The Confused Athiest

"God exists" is a proposition; my position is:

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No. Actually what happens is that energy stops being transformed. Dead cells no longer metabolize.


I meant the process. Or what one may call a representation of life. Dead cells have energy, thats why we eat them.

The reference to life is not even necessary, look at how different matter and energy can act. It can be a black hole, where a teaspoon of it has more mass than the sun, or it can be the sunlight refracting off the morning dew of a flower.

Those are all representations. :shrug:
Of course, that's how language works. It chops up continuous reality into bits of information that can be processed.
Consciousness is a complex information monitoring, modeling, and feedback mechanism.
I can work with that. I wasn't going to winnow it down to it's essence but leave it in a biological context for this discussion. Of course, by consciousness we typically mean self-consciousness for which we might ignore much of the rest a focus upon the recursive elements.

So we are alive because we have a concept called life.

Those are all representations. :shrug:

it is obvious you are clueless

Most humans have the ability to see all the different colors of the electromagnetic spectrum, and consequently perceive all its' colors. [The color that is perceived is a result of the visual system, and not the spectrum itself.] Animals, such as the dog, are often thought of as being at a disadvantage by not being able to see all the hues of the spectrum.

The retina of the eye is lined with both rods and cones in humans and dogs. The rods are much more prevalent in both species, but even more so in the dog than the human. The rods are adapted to work best in low light and are used for motion detection. The central retina of the canine eye contains about 20% cones, while humans have an area of 100% cones called the fovea. The cones work best in mid to high levels of light and have the ability to detect color.

Humans are believed to have three different cone types, a trichromat, while dogs have two, a dichromat. Each cone contains a photopigment that is maximally sensitive to a separate wavelength of light. These photopigments are what makes color vision possible. A human's three cone types are maximally sensitive at 445 nm, 535 nm, and 570 nm respectively. The canine cones are maximally sensitive at 429 nm and 555 nm.

Color and Acuity Differences between Dogs and Humans

phenomenon filtered thru the sensory organs
it can be an accurate/enhanced/limited representation.

it is then further subjected to an interpretation
one of rationale or delusion
you choose
We cannot see all the colors of the electromagnetic spectrum, only a limited portion of it.
pardon sam
it appears you and your ilk have already chosen

A phenomenon is an event that humans consider significant. A event is an artificial subset of reality, usually confined to a contiguous time period.
I meant the process. Or what one may call a representation of life. Dead cells have energy, thats why we eat them.
The process is life, not a representation of it. A key aspect of that process is the ability to transform energy and do something with it, primarily seek more energy and reproduce.

The process is life, not a representation of it. A key aspect of that process is the ability to transform energy and do something with it, primarily seek more energy and reproduce.


Or so we define life (except viruses). :shrug:
Soon as we realize the universe does not revolve around us
and all our petty little human wants and needs

We could evolve lights years

nature is fierce and ferocious desperately devouring itself
everything is eating something else even black holes eating stars

nothing at all "Divine" about it

when that bit of static electricity stops firing in our brain
and dissipates back into the carpet and that lump of flesh starts to rot

then what will all our puny human ideas be good for
and of what value could they possibly have to such a desperate universe

Mankind is the most vile and destructive creature to ever see the light of day
and our arrogance keeps us that way