy field premises of logic and reason will sound like so much gibberish.
I'ts not only a knowledge base, but also a theory base.

In fact, correct faith in god is the knowledge and theory base,
never encountered a normative description in scripture?

without which profoundly meaningful discussion of the omnipresent energy potencies which establish the material energy field premises of logic and reason will sound like so much gibberish.
well yeah sure, step outside the normative descriptions of any discipline you can think of and it all starts to look weird.

LG said:
well yeah sure, step outside the normative descriptions of any discipline you can think of and it all starts to look weird.
Not nearly as weird as being put inside a description of a discipline in the first place. For a while there the omnipresent original preceptor potencies were hard to distinguish from the schisms in the energy material field logic.

Takes a few minutes to get your bearings - but I think I'll be OK from here on out. The wordsalad shooter has just been primed with "holistic template", to give "normative description" a break if it gets tired, and there's "conventional paradigm" as a last resort - the old-school malarky can still work its sleight of phrase, get the catbread buttered on both sides.
Not nearly as weird as being put inside a description of a discipline in the first place.
So physics graduates who major in janitorial service strikes you as tenable?

For a while there the omnipresent original preceptor potencies were hard to distinguish from the schisms in the energy material field logic.
I don't know why you experienced that difficulty

Takes a few minutes to get your bearings - but I think I'll be OK from here on out. The wordsalad shooter has just been primed with "holistic template", to give "normative description" a break if it gets tired, and there's "conventional paradigm" as a last resort - the old-school malarky can still work its sleight of phrase, get the catbread buttered on both sides.

If it appears repetitive its simply because standard arguments warrant standard rebuttals
LG said:
For a while there the omnipresent original preceptor potencies were hard to distinguish from the schisms in the energy material field logic.

I don't know why you experienced that difficulty
Maybe it was because I had failed to clarify the import of the difference between an energy material field and a material energy field. The schisms in the potency's normative descriptions are preceptively omnipresent in completely different ways, and I missed them.
LG said:
If it appears repetitive its simply because standard arguments warrant standard rebuttals
Rebuttals? Where?
Maybe it was because I had failed to clarify the import of the difference between an energy material field and a material energy field. The schisms in the potency's normative descriptions are preceptively omnipresent in completely different ways, and I missed them.
well it wouldn't be the first time you've tried to lodge an argument in such a manner.

Rebuttals? Where?
Why the one you've been sarcastically parodying for the past 6 or so posts now .....
LG said:
Why the one you've been sarcastically parodying for the past 6 or so posts now ....
Those aren't parodies.

They're as much rebuttals of anything as their models. Do you actually think you've been making meaningful statements?