The Creation


And you are in the same boat.
I am?

In general, yes. I have to narrow things down to geographic area, etc, to get a handle on them. At least, some info about which continent they are on helps - carlessness in Antarctica has entirely different implications from carlessness in the Amazon rain forest, or New York City.

And of course I don't mistake such correlations for the state of carlessness having an argument or philosophy, assume there is a car present and available when discussing the nature of the choice of carlessness, and so forth.
So how many sets of car tyres would you expect a carless person to buy over a 5 year period?
LG said:
So how many sets of car tyres would you expect a carless person to buy over a 5 year period?
Why does it not surprise to see "demographic issue" slide into something like that?

The answer depends, of course - I saw one carless person buy few dozen in one week, once. He was building a shed, and making a mistake. Recyclers in China, Indonesia, Japan, New York City; silent partners in taxi companies in various large cities world wide; these idiotic questions of yours have answers of a kind.

And they take us afield: are we any closer to you being able to discuss questions of the existence of deity, without assuming in advance the existence of yours?
Why does it not surprise to see "demographic issue" slide into something like that?

The answer depends, of course - I saw one carless person buy few dozen in one week, once. He was building a shed, and making a mistake. Recyclers in China, Indonesia, Japan, New York City; silent partners in taxi companies in various large cities world wide; these idiotic questions of yours have answers of a kind.

And they take us afield: are we any closer to you being able to discuss questions of the existence of deity, without assuming in advance the existence of yours?
If you want to take issues of category to such an absurd level you cannot effectively say anything about anything.
LG said:
are we any closer to you being able to discuss questions of the existence of deity, without assuming in advance the existence of yours?

If you want to take issues of category to such an absurd level you cannot effectively say anything about anything.
So: "No", then.